Missing out🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Chan

Caregiver: Jeongin

No one's POV.:
After their latest comeback, Stray Kids were granted a week off to relax and catch up on sleep. They had already discussed giving their littles the opportunity to spend most off their free time in their headspaces and the regressors were more than excited. Sitting down in the living room one evening after work, they compiled a list of things the littles wanted to do during their week off. From baking cupcakes together over building a massive pillow fort in the living room to going to the playground, their days were pretty much packed with fun activities and they couldn't wait to get the last few days until their break over with. As luck would have it though, one of the regressors started to feel a little low only two days before their break. It had started with a mild headache, that slowly progressed into something worse as time passed. Being prone to headaches, Chan didn't think much of it and figured he'd be fine once he got enough sleep. When he woke up for work on the last day before their break though, he realized this was nothing he could just sleep off. Somehow his nose had completely closed up during the night and breathing through his mouth had left his throat dry and scratchy. Not wanting to worry his friends, he went over his day as usual but made sure to spend most of his time alone in his studio, so the others wouldn't catch on to his struggle.

For lunch, Chan ordered himself some soup as take-out, which he ate alone in his studio. It was only now that he realized what it would mean for him to be sick during their break. He would be missing out on all the fun things they had planned and that was not an option for the Aussie. After looking forward to it for so long, there was no way he'd be missing out on it, as it was the only thing that had kept him going throughout the past week. Chan could tell, he had developed a fever over the course of the day but was stubborn enough to convince himself it'd be gone by the following morning. Just as gone as his sore throat and blocked nose. He wouldn't be sick anymore the following day. He couldn't because it was supposed to be his little time, which he had been so excited for. The Aussie hadn't had the opportunity to slip in a long time and therefore also missed out on quality time with his caregiver, which was inacceptable. Jeongin was the best caregiver a little could wish for in Chan's eyes, therefore nothing would get between him and his daddy in their time off. Their maknae had promised to take him to a playground as soon as they got a break and Chan was determined to go, so when he dragged his tired body home after their last workday, he made sure to take some medicine and go to bed early.

The caregivers had actually set an alarm to ensure they'd be awake before their littles to prepare a special breakfast. Minho, Seungmin, Felix and Jeongin wanted to make the occasion special for their littles, so they made waffles and chopped some fruit to eat. Though Felix offered to whip cream as a topping, Minho was quick to stop him. Being Jisung's caregiver, Minho didn't want the younger to eat too much sugar or else he'd be too energetic to handle. Unsure of how young his little would wake up, Seungmin also cooked some porridge for Hyunjin. The dancer tended to slip very young when he hadn't slipped in a while, which would result in him being very quiet and sensitive. If that was the case, there was no way Seungmin would be able to leave his side to cook something else later, so he'd rather take a few precautions. Felix knew how much Changbin loved everything dairy when he regressed and now that whipped cream was out of question, he prepared some warm cocoa for the rapper to have with his breakfast. Jeongin was stunned how much the other caregivers had to worry about food choices. His little Chan wasn't picky at all when it came to food. He'd eat anything as long as Jeongin fed him.

The first little to wake up was Jisung, waddling into the kitchen and jumping on his caregiver's back. He almost knocked Minho over on accident but the dancer quickly balanced them, chuckling: "Good morning, little chipmunk." The younger whined in complaint about the nickname and nuzzled his face against the back of Minho's neck. "Wait here, Sungie. We'll go wake the others", Felix laughed, knowing just how fast the rapper would get bored without his little friends. They had breakfast ready anyway, so better eat the waffles while they were still warm. While Seungmin headed off to his room, Jeongin followed Felix to the room he shared with Chan and Changbin. Changbin woke up fast when the Aussie reminded him of their plans for today, Chan however was too out of it to give his daddy anything but whines. "It's okay, Lix, you guys can go and eat already. I know the others will get impatient", the maknae sighed, sitting down next to Chan, who just didn't want to wake up. Felix nodded and took the little's hand, guiding him to the dining table. As expected, Hyunjin and Jisung were already seated at the table, Minho and Seungmin trying their hardest to distract them as they waited for the rest of the group to join. Settling Changbin in his chair, Felix explained: "Chan's having a hard time waking up, so Jeongin said we should just go ahead and start without them." Though they had planned to do everything together today, the caregivers didn't want the mood to drop by keeping the littles waiting, so they went ahead and served the waffles they had prepared.

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