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Little: Hyunjin

Caregiver: Jisung

No one's POV.:
The tension was high in the practice room. Stray Kids were practicing for an upcoming performance, with Minho and Hyunjin teaching the new choreography and with the influence of nerves, everyone was on edge. Looking at it more closely, they hadn't been getting along very well the entire week. Most likely it was the lack of sleep causing the members to be more irritable than usual but Hyunjin was the worst. He had been kind of bitchy towards his friends for a few days now and snapped at everyone, who got a single move wrong. He even snapped at Chan. At this point, the members had stopped talking to the dancer, upset at his arrogance. They were clearly trying their hardest and all of them were tired. While they had tried to be as understanding as they possibly could, Hyunjin didn't seem to even try to understand why not everybody could get it right on the first try. Everyone was just wishing for the day to be over but they were still hours before going home. "Alright mates, let's have one more hour before we go and have a small lunch", the leader announced and breathless sighs were heard all around. It wasn't like they were done for the day, they'd continue right after lunch, that's why they couldn't eat too much to not make them sick. The thought of a break and a meal gave the exhausted members new motivation and Chan started the music again as soon as everyone was on their starting position. Their motivation however didn't last long.

Towards the end of the song, the maknae lost his balance during a spin, bumping into Felix and knocking them both of their feet. Luckily, neither got hurt and Jeongin was quick to apologize for his clumsiness. They brushed it off, glad that nobody injured themselves so close to a performance but one member was about to let it go. To Hyunjin it seemed like the last straw had snapped. Why couldn't his members just take their practice serious? How was he supposed to teach them anything when they wouldn't stop fooling around? He could dance the choreography just fine, it really wasn't that difficult, or was it? The dancer marched over, harsh scolding already on his lips and that's exactly what he did. "Guys, seriously it's not that hard. Why can't have one, just fucking one, clean run through? If you don't remember, the performance is close", he hissed, holding his thumb and index finger close together, "this close." – "Hyunjin, we know! We all know and we are trying", Changbin said sharply, walking up behind Felix and putting his hands on the younger's shoulders. The young Aussie was a little with Chan and Changbin as his caregivers. The rapper knew how stressed and close to slipping Felix was and Hyunjin being mean to him didn't help at all. The entire group knew Felix was a little and usually had a rule in place, stating not to yell at any littles in the group. Well at the moment Felix was the only little but a few members had been interested in trying it out once too. "Then try harder!", the dancer yelled storming out.

The sudden outburst prompted the maknae to break into tears. He hadn't meant to trip them. He wanted to get it right at least as badly as everyone else wanted it. Felix had quickly run into Chan's arms, breathing fast and trying not to slip right then and there. The leader hugged him tightly, mumbling: "Just a bit longer. You're doing so good mate, we'll play and cuddle as much as you like tonight, yeah? You just need to hang on a little longer, I know you can and I'm so proud of you." Changbin was still standing next to Jeongin and pulled the crying boy into his arms, rubbing his back. "We know you didn't mean to, Innie. You're trying just as hard as we are. What happened wasn't your mistake, I really don't know what got into that boy's pants", Changbin comforted. The youngest soon pulled himself together, he was still hurt and upset but crying more would hold them back even more than his mistake already had. He nodded gratefully at Changbin and dried his eyes, giving Felix an apologetic smile, knowing that getting them both yelled at had made it harder for the little not to slip. "Guys, I think somebody should go after Hyunjin", Seungmin mumbled, "I hate fights, how should we perform well if we can't even get along?" Chan nodded, loosening his grip on Felix: "Do you think I should go?" Most members agreed for the leader to go check on one of their main dancers but Jeongin stopped him. "Hyung, I honestly think Jisung-hyung should go. They always used to fight and therefore learned to understand each other well. If one of us can figure out what Hyunjin-hyung's deal is, it's probably Jisung-hyung. Plus, nobody can get mad at a squirrel anyways", the maknae explained, looking at Jisung with pleading eyes. "Hell no, you just want me to get yelled at", the rapper frowned but his gaze softened as he saw the genuine concern in the younger's eyes, "Alright, I'll check on him."

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