Dinosaur nuggets and polka dots🍼

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Little: Minho

Caregiver: Felix

No one's POV.:
Minho had always had a hard time allowing the younger members to see his struggles. The only one the dancer felt like he could open up to was Chan as the Aussie was older than him. At first, that wouldn't seem too bad but considering how often the leader was busy, Minho usually didn't want to bother him either, keeping quiet about his worries and bottling everything up till he couldn't take it anymore. Felix, who had been a little ever since his elimination from the survival show, couldn't continue watching his hyung struggle by himself because he was too stubborn to talk to them, so he proposed that Minho should try regressing too. At first, the second oldest was skeptical and denied to even try but after Felix jumped over his shadow and started slipping around his members more often, Minho couldn't help but envy his dongsaeng. The Aussie seemed so carefree when he was regressed and the way the other members babied him was just so adorable. Slowly getting more comfortable with the topic, Minho took care of little Felix from time to time and started to learn more about littlespace. He also did some research of his own, browsing the internet, and couldn't help but feel like Felix was right. Age regression might just be what he needed to handle his stress and overwhelming emotions better. That didn't mean he'd go to his dongsaengs to have them baby him though. Minho felt guilty because he was the second oldest and should take care of the younger members, so he tried to regress in secrecy, which didn't work at all as he just couldn't seem to slip. Getting frustrated, he gave up on it and decided it just wasn't for him.

A few months after Minho's failed attempts, Felix brought the topic up again, waiting to talk to his hyung in privacy. "Hyung, did you at least think about it?", the Aussie asked, afraid to get harshly brushed off again because Minho often got defensive when asked about it. What the younger didn't expect was the other heaving a sigh, admitting: "I did and I tried but I don't think it's for me. I don't have a younger headspace like you do. Sometimes I wish I did because you look so lighthearted when you slip but I can't." – "Well, it wasn't easy at first. It took quite a while till slipping came naturally like it does now", Felix hummed quietly, glad that the other was at least that open, "I wouldn't give up on it so quickly, you know. Maybe we can help you slip. No promises that it works but for me it's a lot easier to slip when someone treats me as though I'm little." Minho shrugged. He knew what Felix meant by being treated as though he was little. It meant babying him to no end and the older couldn't imagine having one of his friends treat him like that. Except for Chan, everyone was younger than him and the leader already had so much on his plate that Minho for sure wouldn't ask him to baby him. "Hyung, I know it might at first but I wouldn't mind to take care of you like that. You've done the same for me so many times, so it'd only be fair for me to help you too help you too. I'm not going to force you to anything but if you want to try being talked down, you're more than welcome to come to me", Felix reminded, not wanting to pressure his friend too much, as he knew the older would shut him out again if he moved too fast. Minho nodded with a shy smile, muttering a quiet 'thank you' before his dongsaeng left him alone with his thoughts again.

It took a few weeks for Minho to make up his mind. Maybe Felix was right, maybe having someone baby him would work. It at least sounded nice, although he wouldn't admit that, and if anyone would be able to do that, it would be Felix, considering he was a little himself and the only one, who really knew what it took to make someone feel small. Despite still feeling a bit shy about going to one of his youngest dongsaengs for help, Minho used the opportunity of the dance-racha finishing up with their schedule first. The three of them arrived home first and wanting to meet up with some friends, Hyunjin showered first. While he was in the bathroom, the older went to talk to Felix in the other's room. "Lix, I thought about what you told me and if you don't mind, I'd like to try it one day. Doesn't have to be now, I'd just like to try it in general", Minho admitted quietly, having to stop himself from rambling as he grew more embarrassed the longer he continued. Had he dared to look at his friend, he would have noticed the bright smile spreading on his dongsaeng's freckled face. Getting up from his bed, Felix beamed: "How about we do try it today? Hyunjin will be out soon and the others won't be back until later. You can go pick out a comfortable outfit, which you feel cute in, for after your shower and when we're both done washing up, we can try. I'm glad you jumped over your shadow, hyung."

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