A little New Year🍼

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Littles: Jisung (age 3), Felix (age 5-6)

Caregivers: Stray Kids (mostly Chan, Minho and Changbin)

No one's POV.:
Stray Kids had taken a long time deliberating on how they wanted to celebrate New Year's Eve. In the end, they decided to stay together at the dorm to give their littles a chance of regressing. They rarely had the time to go into headspace nowadays so the opportunity was more than welcome. Jisung and Felix had already woken up in headspace that morning, since their last time regressing had been a long time ago. Little Felix was a true little sunshine, bouncing with excitement at the smallest of things. It was impossible not to be happy around him, his joy was just so contagious. Little Jisung was much calmer than Felix. He was quiet, often non-verbal and a shy little sweetheart, who loved cuddles from his hyungs. While Felix was always looking for someone to play with him, Jisung was perfectly content with just sitting in someone's lap for hours or if he was feeling really brave, he'd sit with someone and color. Rarely Felix though, the young Aussie was just to energetic and it often scared the squirrel-like boy.

This afternoon, the caregivers had insisted the little were taking a nap. Jisung, having a younger headspace and being calmer in general, didn't mind taking a nap at all, as long as someone would tuck him in and kiss his forehead, he'd happily comply. Felix was a different story. When he learned that he had to take a nap he first begged to be allowed to stay up, promising to be quiet while Jisung slept. Usually that worked, given his mental age he rarely needed naps anyways but with the plans of staying awake most of the night, the caregivers didn't budge. Despite Felix throwing a whole fit, Chan managed to get him to nap, not without threatening him with an early bedtime while Jisung, who was being a good boy would be able to watch the firework. Huffing, the little plopped onto his bed, letting Chan cover him. Chan however knew his little, so he took a seat on his own bed, connecting his headphones to his laptop and watching a drama in the same room as Felix. The little would have gotten up the second the leader left the room, so Chan stayed to supervise. Felix was pissed about Chan hanging around and glared at the ceiling for a few minutes. However, he soon fell asleep, despite putting up a strong fight. The caregiver quietly removed his headphones, chuckling when he heard the soft snores coming from the other bed. He stopped his drama and snuck out of the room to help the others prepare snacks and games for the evening.

Initially they had only planned to make the littles nap around one hour but looking at them sleeping peacefully, they let them nap another hour, waking them in the early evening. Minho carried a sleepy Jisung on his hip to the living room, sitting down on the couch with the younger on his lap to give him the chance to fully wake up before facing the others. Felix tagged behind Chan, holding the leader's hand as they emerged from their room. The little yawned cutely before letting go of Chan and waddling over to hug Changbin. The Aussie woke up quicker and helped his hyungs lay the table like the good boy he is. When dinner was ready, Minho carried Jisung over, trying to put the little down on his own chair. The little however, wasn't having it at all. He clung to the caregiver's shirt, whining louder than he usually would and after a few failed attempts Minho relented and just kept Jisung on his lap. They enjoyed their meal with Chan and Changbin often having to remind Felix not to play with his food. They had some breadstick with their food and while Jisung nibbled contently on his, decorating his and Minho's laps with crumbs, the other little used them to drum on the plates and bowls, almost ending up in time-out. Lucky for him, the caregivers were extraordinarily patient given the occasion.

After dinner everyone went to the living room to watch TV and play games, killing the remaining time till midnight. However, Felix wasn't as happy as you'd think he'd be, being allowed to stay up late. Yes, his caregivers were playing with him, but he really wanted to play with his younger sibling and struggled to understand the other not being as extroverted as him. Minho had finally been able to put Jisung down to sit by himself on the carpet. But that's all the younger little did. He sat their holding onto his squirrel plushie and watching whatever gameshow was playing on TV, not even understanding what was going on on the show. Following the leader's advice, the other little had toned it down a bit, to not scare Jisung. He brought building blocks, coloring pages and small cars, trying to find something the other would join him with. To no avail, Jisung just looked at him curiously, not saying a word. At that point the Aussie got really upset. To him it felt like the mentally younger boy didn't want to play with him because he didn't like him. That kind of misunderstanding had often come up in the past and Felix had learned not to express his hurt as anger towards the other, knowing it would only scare him away further. Instead, he tried to keep his bottom lip from quivering as he fled to his room before anyone could see his tears.

However, Felix isn't the quietest crier, so his caregivers were well able to hear him wail through the closed door. Changbin sighed, motioning for Chan to stay where he was, before the rapper got up to check on the crying little. He struggled to make out what had his baby get so worked up about because the little was barely able to speak between the hiccups. It took a few minutes of rocking the younger in his arms to sooth him enough for Changbin to piece together that they were dealing with the same old problem. Texting their groupchat, explaining the situation, he tried to ensure Felix that Jisung didn't hate him and was just too shy. As happy as the little could be, as stubborn could his negative thoughts be and Changbin was simply not the right person to remove them from his mind.

When half an hour had passed with neither of them returning to the group, Minho took Jisung into his arms, quietly whispering in his ear. It took another ten minutes for the little to gather enough courage to let the caregiver take him to Felix' room. With Jisung in his arms, anxiously clutching his plushie, Minho sat down next to Changbin on the edge of Felix' bed. Both of them holding a little on their laps. Felix had barely registered anyone joining them, he was too busy soaking Changbin's shirt with tears. Jisung's eyes wandered uncertainly between Minho and the crying little next to him. Taking a deep breath, he reached out and hesitantly tapped Felix' shoulder before shoving his plushie into the other's arms because that's what always helped him when he was crying, so why wouldn't it help his older brother too? Felix looked up with watery eyes, glancing between the plushy and his little brother, who was chewing on his bottom lip before reaching out to stroke Felix' arm, since his caregivers always calmed him down like that. "Sungie, Lixxie here thinks you hate him, is that true?", Changbin spoke up already knowing the answer. The addressed little shook his head furiously, almost breaking into tears himself. He made grabby hands at Felix and the caregivers put them down onto the bed, so the two could hug properly. For the two littles you could say cuddles solved any problem there might be.

Soon Felix was smiling again and the four went back to the living room, Jisung walking himself for once, clutching Felix' hand and his plushie, that Felix had given back to him. The remaining time till midnight the two spend coloring, Jisung enjoyed the time, having finally jumped over his shadow. Earlier than expected, the firework started, causing Felix to jump up from the carpet and run over to the window. "Look, dada, look! BOOM!!!", the little yelled pointing out the window. The first explosion had startled Jisung who had immediately latched onto Minho curling up tighter with each bang, tears streaming down his face. "Yeah mate, it's pretty, isn't it?", Chan chuckled walking up next to his dongsaeng. The younger Aussie's excitement was contagious and most of the members smiled along finding their spots at different dorm windows. Everyone except for Minho and Jisung that is. The rapper was very sensitive in his headspace, the loud noise outside frightening him. He was hiding his face in his caregiver's chest, sobbing. Minho himself was slowly starting to freak out too, seeing his little so distressed. He tried to keep his cool, stroking the other's back and murmuring soothing words, which went unheard over the little's cries.

"Guys, help!", Minho spoke up, not loud but firmly enough to catch the other's attention. Chan and Changbin stayed with Felix, while Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jeongin tore themselves away from the view. The two maknae's tried their best to distract the little from chaos going on outside their dorm but the boy wouldn't even lift his head from where it was pressed against Minho. After what seemed like endless minutes, Hyunjin emerged from his room, holding a pair of earplugs. After Minho gave a confirming nod, the dancer carefully inserted them into the little's ears, which was quite a struggle since the rapper squirmed at the foreign feeling. Noticing his surroundings slowly quietening down, Jisung gave up fighting Hyunjin. He let his caregiver's touch soothe him and by the time the clock struck twelve, he stood between Felix and Minho, holding their hands and smiling at the colorful patterns in the sky, that Felix kept pointing at. He couldn't hear what his hyungs were saying but he felt them there and with everything being silenced, he wasn't as overwhelmed and felt rather brave standing there with his favorite caregiver and 'littlespace-big brother', making whishes for the coming year. 

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