Asleep on the couch🌡️

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Sickie: Seungmin

Caregivers: Stray Kids

No one's POV.:
Seungmin had started to work a lot harder recently, coming back to the dorm later and later every night. He was spending more time improving his vocals and it was showing. Being able to hit higher notes than before and being more stable with his singing, motivated him to keep working on it, curious how far he could go. It wasn't long before he started returning even later than Chan himself and usually the dorm was completely dark by the time he came back. It wasn't a big deal, sure, he was tired but other than that, Seungmin felt like he was striving. He got more compliments for his voice and the comments on social media confirmed just how much he had improved. His members weren't necessarily happy about their friend's absence at the dorm but they still saw him during their practices together and they were proud of the progress their main vocalist had made. Seeing Seungmin happy and less critical with himself made them happy too, so why should they interfere?

After a few weeks though, Seungmin felt the exhaustion really settle in his bones as getting up in the morning became a harder task every day. They'd have a day off soon, so he'd just have to power through till then and catch up on the sleep when they were off work. Chan observed his dongsaeng more closely after learning how late he actually stayed at the company building. The leader could see how his friend was tiring himself out and being all too familiar with overworking himself, Chan didn't like what Seungmin was doing one bit. There wasn't much he could do about it though, knowing how much of a perfectionist the boy was and seeing him be happy with his accomplishments, the Aussie didn't see himself in the position to stop him.

Heading back home after a long and tiring night of singing his throat raw, Seungmin couldn't keep his eyes from closing as he walked. One would think he'd wake up properly after running into the third lamppost but the vocalist was so exhausted that he barely even noticed. His throat hurt from all the hours he had spent singing and his head pounded from the lack of sleep, his bag constantly slipping off his slumped shoulder as he couldn't find the strength to hold onto it. All Seungmin wanted to do was crawl into his bed and never wake up again. He was lucky, the following day was their long awaited off-day, which was exactly why he had pushed his limits so much today, wanting to earn himself a break and making the last day before the break count. Nearly tripping himself as he tried to kick off his shoes, Seungmin dropped his bag by the front door and dragged his achy body over to the couch, ready to crash. He didn't care that he was still wearing his jeans and would most likely wake up incredibly achy. All he cared about was laying down and closing his eyes.

When Chan needed the bathroom in the middle of the night, he passed by the living room and heard soft snores. Quietly making his way over to the couch, he found his dongsaeng passed out in what looked like an incredibly uncomfortable position. Usually, the leader hated waking his friends when they were asleep but he knew the younger would wake up in pain from sleeping there, plus, he'd be woken up by the first members getting up and eating breakfast. If he went to his own room, he'd be able to sleep more comfortably and longer. Hesitantly resting his hand on Seungmin's shoulder, Chan called his name. When the younger didn't even stir, he shook him a bit. The vocalist groaned quietly and turned away. "Seungmin-ah, go to bed", the leader chuckled, nudging his shoulder again. Shoving the Aussie's hand away, Seungmin slurred: "Go 'way." – "Minnie, your bed is much more comfortable, plus, you're still wearing your jeans", Chan reminded, tugging on his dongsaeng's arm. Slapping his hyung's hand away again, the younger whined: "Don' care, jus' go 'way." Sighing, the Aussie pulled the quilt from the back of the couch and draped it over Seungmin's legs before making his way to the bathroom. He wouldn't bother his dongsaeng anymore, considering how exhausted he obviously was.

Unlike Chan's prediction, Seungmin wasn't woken up by the first member getting up, neither by the second. The vocalist remained deeply asleep while his entire group had breakfast. Chan himself had been the last one to leave his bedroom, yet Seungmin was able to sleep through the entire chaos of his friends' cooking. Passing by the couch again, the leader found him exactly the way he had left him earlier that night. "Hyung, should we wake him? I don't know if he had dinner last night", Felix asked lowly, walking up next to Chan. Shaking his head, the older replied: "Just let him sleep, he really needs it." The dancer nodded and went back to the kitchen to finish making breakfast. Not knowing how long it might take Seungmin to wake up, the group had breakfast without him. They saved him some food for when he woke up and tried to keep their voices low in order not to disturb him. The fact that he was able to sleep on the couch for that long was already impressive, since it was not secret that it wasn't the most comfortable. When they were done eating, Seungmin still hadn't moved, so the members decided to hang out in their rooms as to not wake him. He had really worked hard recently.

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