Belly Ache🌡️

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Sickie: Jisung

Caregiver: 3racha (+Felix)

No one's POV.:
To say Jisung was stressed would be an understatement. He hadn't really gotten much sleep lately with the deadlines for their upcoming album release looming. 3racha basically lived in the studio writing and editing during times like this. Chan sat in front of his laptop editing the view songs they had already completed to bring them to perfection. Changbin was scribbling on a notepad going over some lyrics changing them up a bit to improve the flow. Han sat there feeling guilty as he stared at his own blank sheet. His rap part on one of the titles was still missing completely but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't really focus. The words he was looking for to express himself just wouldn't come to his mind no matter how hard he tried. The little discomfort he had started to feel in his stomach when he went to sleep last night had only increased since he woke up, only distracting him more from his work. The dull ache had developed to sharp cramps shooting across his abdomen. The young rapper took a sip from his water bottle absentmindedly slipping his hand under his shirt to give his upset middle a short rub. He was glad his friends didn't pick up on his struggling because the thought of holding them back by making them worry only made his anxiety levels rise. Picking his pen back up Jisung glared at the blank page willing words to just appear on it growing more and more frustrated. He started anxiously tapping his pen against the edge of the table he was sitting at.

At some point the noise got to much for Changbin who was similarly stressed as Han and snapped at him to stop. Annoyance clearly visible on his face causing the younger to freeze in his movement. Even Chan turned around alerted taking his headphones off which were blocking the sound of Han's tapping. "I-I'm sorry", the youngest member of the trio stuttered pressing his palm into his stomach gasping as he was hit by another cramp. Chan furrowed his brows giving his dongsaeng a quick once-over glance noticing the shaking hands that struggled to keep a secure grip on the pen. Changbin noticed too, immediately feeling guilty for snapping. "Hey, Sungie, I'm sorry for snapping. You ok?" He received a frantic nod but a moment later tears were dripping onto Jisung's sheet. Chan got up and engulfed his crying member in a hug rubbing his back in steady circles. "It's ok, Hannie. Can you tell me what's wrong?", he asked quietly. Changbin too got up and moved closer to the pair giving Han a comforting smile to show he wasn't mad. He took away the pen and paper the younger one was still holding onto. With both his hands now free Jisung just hugged his stomach tighter hiding his face in the crook of Chan's neck trying to steady his breathing again. After a few deep breaths he was able to reply to his hyung with a cracking voice. "My stomach is hurting really bad and I just can't get a single line down", he sniffed. "Don't worry about your lyrics right now. Just focus on yourself for now. How long has it been hurting?", Chan pressed on calmly. "It started to ache a bit last night but this morning the cramps started." – "Was there anything off about your dinner?", Changbin threw in reaching for the sweat jacket hanging on the back of his chair as he saw his younger member shiver. Shaking his head Jisung moved away from Chan and gladly slipped into the warm jacket handed to him. He had always struggled with his anxiety and especially during middle school it often caused him belly aches, though he thought he had grown out of it. Guessing his pain was caused by anxiety the rapper didn't dare voice his suspicion since his friends were under even more pressure than he was. But Chan wouldn't be Chan if he didn't know his members well and giving the youngers shoulder a gentle squeeze he asked: "Do you feel really stressed? Might that be what's making you sick?" Han just looked away avoiding his hyungs' eyes: "All of us are stressed". "Don't be ashamed?", Changbin said softly. He exchanged a look with Chan, both silently agreeing that their friend wouldn't get better in the work environment the studio provided and would be best helped if they took him back to the dorm. Chan moved back to his computer to save his work, letting Changbin put a comforting arm around Jisung's shoulders. The youngest in turn leaned against the older rapper's side putting his head on his shoulder to rest his eyes while Chan finished everything up and called a driver to take them back home.

A few minutes later though he was pulled from his daze to be walked to the car by his friends. After the three of them were settled in the car Han tried to go to sleep again, this time on Chan's shoulder, failing as he took deep breaths through the cramps that kept wracking his abdomen frequently. Situated between both his hyungs there steady hands on his shoulder and knee, giving gentle squeezes everytime the young rapper curled in on himself tighter. Arriving back at the dorm Chan gently led him to his bed while Changbin went to the kitchen preparing a cup of chamomile tea and filling a hot water bottle. It was nice and quiet, a rare occurrence at the Stray Kids dorm, with only 3racha being home. The dance racha was working on a new choreography and Seungmin and Jeongin were taking vocal lessons. When Changbin entered the bedroom Han shared with Jeongin, he found the young rapper curled up in his bed. Chan was sitting on the edge of the bed stroking his back trying to lull his dongsaeng to sleep. Changbin placed the tea down on the bedside table and handed the hot water bottle to Jisung, who quickly wrapped his arms around it giving a content sigh. The warmth soothed his burning middle almost instantly. "Try to get some sleep, ok? Binnie and I will be in the livingroom, so if you need something just yell", Chan said running a hand through Jisung's hair receiving a hum before he and Changbin left the room to set up the laptop on the coffeetable in the livingroom, picking up where they left off earlier. They kept checking in on their friend who seemed to be drifting in and out of sleep and refilled the hot water bottle from time to time.

Around dinnertime the rest of the group returned to the dorm taking turns showering before teaming up to cook dinner. Felix had been having a bad gutfeeling that something wasn't right to day. His worry increased when all of them gathered at the dinnertable and he was only able to count seven members, himself included. The boys always joked about Jisung and him being september-twins and as much as he tried to laugh it off, it was true. They did have a special bond, similar to those twins had and apparently it had been his intuition telling him his brother was hurting before I even learned about it from Chan. The leader explained the situation why Han was absent during dinner and saw a frown forming on his members faces. All of them knew how much their Squirrel sometimes struggled with the pressure. Being one of if not the loudest member didn't mean there wasn't a very sensitive side to the young rapper. Despite this causing concern to his group sometimes, they truly loved it when their Squirrel would turn soft and cuddly. That's why Felix had shoved down his dinner in half the time he would usually take before putting his dish away and making his way to the rooms they slept in. Sneaking in on his toes he crept into bed with his twin spooning the other from behind. "Hmm, hey Lixxie" – "How'd you know it was me?" – "Felt like you, you always give the best cuddles", came the muffled reply making Felix heart swell causing him to hold on even tighter. "Chan said you don't feel good?" Jisung hesitated, afraid to worry the slightly younger boy in his bed, but then admitted sounding younger than he intended to: "Yeah, my tummy hurts a bit...". Felix tugged on the hot water bottle which had long since cooled down. The rapper uncurled slightly, letting go of the item that didn't bring him comfort anymore. It was soon replaced by a tiny and that slipped under his shirt massaging gentle circles into his still aching tummy. Slowly Felix felt the other relax under his touch and after a while his breathing evened out. Being tired too, Felix rested his forehead against Jisung's shoulderblade and closed his eyes. He fell asleep not long after.

Those two needed no words, they just knew what the other needed and were able to provide the necessary comfort. 

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