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Sickie: Jisung

Caregiver: Minho

No one's POV.:
Ever since Jisung had woken up that morning, he had been incredibly quiet. To Minho that was truly unsettling, knowing the younger was usually loud and energetic. If he really thought about it, his dongsaeng had already started to act a little off during the previous day but that had been nothing in comparison to how he acted now. The dancer was at a loss. If something was wrong, Jisung would come talk to him, right? Wracking his brain, Minho tried to find a possible explanation for the rapper's behavior. They had spent most of the previous day together and although he had been quiet, Jisung hadn't necessarily seemed down. There also had been no incident that could have sparked the younger's anxiety, at least not that Minho knew of. And yet, the rapper had avoided talking to any of his members and had even gone out of his way to avoid having breakfast. Something wasn't right and Minho was determined to figure out what it was.

Over the course of the previous day, Jisung's throat had started to bother him. At first it was only a light ache and he figured he must have strained it during his vocal practice earlier. The longer the day progressed though, the worse the pain got and by the time evening rolled around, he limited himself to only saying the bare minimum, mostly answering questions by nodding or shaking his head. Talking hurt, as did swallowing but he figured he'd be fine after just resting his voice for a while. He knew he had to stay hydrated and fought to drink a glass of water before going to bed no matter how badly swallowing hurt. The water hadn't helped much, except force him to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. When he woke up in the morning, his throat was at least as sore as before, if not worse. Talking seemed like an impossible task and barely being able to force down a few sips of water, Jisung didn't even dare to think about having breakfast. Still, he thought he had done a remotely good job at playing it off but apparently, he didn't.

Feeling a bit shivery, Jisung used the time while his group ate breakfast to bundle up in a warm, oversized sweater and wrap a big, fluffy scarf around his neck. He could just pretend it completed the outfit besides, it was cold outside anyway. The rapper was so deep in thought that he didn't even hear Minho slipping into his room. "Sung", the older spoke up, chuckling when Jisung startled, "Sorry, didn't want to scare you but I have to talk to you." Jisung nodded his head as an invitation to continue. "You've been acting a bit off and I wanted to see if everything's alright. Didn't think calling you out in front of everyone would be a good idea, so I tried to catch you alone", Minho hummed, sitting down on his dongsaeng's bed. Jisung couldn't help the small smile that played around his lips. He wasn't happy that someone had caught on, yet his hyung was considerate enough to ask him in privacy. Plopping down on his bed next to the dancer, Jisung rasped: "I-I can't really talk, my voice is shot." – "Ohh, that's why you've been so quiet?", Minho concluded, eyes wide with realization. The younger nodded, smiling at his hyung's surprised face. Tapping his chin, the dancer frowned: "That really doesn't sound good though. Want me to talk to Chan-hyung and ask if you can stay home today?" Jisung shook his head. Yeah, he felt a bit cold and tired but aside from his throat hurting, he didn't really feel sick, so there was no reason to miss out on work. "We have dance practice though. I mean it's better than singing for you right now but probably not the best activity for you while sick", Minho reminded, making the younger frown. Maybe he felt a bit more tired than he wanted to let on. Still, that didn't mean he could easily skip. Noticing Jisung's hesitation, the dancer added: "I won't let you go there without eating breakfast. It's going to be challenging and you need the energy." – "Hyung, my throat hurts so bad, I can't even drink water", the rapper forced out, voice barely above a whisper. Looking at the younger in shock, Minho shook his head and insisted: "Sorry but I'm definitely talking to Chan-hyung now. I hadn't realized it was this bad."

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