Hyung is fine🍼🌡️

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Little: Hyunjin

Sickie/Caregiver: Jeongin

No one's POV.:
Jeongin hated when the seasons changed too quickly. Unpredictable weather always took a toll on him and it wasn't uncommon for him to catch a cold during those times. Last week he had made the brave decision to not take a jacket with him when he went to the company because it was pretty warm outside when he left the dorm. However, by the time he had to walk back home late at night after a long day of singing and practicing his dancing, it was rather chilly. The temperatures had dropped rapidly after the sun went down and he cursed himself as soon as he stepped foot out of the building. This particular day he had to walk home alone and though Jeongin wasn't scared to walk in the dark, he would have loved to have somebody with him, simply to distract himself from how much he was freezing. He had only made it half-way to the dorm when he couldn't feel his fingers anymore and when he finally arrived, he was chilled to the bone. Considering it was already late, he only took a hot shower before crawling into his bed and curling up under his blanket to warm up again. It didn't work as well as he had hoped and the boy fell asleep still shivering.

He should have known when he went to bed that he would probably wake up feeling just as cold as he had the previous night. Jeongin whined when Chan woke him up the next morning, not feeling like leaving the thick blanket behind and exposing himself to the cold again. It wasn't really cold in their dorm though and if it wasn't for the chill the maknae had caught, he could comfortably walk around in a t-shirt like the rest of his members. Though reluctantly, Jeongin peeled himself from his blanket cocoon and forced himself to get ready. He put on thick sweater over his t-shirt, pouting when he still felt cold. During breakfast, he earned a few confused looks because he was the only one dressed that warm but nobody commented on his clothing choice. Their schedule for the day would consist of recording only and the youngest was glad because he felt way too sleepy to dance today. Unlike he had hoped, the sleepy daze didn't go away after a while of being awake and soon the rest of the group caught on. They weren't too worried, merely thinking that their dongsaeng was tired from staying up past his usual bedtime the previous day. Jeongin himself was convinced he was only a bit sleep-deprived, though he really should know better by now. He did however learn that it was not just sleep-deprivation.

They just finished warming up together, which was already enough to make the maknae's throat feel scratchy. Trying to soothe it, he sipped on his water, which only ended up making him feel colder. He placed down his bottle and shuddered, cuddling into Felix side and trying to steal some of the Aussie's warmth. The older eyed him confused. Usually it was Felix initiating the skinship, while Jeongin pretended to hate it. Wrapping an arm around the younger's shoulders, the dancer hummed lowly: "You okay? You're shaking." – "'m fine, just caught a chill", Jeongin whispered back, pressing himself closer to his friend. With a small smile, Felix rubbed his dongsaeng's arm to generate warmth and turned back to the lyrics sheet in front of him. The maknae was glad that the older didn't make a fuss about it like most of them would. Yes, he was the baby of the group but he could handle himself.

A few hours later, half of them were done with recording but still hung around to support their friends. It was Jeongin's turn next and he sighed, getting up from his seat on the couch. He was still tired and cold but know his muscles had started to ache. He made a mental note to not stay up too late, if this was what sleep-deprivation felt like. How bad must Chan feel or was he already used to it? Changbin saw the younger tremble and handed him his jacket before, knowing Jeongin wouldn't be able to focus on his vocals if he felt too cold. The maknae shot him a grateful look and slipped his arms into the jacket. He stepped into the booth and struggled a bit to adjust the mic stand with only his fingers peaking out from the sleeves. Chan gave him an encouraging smile before instructing him which lines to start with. Jisung cringed when the youngest started singing. It didn't sound like him at all. They hadn't noticed earlier because Jeongin had barely spoken all day but now that they heard his voice clearly over the speakers, it was impossible not to notice the rasp in his voice. It sounded downright painful but when they looked at the maknae's face, he was smiling as though nothing was wrong. "Does your throat hurt, Innie?", Chan asked when the youngest finished his line. Jeongin bit his lip before nodding and promising: "Not too bad though, hyung. Just a bit sore." – "Do you want to try again or rather rest today and try again tomorrow?", the leader offered, not sure if they'd get anywhere with the way Jeongin's voice sounded. It would probably only get worse the longer he sang. As expected, the maknae wouldn't give up trying and insisted: "I'll just have some water and keep going."

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