Balloon party🧸

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Sickie: Jisung

Caregivers: 2basco (Chan, Changbin)

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Jisung's POV.:
It had been a while since we've last been on a game show, so the entire group was hyped for our afternoon schedule. Those shows were usually the most fun to participate in, so not even the grueling dance practice this morning could dampen my mood. I was really looking forward to a fun afternoon, using this thought to keep me going, ignoring the burning in my muscles. "Alright, we're done with practice for today. Let's head back to the dorm. Make sure you shower quickly, so everyone gets a chance to freshen up before we need to leave again", Chan announced and I dropped down next to my bag. My sweaty back against the wall, I pulled out my water bottle, chugging the small amount of water that was still left. We didn't really get a chance to rest very long before Chan dragged us back home to ensure we wouldn't be late. I was starting to get more hyped up, the more time passed. While waiting for my turn to shower, I wanted to help Channie-hyung make lunch but apparently, he didn't trust me to be of much help, so he sent me away. I passed the time playing games on my phone, hearing the leader chuckle: "He's already bouncing off the walls now, what am I going to do with him after the show?" A small giggle escaped my lips. I wasn't sure who my hyung was talking about, it was either me or Felix, the younger Aussie seemed to be just as excited as me.

Lunch was filled with lighthearted chatter and I noticed that everyone had missed going on game shows. They were a welcome change from all those serious interviews and way less tense than most public appearances, so it's not too hard to see why we liked having them in our schedules. We finished our meal and cleaned the dishes. Before heading out, I grabbed a chocolate bar as dessert which I devoured on the way to the car. I startled a bit when I heard a loud voice behind me: "Yah! Who gave the squirrel chocolate? You know what sugar does to him." Afraid my dessert would be taken away from me, I stuffed the last few bites into my mouth and turned around to give Changbin an innocent smile, with my cheeks still puffed up. "Sung, you know how energetic you get when you eat candy. Who gave you that?", my hyung frowned. I swallowed and giggled a bit: "I gave it to myself. You know, Jisung is a big boy. Don't worry, the fans love my energetic self." – "Yeah, maybe the fans do but what about giving your hyungs a hard time?", Changbin argued. I looked at him innocently, pretending not to know what he was talking about, and asked: "You mean like that?" Then I started to chase him in circles around the rest of the group, who just rolled their eyes at me.

We made it to the car and I collapsed into my seat still panting from our little chase. Changbin plopped into the seat in front of me, turning around to give me a death glare. Probably a warning to not sneak my hand forward to tickle his side. Did I care? Nope, I didn't. Instead I continued to bother my hyung for the rest of the ride. At some point, even Chan turned around to warn me and I felt a bit sorry for not being able to keep my overflowing energy under control. I managed to pull myself together right as the car came to a halt. From now on I need to be professional, I reminded myself, as we went in to get our hair and makeup done. It wasn't that hard to do, since the effects of my earlier snack were slowly tapering off. Especially the hyung-line kept watching me warily, expecting a prank from me at any time now. They weren't wrong but I refrained from doing anything, instead just looking forward to the games we were going to play soon.

The first few games were really fun and I was truly enjoying myself. Until the third game of the afternoon was announced. We were supposed to pair up and dance with a balloon stuck between our bodies. The team whose balloon dropped or popped last wins the game. I cringed and barely had the time to mentally prepare myself before the staff brought in a bunch of balloons, a lot more than we'd need for the game, probably for aesthetic reasons. I didn't care about those reasons, my eyes going wide at the sight of the colorful party decoration. Balloons, I had always despised them. The colors were always way to bright and unnatural, they felt weirdly squishy and made those awful squeaking noises when you touched them wrong. Worst of all, they were like a ticking timebomb, ready to explode at any given moment. I couldn't touch them. 'No! Not going to happen.' They even said the balloon would probably explode between us while we dance. My hands started to shake and I shoved them into my pockets, so nobody would notice. Of course, we had some time to fool around before the actual game started but unlike earlier, I didn't join my friends. I tried to stay as far away from the dangerous balls, squinting my eyes at them as a warning. 'Don't you dare explode on me!'

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