Tummy rubs🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Chan

Caregiver: Felix

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No one's POV.:
Chan had been feeling a bit off all day. He spent the entire day alone in his studio, so he was glad nobody was there to notice him slacking off. The leader himself didn't know what was up with him but he noticed himself growing increasingly unfocused. Something that might have been able to explain it, was that the Aussie was a little. His head always got a bit fuzzy and he had trouble focusing when he needed to slip. Chan didn't want to slip right now though. Wanting to meet his deadlines, he decided to continue working and regress when he got home that night. Though Felix was officially Chan's caregiver, the older usually regressed alone, not wanting to bother anyone and not being able to understand that his members loved watching over his little-self. Usually, he would just pop in a pacifier and cuddle up with his favorite plushie, a grey wolf named Stormy, before going to sleep. He barely ever regressed during the day, finding it inconvenient, so he only accepted his headspace at nighttime right before sleeping. That also meant, he didn't really play with toys or anything, he just needed Stormy, his pacifier and a cozy blanket to curl up under. Chan wasn't used to feeling little during the day, so he was quite certain the fog in his brain had a different reason.

Over the next few hours, Chan had developed a dull headache but that was nothing he wasn't used to. He often got those from staring at his computer screen for hours on end. Setting himself a time-limit, the leader decided he'd continue for another hour before heading back to the dorm. It was already quite late and he was convinced his members would be asleep when he got home but that was normal. He had always been the one to stay out the longest. Feeling his stomach rumble, Chan realized that it had been hours since he had last eaten something. Was he really so out of it that he forgot about the most basic things? Sighing, he grabbed a protein bar from his bag and ate it while he finished up what he was working on at the moment. It hadn't been a full hour but the last few minutes weren't worth starting anything new, so Chan saved his files and shut his laptop. Packing up, he left the studio a bit earlier than expected. Maybe someone would still be awake and happy that the leader returned sooner than expected. It would also give him a chance to regress properly without having to go to sleep right away, maybe he could still watch a short cartoon or something before bed.

To his disappointment, the dorm was completely silent when he returned. Sure, he was glad that his members got the rest they needed but he hadn't seen them all day and had hoped, he would get to at least talk to one of them. Remembering that he hadn't really eaten dinner and that a protein bar could not be considered a meal, Chan snuck into the kitchen to have some of the leftovers of his friends' dinner. His stomach had been hurting a bit for a while now, so he didn't really want to eat but he explained the pain as hunger and forced himself to do so anyways. He quickly washed up and got ready for bed, putting on an oversized sweater. Sleeping with a shirt on usually was a telltale sign that the leader was either little or preparing to slip because his adult-self didn't like wearing a shirt when sleeping. He easily slipped into his headspace and placed his pacifier into his mouth. Cuddling Stormy close, Chan crawled into bed and pulled his fluffy blanket over himself. Immediately feeling sleepy, he abandoned the idea of watching a cartoon and instead tried to sleep right away. It didn't take long for the tired little to drift off, quietly sucking on his pacifier.

As fast as he managed to fall asleep, as fast did Chan wake up again. His stomach was hurting way worse now, which was probably what had woken him up. Whimpering quietly, the little curled up tighter and tried to just go back to sleep. It didn't work well however because the cramps in his abdomen were too intense for the little to handle. Every time a cramp his, he would bite onto his pacifier to help him stay quiet. It didn't seem like the pain would go away anytime soon, so Chan had to debate his options. Waiting this out wasn't one of them. He should probably go and wake Felix. His caregiver would get upset anyways if Chan didn't get him when he was struggling by himself. He wouldn't even have to go far because he slept in the same room as Felix, his bed was right against the wall opposite Chan's. Making up his mind, the leader pushed his blanket off and sat up. He had a funny feeling at the back of his throat and suddenly didn't feel like having something in his mouth, so he placed his paci on his nightstand and waddled over to Felix' bed with his plushie in his arms.

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