Captain Sparkle and Agent Toe Bean🍼

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Little: Minho (Agent Toe Bean)

Caregiver: Jeongin (Captain Sparkle)

No one's POV.:

Minho had mostly kept his savage exterior up in front of his group, especially the younger members. He only ever turned soft when one of his dongsaengs needed his help. At least that was what they thought. In truth, Minho turned soft almost every night, slipping into a much younger headspace to help him fall asleep. The dancer absolutely adored his stuffed cat 'Soorie' and made sure to cuddle her every night, so she wouldn't feel lonely when he had been working all day. His headspace did a great job at balancing the fierce façade he always kept up and gave him a chance to unwind after pushing through tight schedules. Minho always felt rushed by their fast-paced lifestyle but when he was little, the time seemed to stop until he came back out of his headspace. He had managed to hide this little secret from the rest of the group for the first years of them working and living together, despite sharing a room with two of his dongsaengs. One would think he'd have an easier time hiding it, now that he had his own room but the opposite was the case. He only slipped alone if he slipped during the day on a day off but during the nights that he slipped in their shared room, Minho wasn't alone. Sure, he couldn't interact with the other two because they would've noticed him acting differently but he could pretend to be asleep, cuddling Soorie, while knowing Hyunjin and Seungmin were there. Now it just felt lonely when he slipped before falling asleep and had the room to himself. It was convenient when it came to slipping during the day but at night, Minho hated to have his own room.

Soon, his little-self felt so lonely that he started to venture out into the common area of their dorm, hoping to find one of his friends. Minho didn't find anyone, plopping down on the living room carpet, feeling abandoned despite having Soorie with him. Just because he didn't find anyone didn't mean that no one would find him. Jeongin did, crouching down worriedly when he spotted a stray tear trailing down his hyung's cheek. "Hyung?", the maknae asked softly but Minho shook his head. He was far from a hyung right now. Sitting down next to him on the carpet, Jeongin studied the other's glossy eyes and hummed: "Do you want to talk? Or would a hug help?" The little anxiously reached out his arms, making grabby hands at the boy. A hug would surely help. Jeongin hugged him tightly but when he wanted to let go, Minho still clung to him, so he just continued to hold the dancer and waited whether he'd tell him what was wrong. He didn't, instead the little nuzzled his face into Jeongin's shoulder, finally finding the comfort he had been craving for so long.

Later that day, Minho had come out of his headspace and had sat his dongsaeng down, explaining what his earlier actions had been about. Jeongin took the news well and was very open towards the concept of slipping to a younger mindset. He had to admit, his hyung was pretty cute that way. Since Minho was still shy about it and didn't want anyone else to know, the maknae was quick to offer to take care of him should he ever feel lonely again. That was how Jeongin had become the dancer's caregiver. Minho showed him the few items of littlegear he owned, introducing the maknae to Soorie and explaining that despite owning a sippy cup and pacifier, he rarely used those. The pacifier was a new addition to his collection. He had only bought it after moving into the new dorm and realizing he could suckle on it when falling asleep without anyone noticing because no one would be there.

Jeongin adored his hyung's little-side so much, that he often stayed back on days off just to give the other a chance to slip and be taken care of. It made Minho feel guilty, knowing that his dongsaeng was sacrificing his free time just to take care of him, but he absolutely loved having the maknae around when he was little. Jeongin was so naturally good with kids and never made it feel awkward, despite their dynamics being so different so suddenly. They were once again having a day off and had waited for Felix and Seungmin to leave the dorm. The two had wanted to out and tour the city with some of the other members, which should give Minho a few hours of little-time that he didn't have to spend hiding away in his room. While Jeongin was seeing their two friends off, Minho was already changing into a cute outfit that would help him feel and stay small, waiting for the maknae to come and tell him that the coast was clear. The little sat on the edge of his bed, petting Soorie and instantly perking up when the was a soft tap on the door before Jeongin entered.

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