Little break🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Minho

Caregiver: Chan

Requested by anonymous

No one's POV.:
Preparing for a concert later this evening, Stray Kids piled into the car that would take them to the venue. The mood was a bit dull, mostly due to Minho being in a sour mood and the rest of the members being careful not to upset him any further. The dancer had felt on edge all day, probably because his headspace was demanding attention. Chan had even offered him to slip and spend the time until the concert in his headspace but Minho had declined. Usually he would stay little till the next morning, after being tucker into bed by one of his caregivers, so he was afraid he wouldn'tbe able to pull himself out of it in time for the concert. His friends wanted to help him but there wasn't much they could do without risking making Minho slip against his will and control.

Arriving at the venue, they got ready for their rehearsal. Minho was not looking forward to that at all, ne it her was he looking forwards to the concert later. The dancer was nur sing a bad headache, supposedly a result of his suppressed headspace, so he knew the loud music and bright stage lights would be absolute torture for him, not to mention the gruelling choreography, that he as the main dancer had to nail perfectly. "Hey, how are you holding up?", Felix asked carefully, walking up behind Minho and resting his hands on the other's shoulders. The older just shrugged, he didn't want his friends to worry but he also didn't want to lie. Felix was a little too, so he could understand the struggle, frowning: "Headache?" Minho nodded and closed his eyes when Felix started to knead his shoulder and neck muscles, helping the older relax a bit.
Minho was slowly dozing off in his chair when they were called for rehearsal. Wanting to whine loudly, he pulled himself together and forced a smile onto his lips. It couldn't be helped that he couldn't get his way at the moment, so he shouldn't take that out on his members. If Minho was to decide what they should do, they'd be going back to the Form right now to cuddle and watch a movie together, and animated one of course. But Minho wasn't to decide, no matter how much that upset his little-self. He was an idol and so he should act like one. Pushing the urge to slip further back, he joined his members and walked out into the stage. The empty arena they would be performing in later was huge, making the dancer feel tiny in comparison. Feeling tiny was exactly what he didn't need right now. Minho's smile dropped a bit when the pounding in his head grew more intense. He had been expecting this but what he didn't expect was his stomach joining his head and starting to act up.

They went over the first few songs, while Minho managed to hold it together seemingly well. The dancer started to feel overwhelmed by the lights and noise, by the pain that had overtaking his body, mainly his head and stomach. He didn't want to worry his group though because he was the second oldest and wanted to be professional. Luckily, Chan seemed to sense his dongsaeng's distress and called for a little break. Minho was glad because the empty seats surrounding them seemed to have started to so in around him dizzyingly. While the other members were getting water, the dancer rushed of stage in a hurry to find somewhere dark and quiet. That place end up being one of the backstage restrooms, which was pretty comvenient because Minho wasn't sure how much longer he'd be able to keep his lunch down with the way his stomach was rebelling against him. Still panting from his run backstage, Minho sank down with his back against the wall next to the toilet. As a precaution, he flipped the toilette seat up and hovered his head over the bowl, staring into the undisturbed waters. His heart started to race as the thought of being sick grew more realistic.

After a few minutes of sitting there, nothing had happened still. Realizing their break was most likely already over, Minho forced himself online his feet, ready to walk back to the stage. The movement however didn't go well with his churning stomach and as soon as he was about to exit the stall, he spun around gagging over the toilet. He could now really feel his stomach in his throat and knew what was to come, so he braced his hands against the walks of the tiny stall as a retch had him bend at the waist. Minho coughed and got down to his knees before his stomach contracted, disturbing the clear waters with a wave of the takeout noodles he had had for lunch. The taste made him shudder but Minho tried to be as quiet as possible as he got sick again. He really didn't want his friends to worry though he was quite impressed how miserable suppressing his headspace could make him. Wiping his lips with some toilet paper, Minho flushed the toilet and sat back against the wall. He didn't feel ready to move quite yet, not with how his head was spinning. The dizziness scared Minho and he almost slipped at the thought of getting his caregiver to make him feel better after what had just happened. He managed to push it away though. What he wasn't able to push away, was the nausea that sent him back to his knees as he gagged forcefully. All he wanted to do was cry as his stomach contracted again and again, forcing his lunch up in small waves.

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