Sneezes in the snow🌡️

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Sickie: Felix

Caregiver: Chan, Changbin, Hyunjin

Felix' POV.:
"Oh, come on Lix, don't be a party pooper. It's just going to be a short walk to the café, we'll have a drink and a chat and then walk back home", Chan sighed, "none of the other members are complaining, so why do you have to be difficult?" I bit my lip at our leader's harsh words, though I knew he was only frustrated and not really mad. "Alright, just let me get changed", I relented. It wasn't even like I disliked their plan, I really liked spending our free time with the group, as well as I liked that specific café. What I liked even more was the snow that had gathered over the last few days, so it was only natural for my best friend to be confused by me disapproving of their plan. Usually, I'd be the first to put on my boots and then wait impatiently for the rest to finish, but an incident yesterday made me think about it differently. However, with Chan pressuring me and my members already waiting in their coats by the door, I forced myself into warmer clothes as well before joining the others, apologizing for making them way.

Upon stepping out of the building, I was immediately hit by bright sunlight. My nose twitched and I squeezed my eyes shut. " h-hESSH! hEGSHU!"- "Woah, couldn't have warned me? I almost had a heart attack", Hyunjin, who had been walking next to me gasped, dramatically placing a hand on his chest. Instead of answering, I held up one finger. "hGSHHU! Ugh sorry", I sniffed, bringing my gloved hand up to rub at my nose. "It's ok. By the way, bless you", the dancer giggled and I couldn't help but smile back. That was a bad mistake, since in order to look at the taller's face, I had to lift my head. Once the sunlight hit my eyes, I quickly looked back down but the damage was done and no matter how much I scrunched up my nose, the tickle wouldn't back down. "hESH! heksHU!", I sneezed, cupping my gloves over my mouth. With my sneezes being rather forceful, I soon had the attention of the entire group and truthfully, I just wanted to sink into the ground, feeling incredibly awkward. "You good, mate?", Chan frowned, slowing his pace, so that he was walking beside me. He let the maknae's lead us towards the café that was only another two blocks away and rested his hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine, hyung. Don't worry", I chuckled. Our leader really was on the protective side. Having learned from my earlier mistake, I didn't look up though and instead kept my eyes cast to the ground. Sadly, I soon came to realize that that wasn't much better. No matter where I looked, the snow kept reflecting the sun, making it shine in my eyes and making my nose tickle unbearably.

"hhESCHuuh! *sniff* sorry" – "That doesn't sound fine, mate", Chan hummed sympathetically, "You're sick, right? That's why you didn't want to come." Hyunjin, who was walking on my other side, nodded along with Chan and handed me a tissue from a small travel pack he always carried in his pocket. "No really, I'm alright", I repeated, dabbing at my nose. Awesome, I was already starting to get congested from all the sneezing. They didn't seem to convinced but let it slide, especially when I sneezed less frequently for the rest of the way. Though that was only because I had hooked my arms with theirs, keeping my eyes closed as much as possible.

Hyunjin's POV.:

Felix had already seemed off today when he had initially turned us down, not wanting to leave the dorm. As soon as he started sneezing, the pieces clicked in my head and I felt sorry for my dongsaeng. He was obviously sick and would probably much rather be in bed than out here in the snow. When he hooked our arms, I didn't comment on it, guiding him the rest of the way. He must be really tired, judging by the way his eyes kept closing. I glanced over at Chan, who gnawed on his bottom lip, looking guilty because it was him who guilt-tripped Felix into going out. We were walking a bit behind the rest and were the last to enter the café. The others had already gotten us a table, waiting so that we could place our orders together. I sat down, pulling Felix into the seat next to me. "I'll have a caramel-latte please and he'll have some hot chocolate", I smiled pointing at Felix, who sent me a death glare: "I wanted a caramel-latte too." – "Sorry, no caffeine for sickies", I giggled. We were all settled around the table waiting for our drinks, and I could see Chan watching his fellow Aussie closely. Felix seemed to notice too because he soon spoke up: "Seriously guys, I'm fine. Now could you stop looking at me like that? It's creepy. Plus, Hyunjin, I still haven't forgiven you for not letting me have coffee." Chan sighed and looked away but now Felix had everyone's attention. The other members who hadn't witnessed the boy's earlier struggle were eyeing him confused. "Is hyung sick?", the maknae asked shyly. To which the said hyung answered: "No Innie, like I just said, I'm perfectly fine. Chan and Hyunjin just think I am and don't believe me telling them otherwise."

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