Ghosts and heart attacks🍼

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Littles: Changbin (age: 5), Felix (age: 5), Jisung (age 2)

Caregivers: Stray Kids

No one's POV.:

Finally, it was Halloween, the day Changbin and Felix had been waiting for impatiently. Stray Kids being on a break had given the littles and opportunity to slip but sadly the weather had already been stormy all week, which resulted in the boys being stuck in their dorm for days on end, which isn't too bad for the members wanting to rest from their busy schedule but for two littles as energetic as Changbin and Felix, it was quite unfortunate. The pair was bored out of their minds but not much longer. They had been preparing for Halloween, planning scare pranks to pull on their friends and caregivers. Considering Changbin and Felix were already big boys, they also didn't want to play with their little baby brother. Jisung had slipped so much younger than them, that the pair couldn't be bothered with entertaining him. At first, that wasn't a big deal to Jisung, he loved having some quiet time with his caregiver and with the storm raging outside their dorm, the little clung to Minho most of the time. After a few days of snuggles though, barely allowing Minho to go out of his sight, Jisung started to grow insecure about it. He didn't want his caregiver to get tired of him being attached to the older 24/7, so the rapper decided to occupy himself for a while to give Minho some space.

Deciding it would be best to play with the other littles, Jisung went to the room Changbin and Felix both shared with Chan. The two of them were quite startled when the door opened and Jisung waddled into their room, plopping down right next to them and looking at his older brothers with innocent eyes. They had just been planning out their pranks for the day and hadn't expected anyone to walk in on them, much less doing so without knocking first. "What are you doin' here?", Changbin asked, not even trying to mask his annoyance. Uncomfortable with the other's cold reaction, Jisung crawled closer to Felix, pouting: "Pway wif Jiji?" – "Sorry Jiji but hyungs are busy", the Aussie stated with an apologetic smile. Pouting even harder, the younger little held onto Felix' sleeve and whined: "Bu' Jiji bowed." – "Why don't you go and play with your daddy?", Changbin frowned and Felix nodded, while hoisting the other onto his hip. Carrying Jisung to the living room, the Aussie explained: "We can play later okay? Binnie and I just have some important big boy stuff to do right now." Giving a sad sniffle, the rapper nodded crawling over to his blocks as soon as his hyung set him down on the living room carpet. Since Felix couldn't be bothered any longer, he rushed straight back to his room, not all that worried about the younger as he had his blocks to play with.

When Chan walked into the living room and found his dongsaeng playing all by himself and nibbling on one of the blocks, he took a seat next to the rapper. "Hey there, baby", the leader smiled, "What are you doing here by yourself, hm?" – "Jiji pway", the little slurred, barely removing the toy block from his mouth. Gently taking the block away, Chan offered: "Should we get one of your pacis or are you hungry, little one?" – "Paci pwease?" – "Alright, up we go", the Aussie cooed, picking his dongsaeng up. He was a bit confused as to why Jisung was alone, he always hated to be alone, so he'd either play with the other littles or cling to his caregiver. Conveniently, most of Jisung's pacifiers were in Minho's room because the rapper always slept there when he was little, so Chan could drop the younger off to stay with his caregiver.

Minho looked up surprised when Chan walked in with Jisung in his arms. The dancer was convinced his dongsaeng was playing with the other two littles in their room. Had something happened? "Min, this adorable baby here needs a paci", Chan announced, softly bouncing the boy in his arms. Already rummaging through his drawer, Minho pulled out the paci he had decorated specifically for today. It was black and he had glued a small bat charm to it, so Jisung would have something Halloween themed too. Slipping the comfort item between the little's lips, he booped his nose and cooed: "Why aren't you with the others? I thought you wanted to play?" Instead of answering, the rapper reached over and made grabby hands at his main caregiver, who rushed to take him from Chan. "I found him alone in the living room", the leader informed, giving Jisung a questioning look. Nuzzling his face into Minho's neck, the little slurred: "Hyungs busy, Jiji too wittle to pway with 'em. They doin' big boy stuff." – "I see", Chan sighed, upset at his two dongsaengs for excluding their youngest, "What kind of big boy stuff are they doing?" Jisung only shrugged, relaxing into his caregiver's hold. This was much better than playing with his blocks alone. "Alright, if they don't want to play with you, you'll just stay with daddy, okay?", Minho hummed, sitting down on his bed. The little nodded, reaching for the cat plushie the older always kept on his bed and gently petting its fur.

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