Separation Anxiety🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Jisung

Caregivers: Minho, Seungmin, Jeongin

No one's POV.:
Jisung had always been a bit more on the nervous side. Struggling with anxiety, he needed to find a safe way to cope. Soon he came across something called age regression. At first it sounded a bit odd to him and he couldn't imagine how that was supposed to work, yet he was willing to give it a try. He grew fonder of the plushies he owned and after a few months built the courage to buy himself a pacifier. From there, he finally got the chance to escape and built himself a safe space. In his headspace, there was no room for him to be scared or stressed out. At least that was what he thought. There was one thing he only learned after outing himself as a little in front of his group. After Minho became his caregiver, with the other members sometimes babysitting him as well, he realized that his little-self suffered from horrible separation anxiety. It wasn't so bad towards most of his members but it got to the point where he couldn't regress without Minho by his side at all. He needed his caregiver by his side to even get into his littlespace and especially after he slipped, the older absolutely had to be there, otherwise Jisung would freak out and panic to the point of making himself sick.

When Jisung fell ill, while being at the studio with Chan and Changbin, he tried his hardest to power through it. His hyungs gave their best to convince him to go home but Jisung had always been hard on himself, afraid he wouldn't put in as much effort as his friends and therefore hold them back. No matter how hard his head pounded from the strain and exhaustion, he wouldn't leave the studio before the other two were ready to head home too. By the time, the trio was ready to leave, Chan had to link his arm with Jisung's to keep the younger rapper from toppling over. The boy had started to run a fever at some point in the afternoon, making the headache he'd been battling for the past two days even worse. The Aussie knew there was only one way to keep his dongsaeng from stressing out over having to be at the studio to work, which was having the younger regress. When Jisung was little, he forgot all about working, so Chan and Changbin hoped Minho would be at the dorm already. All of Stray Kids knew that Jisung needed Minho to slip. He hadn't been able to slip on his own ever since the dancer had become his caregiver. To their disappointment, the dance-racha was still practicing when they arrived at the dorm. Instructing Jisung to take a hot shower, Chan started to make the younger some soup, while Changbin tried to get a hold of Minho. He couldn't and by the time the tree dancers came home, Jisung was already knocked out in his bed, after Chan made sure he ate and took some medicine for his fever.

The next day was pretty similar. Jisung refused to stay at the dorm to rest. His fever wasn't that high and he took some medicine for his headache after breakfast, determined to make it through the day and to not hold his group back. His plan failed miserably and before lunchtime came, he ended up laying on the couch at the back of Chan's studio, barely able to grasp a single coherent thought. His hyungs weren't that worried, as Jisung always tended to be extremely out of it, even if his fever wasn't that high. That didn't mean they'd keep him there though. They had already texted Minho to come and collect him during lunch break, the dancer instantly agreeing, frustrated that his dongsaeng hadn't stayed home to begin with. Lunchtime came and Minho was quick to hurry over to the studio, finding the younger dozing off. "He's been like this for a while but refused to go home", Chan sighed, rubbing his hand up and down Jisung's arm to wake him, "Han? Minho's here to take you home." – "Noo, 'm fine." – "Sure, you are. Come on, Sung, let's go home", Minho chuckled, smoothing down the rapper's disheveled hair. He easily noticed the fever radiating from his dongsaeng's forehead.

It hadn't been easy to convince Jisung to go home and Minho had to use his stern caregiver voice, leaving the younger no choice but to go with him. Still, the rapper didn't stop pouting as they made their way to the dorm. "Don't make me look like the bad guy. I'm doing this for your own well-being", Minho sighed, running a hand through his hair when Jisung shot him another betrayed look. The younger didn't reply instead glaring at the ground to his feet. When they arrived at the dorm, Jisung still hadn't exchanged a single word with his hyung. That left Minho with only one choice. He went to the rapper's room while the other used the bathroom and retrieved his dongsaeng's baby bottle and blanket. He prepared some warm milk with honey and spread the blanket over the couch. When he came back to the living room, shaking the bottle to dissolve the honey properly, he found Jisung staring at his blanket with sparkling eyes. "Go ahead, sweetheart, I know you don't feel good. Just slip and let appa take care of everything else", he hummed, back-hugging his dongsaeng. The younger didn't react at all and Minho only noticed he was crying when he felt the boy's chest hitch with a sob. He quickly sat down on the couch and pulled Jisung onto his lap, whispering: "Aww baby. What's wrong? Can you tell appa?" – "Icky", the little whimpered, burying his face in Minho's shoulder. The dancer stroked his back comfortingly and cooed: "Appa made you a bottle. Would that help?" Sniffling quietly, Jisung lifted his head from his caregiver's shoulder and nodded. Minho shifted their position a bit, so that the little was comfortably settled against his chest, before feeding him his milk.

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