Looks sad🍼🩹❄️

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Little: Jeongin

Caregivers: Stray Kids

Idea by: jerseyv03 & flufflyblankets

No one's POV.:

December had passed in a blur for Stray Kids. Having a break over the holidays, they were extra busy beforehand to not have too much work piling up during the time they were scheduled to be off. Jeongin had been looking forward to their break all month already. The maknae was a little and with his favorite season being winter, he was quite frustrated about not being able to spend much time outside in the snow or at the dorm cuddled up under blankets with a steaming cup of hot chocolate in his hands. His members knew about their friend's headspace and tried to make the time until their break as bearable as possible for their youngest. Barely holding on, Jeongin slipped the moment they left the company building on their last day of work. He was walking back to the dorm with Seungmin when it happened, which resulted in the two of them taking forever to get home because little Innie felt the need to jump into every snow pile they passed and Seungmin didn't have the heart to stop him, well aware of how long the younger had waited for it. When they finally made it home close to midnight, he ran the little a nice hot bath to make sure he wouldn't catch a cold this close to Christmas. When both of them had warmed up, Seungmin made some hot chocolate and bundled Jeongin up in a blanket on the couch, holding him while he drank his hot chocolate before carrying him to his room and tucking him in.

The following days were spent in a similar fashion, the maknae barely coming out of his headspace. The members didn't mind though. They were whipped for their little and knowing how long he had pushed back his little side because they were busy, they all agreed he deserved to be little as much as he needed or wanted to. Jeongin being a snow enthusiast also meant that his caregivers needed to take him outside to play every day, which they were a bit worried about because they didn't want their dongsaeng to catch a cold. To ensure he'd be healthy, they often took breaks and went back inside to warm up with some hot chocolate, before bundling the little back up in his coat and mittens to continue playing. They also decorated the living room together, which was a first, considering they didn't have any seasonal decorations at the dorm before. Jeongin insisting in them making the dorm all pretty, led to the members taking him to the mall, so he could pick out a few decorations. Nothing fragile though, as they were worried he'd break it and hurt himself on the pieces. The maknae was completely hyped for Christmas, since it would be the first time he got the opportunity to celebrate it while being little.

It was finally Christmas Eve and to ensure Jeongin wouldn't stay up to wait for Santa and therefore interfere with his members preparations, they made sure to tire the boy out over the course of the day. In the morning, Chan had taken him on a long walk through a snowy forest. The snow was piled so high that every step took a lot more energy than usual and while on their way back to the dorm, the maknae just plopped to the ground, refusing to continue. Laughing, Chan pleaded with him to get up from the cold but Jeongin just sprawled out in the snow, moving his arms and legs to make a snow angel. "Innie, come on, aren't you cold?", the leader chuckled, a bit worried about the snow soaking his dongsaeng's clothes. The little only giggled and continued to roll around in the snow until at some point he did start to feel cold. Really cold. With chattering teeth, he clutched Chan's hand, wanting to get home as quickly as possible. Shaking his head, the leader took him back to the dorm and made him have bathtime right away. After Jeongin's bath, Hyunjin dressed the maknae in thick sweatpants and an oversized hoodie from Chan, making sure he was warm before carrying him to the living room and placing him on the couch. Seungmin, who already waited on the couch, opened his arms as an invitation for the little. Crawling straight into the vocalist's lap, Jeongin nuzzled into the other's chest and got comfortable with no intention of moving anytime soon.

Fluffy SKZ oneshots🧸Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora