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Sickie/Little: Chan

Caregivers: Minho & Jisung

(Sequel to 'Right here' and 'Returning the favor')

No one's POV.:
Over the course of the past few days, Chan had spent most of his time at the dorm instead of the company building. First Jisung and then not even a day later Minho, had caught a stomach bug. Aware of how contagious it was, the leader had decided to take care of the two sick members by himself. He had already been exposed when taking care of only Jisung and didn't have much to lose, while the other members still had great chances not to catch it. Though reluctant, the rest of the group had agreed to keep their distance from their friends as long as Chan was certain he didn't want their help in taking care of them. Chan did have it handled and still seemed fine. Well, fine as in, he didn't feel like he had caught their bug yet. The Aussie was running on close to no sleep, spending the biggest parts of the nights in the bathroom, comforting either Jisung or Minho. It was the third day already and Jisung was slowly getting better. His fever had broken last night and he had managed to keep a small bowl of plain rice down. However, the rapper was still exhausted form all the nightly hours he spent in the bathroom, throwing up. Now that he felt remotely better, he was finally able to catch up on some sleep. Jisung slept so deeply that he didn't hear Chan helping Minho to the bathroom at least three times over the course of the night. He also slept until the late afternoon, while the group left for work and Chan settled Minho on the couch, so the dancer could watch some dramas to distract himself from the pain in his stomach and throat.

While Minho drifted in and out of consciousness, Chan went to the bathroom to take a shower. With the hot water running over his tense shoulders, the Aussie was finally able to relax a bit. For almost ten minutes, he just stood there, pretty much asleep on his feet before remembering that he was supposed to wash up. He wasn't really surprised about being so out of it, it happened on occasions when he went too long without getting proper sleep. What he didn't expect though was being hit by a sudden bout of dizziness. At first, he thought it'd be enough to lean against the tiled wall for a bit and take some deep breaths. It didn't help as much as he had hoped it would and afraid of slipping in the shower and being found naked, he sunk to his knees and rested his head in his hands till the black spots disappeared. Still a bit shaken up from the incident, he got back to his feet and turned the water temperature down. The overly hot water in combination with the lack of sleep had obviously messed with his circulation. Rinsing off with icy cold water, Chan tried to wake himself up and get his heart pumping properly. It did wake him up but although he was quick to change into sweatpants and a hoodie, he couldn't seem to get warm again afterwards.

Shuffling to the kitchen, Chan made himself a cup of coffee. He wasn't really hungry, so breakfast could wait till later. Jisung was asleep still anyway and Minho had just thrown up again, not even an hour before and would probably not want to join him. Chan took his coffee and sat down on the couch beside Minho, trying to figure out which drama was playing at the moment. Noticing the older shiver, Minho lifted one corner of his blanket and held it out for the other to get under. With a gratefully smile, Chan pulled the blanket over himself too and leaned back into the couch cushions. Only then did he notice the questioning look his dongsaeng gave him. "I felt sleepy, so I took a cold shower", he answered the unspoken question. Still hoarse from frequently being sick, Minho rasped quietly: "If you feel sleepy, you should rest. Hyung, did you even sleep these last few days?" – "An hour here and there", Chan shrugged, rubbing his temples. His head was starting to hurt and sleep just sounded too tempting. "Come here", the younger whispered, guiding the Aussie's head to lie on his lap, "You've been constantly taking care of us. Sungie's already getting better and I'm fine for now too, plus, I'd be able to handle myself if I wasn't. Take a break, yeah?" The older barely managed to give a sleepy nod before Minho's hand in his still damp curls had lured him to sleep.

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