Always look after you (2)🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Minho

Caregivers: Changbin (Jisung, Felix & Jeongin)

No one's POV.:

His members had left him in his bedroom after the fight they had had earlier. Now Minho sat alone on his bed, thinking about his future. He didn't know what he was supposed to do with his life without his group. His dream of becoming an idol shattered after only a few years. Chan's words still ringing in his ears. The oldest regretted fighting so hard to have Minho in their group. They hadn't known how much work the dancer would be, having a little side that frequently demanded their attention. Minho felt sorry for always making his friends baby him but he couldn't help slipping into his headspace every now and then. If he could, he'd just hide away whenever he slipped but aside from little Minnie hating loneliness, they had made a rule, which forced the second oldest to always inform at least one other member when he felt little. The little didn't want to disappoint his caregivers by breaking the rules, so he always told the others when he felt little. He always knew he was burdening them by slipping at inconvenient times but hearing it from them hurt on a different level. How they had called a group meeting to tell Minho about the way his littlespace made them feel. The only two options they had offered him were leaving the group or not going into littlespace anymore. Both seemed impossible because he couldn't fully control when he needed to slip but he also didn't think he could leave the life behind that he was living with the group. As he sat there all alone, debating his options, the door opened and Changbin came in. "Have you decided yet?", he asked coldly, "Chan asked me to either help you pack your things or to get rid of all that baby stuff you used to use." Minho whimpered, slipping fast. The rapper could tell, angrily stepping closer and snapping: "I thought we had agreed for you to stop." As he raised his hand, the little brought both his arms up in front of his face to shield himself, sobbing loudly.

Their movie had ended and Jisung carefully wriggled out from underneath the sleeping dancer. He really needed the restroom now, otherwise he'd have continued to cuddle little Minho. Felix still had to clean the kitchen after baking cookies earlier, so he headed off to get rid of the mess he had made. They wanted to have everything tidy and organized because they'd most likely end up having to take care of a sick little for the next few days, so they wanted things to be in the places they were supposed to be. After Minho had been so feverish earlier, Jeongin felt his forehead as he slept and decided he'd prepare some fever-reducers for him to take when he woke up again. Rummaging through their medicine cabinet, the maknae had to realize they had run out and with the little still deeply asleep, he went out to buy the medicine. After telling Felix where he was going and properly tucking Minho in, Jeongin headed out towards the closest pharmacy. They were just glad he was resting well at the moment, at least that was what it looked like from the outside.

Changbin had been in his room all morning, sulking because the TV series he had been watching over the past few days he been discontinued and he had grown so emotionally attached to the characters that he needed to know that they had worked things out after going through major differences over the last few episodes. There were no words describing how pissed he was at the people who decided to stop a series half-way through but he tried to distract himself from his bitter mood. They had some time off and that shouldn't be wasted feeling angry. Putting on his headphones, he started to watch an entirely different movie to try and delete the imaginary world he had been absorbed in. It took some time to really get into the movie as he struggled to focus and that only upset him more. He wasn't even half-way through the movie when he felt a tug on his sleeve. Turning, he found his hyung next to his bed. The dancer held onto his cat plushie and Changbin cringed inwardly. Why did the older have to slip right now? He didn't even try to hide his annoyance at Minho disturbing him at an inconvenient time. Usually the rapper was really understanding when it came to the dancer's littlespace because he knew it was a safe way to deal with stress but while they were on vacation? Seriously? Not feeling like putting on an act for the little's sake, Changbin told him exactly what they thought about their current situation. Why would Minho be the only one that gets to destress, when it was their time to rest too?

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