Halloween Candy🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Felix, Wooyoung (Ateez)

Little: Minho, Changbin, Hongjoong

Caregiver: Chan, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seonghwa, Yeosang, San

No one's POV.:
Stray Kids would have never imagined any other group having similar dynamics to theirs and therefore they were more than just surprised when Hongjoong slipped during one of their shootings for Kingdom. Watching his leader slip, the other little in the group, Wooyoung, was quick to follow. While their caregivers, Seonghwa, Yeosang and San tried get them away from the cameras, the rest of the group tried to distract the members of Stray Kids but they had already caught on. Changbin would have never imagined his friend being a little too and was quick to slip and push past everyone else, tackling Wooyoung in a hug. It soon became obvious that there was no way they could continue shooting, so both groups got the remaining afternoon off. Looking at Chan for permission, all Minho and Felix needed was a subtle nod from their leader and the two dancers slipped too. While the littles were making new friends, the other group members sat together, talking about their experiences with the littles and what it meant for their dynamics as a group. In Stray Kids, each little had one designated caregiver, Chan taking care of Felix, Hyunjin taking care of Changbin and Jisung taking care of Minho, while the two maknaes babysat all of the littles from time to time. Ateez was similar, Yunho, Mingi and Jongho being occasional babysitters, with Yeosang being Hongjoong's main caregiver. Wooyoung however was a different story. The dancer was a bit of a trouble maker and it was impossible for one caregiver to handle him on his own, which was why Seonghwa and San shared that responsibility. The afternoon passed quick with all of the littles becoming fast friends and the caregivers arranged to have a group chat, so they could arrange playdates for their littles whenever they had the time to or to exchange caregiving advice with each other.

As Halloween approached, the caregivers wanted to prepare something fun for the littles. They knew they all loved trick or treating but couldn't do so anymore, as nobody would give candy to seemingly full-grown adults, so after some planning it was decided, that Yunho, Mingi, Seungmin, Jongho and Jeongin would each wait in either a practice room or studio with some candy they could hand out to the littles when they came to knock at their door. Jisung was the caregiver assigned to tour the company building with the littles, so the other caregiver could set up the Stray Kids dorm for a Halloween movie marathon. While the members took their spots spread out through the company building, the caregivers helped their littles put on their costumes and did their makeup. In the end, Hongjoong was dressed up as a pirate, Minho as a tiger, Changbin insisted on wearing a pig onesie, while Felix was dressed as a bat and Wooyoung as a demon. They could barely wait for their caregivers to finish applying their makeup, so they could finally go.

When they left the dorm, Chan shot a text to the other members, informing them that the littles were on their way, while Seonghwa stood in the kitchen preparing some Halloween themed snacks and San and Hyunjin set up the living room to make sure they'd have enough space to fit in both groups. Jisung himself was fairly confident to keep the group together, probably because he was used to caring for Minho, who was very well behaved and held on to his caregiver's hand the second they left the dorm. Hongjoong and Changbin walked behind them, giggling as the planned to hide behind corners and to jump out at their caregivers to scare them. Jisung chuckled, pretending not to hear the hushed conversation behind him while making a mental note to have his phone ready to capture his friends getting scared by the two littles. Every once in a while, the rapper looked over his shoulder to make sure he hadn't lost anyone but the littles were too excited to go trick or treating to stray from the group. They had the time of their lives, squealing happily when Seungmin opened the first door, pretending to be confused about who would visit him at that hour. The vocalist handed them some candy each and waited till the group had rounded the next corner before leaving to head back to the dorm and help out the other members there. They repeated the same routine a few more times, the littles' bags growing heavier with the treats they collected, before they went on their way back to the dorm. Minho was growing tired and started to whine next to Jisung, which resulted in the rapper picking him up and carrying the sleepy little on his him. He could still hear Hongjoong and Changbin behind him, discussing other fun, little pranks they could pull over the course of the night, so Jisung wasn't too worried about them. That all changed though when he turned around to do a quick headcount in the entrance hall of their dorm building. It was only now that he noticed Felix and Wooyoung were missing.

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