As one🧸

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Sickie: Jeongin

Caregivers: Minho, Seungmin

Requested by: 

This is set shortly after their debut (but OT8 AU) , Jeongin is still a minor and his group members aren't that fond of him. Remember, this is purely fiction!!!

No one's POV.:
It hadn't been too long since Stray Kids had debuted and unlike you'd expect, the tension didn't lighten after Minho and Felix were brought back. Instead, everyone was working even harder to prove to JYP that he had made the right decision by bringing them back. Well, everyone except for Jeongin. His schedule wasn't as packed as most others because he was still a minor. Seungmin was too but unlike Jeongin he voluntarily followed his members to their schedules and joined extra practices with his members. He improved his dancing by joining the dance-racha and learned about songwriting by watching 3racha in the studio. It wasn't that Jeongin didn't want to do that too, his members just always told them they didn't want him to join their practice because he'd only slow them down. To them, the maknae was pretty much useless and they couldn't understand why Minho, one of their best dancers, and Felix, the member with the most remarkable voice, had initially been eliminated but the youngest hadn't. Jeongin knew he wasn't doing nearly as much as the others but since they didn't let him join them except for their official group practices, it was difficult for him to do more. He hated to practice alone but that was what the maknae had resorted to. When his schedule ended, he'd continue to stay at the company, practicing his singing and when he didn't find an empty studio to do so, he'd dance.

Being a very empathetic person, Jeongin could see how stressed the older members were and wanted nothing more than to help them. He didn't even witness Chan coming home at night anymore because the leader returned so late. What could he do to take some of the pressure off of them and not keep holding them back? He could relieve 3racha by perfecting his singing and memorizing his lyrics well, so when they had to record, he'd only need a few tries and finish quickly. If he practiced the choreographies alone, they wouldn't have to pause the music frequently to teach him the dance. Sometimes when he had already danced all day and didn't think he could handle to practice anymore, he'd go back to the dorm early as his schedule ended about one to two hours before the others' did. He'd clean the dorm, so the others wouldn't have to do anything more after having a long and exhausting day already. Jeongin also would have prepared dinner for the group but he was too afraid he'd mess something up and make a huge mess, which would stress the group out even more, so he didn't. His hyungs probably didn't trust his cooking anyway.

It was another long day for most of the members. JYP had joined them to watch one of their dance practices, which put a large amount of pressure on all of them. Jeongin was nervous as hell, he had practiced the dances frequently over the last few weeks, often dancing till his legs felt numb but he was scared it wouldn't be good enough. Especially their CEO's sharp eyes, noticing every single misstep, terrified him but the youngest did what he always did, he smiled. He tried to seem positive, hiding his shaking hands, and of course everybody bought it. They weren't paying close enough attention to him anyway, so how would they notice. After almost two hours of dance practice, JYP left, only the memory of his harsh words remaining. Jeongin hadn't done as well as he would have hoped after the number of nights he had spent practicing but that wasn't too hard on him. Minho was told that his moves weren't sharp enough considering he often had the center position and that he had failed to teach all the members the choreography, basically he was being blamed for the younger's mistakes. That was what made Jeongin feel worst, knowing how much his hyung was struggling to prove his worth after almost not getting to debut. Right that second, he promised himself he wouldn't be going home that night until he could nail each of the dances perfectly and if that meant not going home at all then so be it. JYP also informed Chan that their deadlines were one week earlier than originally planned. This meant 3racha would be back even later tonight, trying to speed up their producing to meet the deadlines.

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