Are you nuts? 🍼❄️

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Little: Jisung

Caregiver: Changbin

No one's POV.:

Stray Kids had been busy working towards their Christmas break and Jisung was suffering the most from their schedule. The rapper had been complaining about having a persistent headache for the past week already and it didn't seem to improve anytime soon. The pain didn't let up in the slightest if anything, it only seemed to get worse. Jisung himself knew why he was feeling so low but it was a mystery to the rest of the group. Being a closeted little, the rapper always tended to get headaches when he couldn't slip for a while and with how busy they were, he couldn't even remember the last time he had slipped. It was complicated, not only did he need time off, he also needed the rest of the group to be out, so they wouldn't notice him acting not like his usual adult self. Jisung had struggled to focus on his work all morning, spacing out more often than not as he tried his hardest to remain big. He was lucky, it was only Chan and Changbin at the studio with him because he doubted he'd survive a dance practice with the entire group. The youngest 3racha member was startled by a hand on his back. "You good, mate?", Chan asked worriedly, noting that his dongsaeng had spaced out again. Jisung could hardly suppress a whimper at the leader's caring tone and had to force his little-side back down. Rubbing his face, Jisung breathed: "My head hurts and I just can't seem to stay focused." - "Hm, you don't have a fever", the Aussie mused after cupping his dongsaeng's chubby cheek, "Does anything else hurt?" The younger shook his head, instantly regretting the move as it made his head pound.

Chan and Changbin made eye contact. Their dongsaeng had been feeling like this all week and it hurt their hearts to keep him at the company building when he so obviously needed rest. "Can you take him home, Binnie? I can finish here alone and maybe you can work on your lyrics at the dorm", the oldest sighed, noticing the protest in Jisung's eyes, "Sung, your head has been hurting all week. You can't expect it to get better if you don't rest. It might be better by tomorrow if you spend the rest of the day resting and you'll be right back with us again but if you keep going like this, it'll only get worse and worse." - "It's only a headache though, no fever, no nothing", Jisung hummed sadly, "That doesn't seem justified for me to take the day off and leave the two of you hanging." - "Hey, you're not leaving anyone hanging by taking a break", Changbin argued, "C'mon, let's get you home and see if we can find you some painkillers, so you can sleep this off." Jisung wanted to disagree but he was too tired to. Plus, his hyungs taking care of him and making this decision for him, made him feel even smaller, no matter how hard he tried to fight it. Nuts, his chipmunk plushie, was waiting for him at the dorm and maybe a nap wasn't that bad.

Nodding defeatedly, Jisung allowed his hyung to pull him to his feet and slowly struggled into his coat. He clumsily fiddled with the zipper until Chan brushed his hands aside and zipped the younger's coat for him. The leader waved them goodbye and watched the pair leave before turning back to his computer. He knew Changbin would take good care of Jisung, who tiredly trailed along. It took all of Jisung's strength not to break down right there, feeling exhausted as well as disappointed in himself for not being able to keep up with his hyungs. Not slipping had him feeling on edge and his hands trembled anxiously as he lost his grip on his adult headspace. He didn't slip fully but he wasn't really big either, shyly reaching for his hyung's hand and holding onto it. Changbin looked at him worriedly as he felt his dongsaeng's hand shake but figured the younger was simply cold. He couldn't blame him with how much fresh snow they had gotten over night. Already slowly falling asleep on his feet, Jisung slipped on a patch of ice, his arms flailing desperately as he tried to regain his balance. Changbin was quick to steady him before crouching down in front of the younger, silently offering him a piggy back ride. Regressing fast, Jisung clambered onto his hyung's back and nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck, already dozing off as the older continued the walk to their dorm.

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