Now he was safe🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Hyunjin

Caregiver: Stray Kids

No one's POV.:
Hyunjin had suffered from epilepsy for as long as he could remember. As a child, he used to get seizures frequently but having grown up and gotten medication, the dancer barely had seizures at all anymore. Of course, his members knew about it for safety reasons but were still insecure about how to help their friend. Hyunjin only suffered one seizure every few months, the medication doing a great job suppressing it. Over time, there was a pattern visible, showing that most of the times he got them was when he was really stressed. If it was due to the stress or because he forgot to take his medication when he was stressed, nobody knew for sure. It was most likely a combination of both.

Their latest song promotions were cruel. The members barely got any sleep, their schedules starting early in the morning and ending late in the evening. In between the radio shows and interviews, there were lengthy dance practices, leaving the boys exhausted and sore. Everybody was getting closer to their breaking points and the only one they could blame were themselves really. Their managers had given them the chance to decline some of the promoting events but the opportunity to promote their song on some of the most popular shows just sounded too appealing to refuse. That's how the group ended up shoveling more weight onto their shoulders than they were able to carry. The one struggling the hardest was Hyunjin. He had had two seizures over the course of the week and wasn't allowed to go anywhere without at least one of his worried members. Usually, the dancer could handle it because he had all his life to get used to it. This time however, it was harder on him. His muscles were already sore from the hours of dancing and he didn't really have the time to get the amount of sleep he'd need to recover. It was Friday, the last seizure happened two days ago but he was still achy. "Hey, you're doing great. Since we have tomorrow off, why don't you sleep in and then take some time to be little? It might give you a break for a while", Chan smiled and patted his dongsaeng's shoulder, as they walked back to the dorm at eleven thirty at night. It was true, they were supposed to have the weekend off and being little might help the dancer to relax, at least for a little while. Hyunjin however was hesitant, knowing his friends and caregivers were just as exhausted as him: "Hyung, I really don't want to put even more pressure on the group. Being able to sleep in and not having to leave my bed, maybe watching some anime there, will do a lot already." – "If you say so. It's up to you just know, if you want to slip, we'll be there. You're a switch, so you know it's relaxing for the caregivers too. Don't hold back because you feel guilty about us taking care of you", the leader assured as they all stumbled through the door sleepily.

His plan to sleep in till afternoon sadly failed, when Hyunjin woke up to a full bladder, cursing his luck before peeling his heavy body from the sheets and drowsily stumbling to the bathroom. Blinded by the bright lights in the bathroom, he felt his way towards his room, trailing his fingers along the wall. He was still a few steps from his room when he couldn't go any further. His muscles didn't follow his orders, tensing up uncontrollably while he felt himself crash into the floor. The dancer struggled to breathe, praying for it to stop as his arms repeatedly slammed into the walls next to him. Then there were voices and patters of feet against the wooden floor. It felt like an eternity but finally his body went slack. He was tired, unimaginably tired and it hurt. Even the deep breaths he forced in were exhausting and everything was on fire and he couldn't force himself to move or even open his eyes, it was just too painful. A gentle hand rested against his arm and Hyunjin could hear Chan's calm voice close to his head, murmuring reassurances, telling him to take his time and just breathe for now. The worry laced in the leader's voice was evident but the dancer couldn't do anything to reassure the older. He also heard hushed conversations but couldn't pinpoint where the voices came from. The commotion had probably woken all the members, depriving them of their much-needed sleep. Hyunjin felt awful, not only physically but also emotionally, as he again proved himself a burden on the people he loved.

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