Datenight Disaster🌡️

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Sickie: Changbin

Caregiver: Felix

No one's POV.:
With their busy schedules, Changbin had barely had any time to spend with his boyfriend. Felix was similarly busy and missing his hyung a lot. They knew dating wouldn't be easy with their lifestyle but were determined to make it work for each other. It was always tough during comeback preparations but knowing they'd get some time off afterwards kept them going on. Watching Felix run himself into the ground and lose the spark in his eyes, Changbin promised himself he'd take the younger out as soon as they got a break and he'd ensure the spark would come back. The rapper loved how his boyfriend would seemingly light up every time he smiled, how his eyes sparkled and turned to adorable little crescents and how pure the boy's heart was, being amazed at the smallest of things. Changbin had already started planning their date weeks in advance, as it was basically what kept him going when it got stressful. Often having different schedules, they rarely saw each other and when they did, they were too tired to really talk, instead just cuddling up in bed together to get at least a few hours of sleep. At some point they couldn't even cuddle anymore because Felix was too sore from dancing to find a comfortable position and it broke the rapper's heart to see his boyfriend like this. He was also pretty sure the Aussie had lost weight with how much he was dancing and decided he'd take him out to a nice dinner. They'd have sashimi, since Changbin knew the younger loved it, and then they'd go to watch an action movie. Felix loved those and they had seen one on their very first date, so the older hoped it would give them a nice nostalgic feeling.

Though the comeback preparations seemed endless, the day it was over, felt surreal. They had just finished their first comeback stage and though they were tired, they were hyped from the adrenalin of the show. On their way back to the dorm that night, Changbin sat next to Felix, resting his head on the dancer's shoulder, humming: "I missed you, Lix. Let me take you out tomorrow?" – "I missed you too, Binnie, so much. Really?", the Aussie giggled and Changbin hummed in confirmation. "Where are we gonna go?" – "That, my dear Lixxie, is a surprise but first I need a full night of cuddles from my favorite koala", the older chuckled, linking their hands. Felix' eyes lit up, knowing he'd finally have his boyfriend to himself for a while. Suppressing a yawn, he rested his head on Changbin's and closed his eyes. If they were going out tomorrow, better get as much sleep as possible now, so he wouldn't be tired in case they'd be out late tomorrow. Leaning against each other, the couple slept through the entire car ride home. Changbin woke up first when their members tried to wake them and quickly shushed them, not wanting Felix to wake up. Instead, he unbuckled his boyfriend's seatbelt and picked him up, carrying him to bed. The younger deserved to rest, having worked so hard. Carefully changing his boyfriend into an oversized shirt, Changbin got ready for bed himself and slid under the blanket next to Felix. Holding the other tight, he closed his eyes and was out within seconds.

Both of them slept in late the following morning. Felix woke up first to prepare some pancakes for breakfast, or lunch, depending on when his friends would wake up. He wanted to treat Changbin as he hadn't seen the older in a while and was happy when two strong arms wrapped themselves around his waist. Placing the spatula down, he turned around and pecked his boyfriend's lips. "Good morning", he giggled, patting the older's disheveled bed-hair. Still sleepy, the rapper hugged him tighter, humming: "Good morning, sunshine." – "At what time do you want to head out tonight, just so that I can get ready in time", Felix smiled, turning back to the stove to flip the pancake. Resting his chin on the Aussie's shoulder, Changbin shrugged: "If we consider this lunch, you can get ready after eating and we'll go out as soon as you're ready." – "Well, in that case, we'll be having pancakes for lunch because I can't wait to have you to myself", the dancer beamed, pouring more batter into the pan. Laughing, Changbin agreed and walked off to shower, so he'd be ready to go after they ate.

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