Holiday Cards🌡️

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Sickie: Hyunjin

Caregivers: Stray Kids

In honor of the reader, who bought me a coffee. I don't know your username on here but you know who you are. Your request is more than just appreciated<3

No one's POV.:

Christmas had passed in a blur to Stray Kids, who had been busy with performances and preparing for their New Year's performance. One of the stages had been outdoors, despite the freezing temperatures, as the hosts had figured the idols would feel warm from dancing. That was partly true, most of them only realizing how cold it was after finishing their performance and stepping off the stage. The weather did take a toll on some of them though. Being already run down from their busy schedules, a few members struggled with the cold temperatures more than others. Minho for example had felt cold for days after, no number of hot showers being able to change anything about it. He did recover soon though and could easily deal with it by wearing a few more layers to keep the chills at bay, especially because he didn't run a fever at any point.

For Hyunjin, it was an entirely different story. Over the course of the evening after they finished their performance and watched the other groups, his voice started to fade. Singing in the cold winter weather had strained it and left his throat dry and aching. Hyunjin however didn't think much of it and simply tried to keep the talking to a minimum, quietly sipping his water. Similar to Minho, he just couldn't warm up even after they had gotten back to the dorm and he had taken a hot shower. The cold had seemingly crept into his bones with no intention of leaving any time soon. Sharing a room, both dancers had gone to bed right away, considering it was already pretty late when they returned. Seungmin didn't want to wake them if he went to bed any later than them and decided to call it a night too. It wasn't easy for the vocalist to sleep though as someone's teeth were chattering continuously. He couldn't tell whose teeth were because both his roommates complained about feeling cold. Minho even got back up to adjust the thermostat and to get more blankets, spreading one of them over Hyunjin's blanket and the other one over his own. He glanced at Seungmin with worry as the younger argued that it was pretty warm in their room. Hopefully the vocalist hadn't started running a fever, with how different his perception of temperature was.

Despite the bone-aching cold, the two dancers were out like a light within minutes, Hyunjin giving soft congested snores from where he had tangled himself in his blankets. He felt so exhausted and yet he was awake only a few hours later, feeling like he had been hit by a train. It was still just as cold to him but now, his muscles were so stiff and achy. Yeah, he certainly wasn't a fan of physical activity in cold weather. Sitting up, he gave a scratchy cough and massaged his throat as it was just as sore as when he had gone to bed. As his throat kept itching, Hyunjin got up and wrapped one of the blankets around his shoulders, shuffling to the kitchen to get himself a drink. He was awake anyways, so why not make himself something warm to drink? Starting the kettle, the dancer placed a teabag into his favorite cup and snuck back to his bedroom to get his hot water bottle.

The sound of the water boiling sounded so much louder in the quiet environment and almost made Hyunjin's head hurt with how loud it was. Hurriedly, the boy poured the water into his cup before filling his hot water bottle and taking both back to his room. Huddled under both blankets, he placed the hot water bottle at his feet, hoping it'd help him feel his toes again. Blowing on his tea to cool it faster, Hyunjin wondered why tonight's performance had felt so cruel because he usually liked winter and it wasn't like he hadn't been dressed warmly enough. He took a few careful sips of his tea and tried to clear his throat, cringing at how sore it felt still. With the steam floating from his cup, Hyunjin's nose started to run, so he gave a soft sniffle and dabbed his sleeve underneath it, closing his eyes. He was so exhausted, he barely managed to finish his tea before he shuffled down into a flat position and hugged his hot water bottle, drifting off to sleep.

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