Markers are not for skin🍼

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Little: Hyunjin

Caregiver: Chan

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No one's POV.:
Finishing his morning coffee, Chan put the cup in the sink and made his way to Hyunjin's room. It was weekend and the dancer had announced the previous night, that he'd use his free time to slip and destress. As his caregiver, the leader would be staying back at the dorms to keep an eye on the little, no matter how often the younger assured he could take care of himself and that the oldest shouldn't stay back because of him. The rest of the group had gone out because the weather forecast had promised a sunny day, warmer than they had had in a while. That left Chan and Hyunjin as the only two members at the dorm. The leader was actually surprised his dongsaeng hadn't woken up already due to the ruckus caused by their friends getting ready. He decided to wake the dancer up, so he'd have enough time to be little and play. Sneaking into the younger's room, he found the little snuggled up under his blanket with his teddy bear in his arms. Apparently, he had gone to bed this way to wake up little the next morning. "Good morning, cutie. Time to get up", Chan hummed and sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling the blanket down a bit and stroking the other's slim back. Hyunjin stretched with a disapproving whine and shoved his head under his pillow. The older just picked up the pillow and laughed: "Baby, I thought you wanted to play with daddy today but I guess I was wrong and you'd rather stay here alone." – "Nuh, daddy!", the dancer called out suddenly wide awake. He sat up and crawled into Chan's lap. The leader hugged him and smoothed down the messy long hair, smiling: "Well hello there, little one."

They remained in an embrace for a few minutes and Hyunjin was starting to go back to sleep. "No no baby, no more sleeping. It's time for breakfast. The others are all gone, so it's just daddy and Jinnie time today", the caregiver announced, nudging the dancer to keep him from falling asleep. The younger pouted up at him cutely, asking: "Uppie?" Sighing Chan picked him up and carried him to the kitchen. He set the little down on the counter and gave him a stern look, reminding him not to move and fall off. Then the leader filled a sippy with juice, letting the little drink a bit while he went to wash and cut some fruit. Arranging the bits of chopped fruit to a cute face, he took the plate to the table before returning to collect Hyunjin. The dancer had finished about half of his juice and quickly wrapped his arms around his caregiver's neck when he appeared in front of him. Chan picked him up and sat down at the table with his dongsaeng on his lap. "CUTE!", the little squealed as he admired the food. Chuckling, the oldest picked up an apple slice, which had served as an eyebrow, and tapped it against the other's lips. "Say ah, baby!", he grinned. Chewing, Hyunjin clapped his hands happily and beamed when the caregiver continued to feed him.

Chan had already had breakfast earlier, so when Hyunjin finished they were ready to start their day. Cleaning the plate, the leader asked: "What do you want to do today, Jinnie?" – "Hmm, can we colow?", the dancer suggested, chewing on the hem of his shirt. The older nodded and took his hand as they walked back to the little's room: "Of course, we can color but we should probably brush your hair first and maybe also get you a paci. Look your shirt is already damp from you chewing on it." Hyunjin looked at his shirt guiltily before letting out a loud whine: "Off!" Rolling his eyes, Chan complied and replaced the dancer's shirt with one of his largest, before reaching into the bedside drawer and pulling out a light purple pacifier. "Here, cutie. Now let daddy brush your hair and we're all done", the leader cooed as he slipped the comfort item between the little's lips. Hopefully it would keep him quiet because Hyunjin tended to make a fuss when getting his hair brushed in little space. It worked out well and the leader finished off by pinning the front strands back with some colorful hairclips. He then sat down on the floor with his dongsaeng, laying out his coloring books and helping him decide what he wanted to color first. The little had soon picked out a picture of a bear sitting underneath the stars. "Daddy, colow with Jinnie!", the dancer requested. "Well, what do you want daddy to color?" – "Make the staws, hmm..., yewwow!", the little giggled, clapping his hands. Chan chuckled, a fond smile spreading on his face as he picked up the yellow crayon and started to fill in the stars.

They had been coloring together for a while when Hyunjin pushed his caregiver out of the room, claiming he wanted to color something for him but Chan wasn't allowed to look until it was done. To pass the time, the leader set up his laptop in the living room and played around with some new beats. When it had almost been an hour and there was still no sign of the little, the oldest decided to go and check on him. When the door swung open, Hyunjin froze like a deer in the headlights. The marker in his hand cluttered to the ground. 'Since when did he own markers?' Chan wondered, not sure when the little had gotten his hands on something other than crayons and colored pencils. They were staring at each other for a few seconds, Hyunjin shocked that someone had walked in on him, Chan shocked because the dancer's face and arms were covered in colorful doodles. "Look daddy, Jinnie colow fow chu!", the little exclaimed happily, holding up a picture of a treehouse and birds. The leader facepalmed before putting on a happy face and thanking his dongsaeng for his beautiful artwork. After recapping the open marker, he scooped the little up in his arms frowning: "Jinnie, it seems like you didn't only color the tree but yourself too." – "Mhm, Jinnie pwetty!", the younger giggled. 'Oh dear, how are we going to get that off?' the oldest wondered, taking the dancer to the bathroom. He shot a quick text to Felix before starting a bath for Hyunjin. The little giggled as he watched the water rise and was excited his daddy remembered to add a lot of bubbles. Chan then helped him into the tub, handing him a bright yellow rubber duck, and grabbed a washcloth. The leader had been scrubbing the other's arms for a few minutes already but the lines weren't really coming off, while the skin grew progressively red. "Nooo daddy, ouchieee!", the dancer whined, pulling his hand away. He had tried to be a big boy and let his daddy clean him up but it was really starting to hurt. The oldest rana hand through his locks, getting frustrated: "Baby, how are we going to get this off? Markers aren't for skin." He hadn't even started on cleaning Hyunjin's face yet.

Chan quickly dried off his hands when his phone started to ring. He answered the call and was greeted by Felix low voice: "Ah hyung, I just remembered something. Did you get the marker off yet?" – "No Lix, I didn't" – the younger laughed, annoying Chan a bit before he answered: "I figured you wouldn't. Don't worry, I have some very good make-up remover in my closet that can also remove marker. I may or may not have had to deal with a few pranks and that was the only thing that really helped. You may wanna try it." – "Mate, you're a lifesaver, Jinnie's already upset with me because I've been scrubbing his arms so roughly." – "No problem, see you later, hyung." And with that the call ended. Hyunjin was so occupied with his bath toy that he didn't even realize the leader leaving him for a second to retrieve the bottle of make-up remover Felix had talked about. "Alright cutie, let's give this another try", the older hummed, approaching the dancer with a soaked cotton pad. The little just scooted away, shaking his head: "No huwt me again, daddy." – "Oh sweetie, daddy is sorry. It's not going to hurt this time, I promise", the leader cooed. Although hesitant, Hyunjin lifted his arm and allowed Chan to gently brush the cotton pad over it. Felix had been right, the lines were fading and after cleaning both the little's arms, the caregiver also wiped his face clean with gentle strokes, earning a giggle when he booped the tiny nose.

Not long after Hyunjin had gotten out of his bath and changed into a fresh set of clothes, Jisung and Felix came back home from their trip around town. "Here hyung, we got what you asked for", Felix smiled, handing the leader a small plastic bag before going to ruffle the little's wet hair, "I see you're all clean again, little one." Chan picked the little up and carried him to his room. "Since you wanted so badly to draw on your face, I asked the two to pick us up some face paint", the leader explained, dumping the contents of the plastic bag onto the carpet they were sitting on. The dancer face lit up as he pouted at his caregiver with hopeful eyes. "Daddy make Jinnie pwetty? Pleasie?" – "Daddy will make Jinnie really pretty. What do you want me to draw baby?" – "Buttewfly!", the little squealed, tucking his hair behind his ears. Chan grabbed a headband and put it on the younger before picking up a thin brush and some pink face paint. He started applying the paint with light brush strokes, admiring the sparkle in the younger's eyes. Hyunjin reached up to touch his face before he remembered not to smear the paint, so he just giggled: "Tickles." – "There, you look really pretty, Jinnie. But, you know what, you already did that before."

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