Baby quokka🍼

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Little: Jisung

Caregiver: Seungmin & Jeongin

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No one's POV.:
It had only been a few weeks since Minho had told his members about his littlespace. Though he was happy that the dancer was able to open up about and was met with acceptance and support, there was one member that was frustrated with the timing. Said other member was a little too and had been thinking about outing himself if only Minho hadn't beat him to it. Now he couldn't do it anymore. He was happy that his hyung was getting the attention he deserved and he wouldn't do anything that could take that attention away from Minho. Sadly, with Minho being openly little, the members started to spend more time at the dorm to give the dancer a chance to slip and unwind. It was truly unfortunate because that took away the other little's chance to slip secretly. While one member started to slip more frequently, another stopped completely. There was just no way this would end well.

Jisung had developed his headspace during highschool. It was nice to find a safe space to escape to when the stress got overwhelming. With his busy life as an idol, the rapper didn't stop regressing after highschool and instead continued to slip at least once a weak. He found it really helpful for his anxiety and he was usually a lot calmer for a few days after regressing, so why would he stop. At least he wasn't planning to stop any time soon. Jisung even considered telling his members about his regression but while he was still building his courage, another member had been brave enough to do just that. Minho was someone, Jisung would've never expected to be an age regressor yet here he was. On one hand the rapper was happy about it because he saw that his members didn't judge and accepted the little with open arms, taking care of him and making sure he got enough occasions to slip. The dancer often struggled to accept other people's affection or to let others take care of him. That all changed when he was little. Little Minho loved the attention he was receiving and Jisung loved the spark in his hyung's eyes when he got praised and complimented for being so cute. Who was the rapper to take that away? He couldn't possibly announce that he was a little too. Either his friends would think he was jealous of the attention Minho got and be mad at him or they'd try to split their attention between both littles, which would result in the dancer only receiving half of the attention he got before. Neither option sounded too appealing to Jisung, so he decided to keep quiet about it. He only realized later that that might mean he needed to stop his own regression all together because the members often stayed at the dorm with Minho. If his hyung was happy he could do it, right?

It had only been a few weeks but Jisung had started having his doubts about being able to stop. Sure, he hadn't expected it to be easy but this hard? 3racha had stayed at the studio late the previous night and the youngest of the trio had been struggling the entire time they were there. Chan had soon noticed that his dongsaeng couldn't really focus on his work but not knowing the reason behind it, he had just gotten him coffee and continued working. Truth was, being used to slip at least once a week, Jisung's mind had started to feel fuzzy about a week after he last regressed and it had only gotten worse the longer he pushed his headspace away. He could feel himself spacing out frequently but there was nothing he could do. Although he tried to sleep more, drink more coffee or distract himself, nothing really helped him clear his mind. The rapper figured that the only solution would be to give in to his need to slip, so he kept waiting for a convenient time when nobody else would be at the dorm. That time never came and when Jisung had to get up early after being in the studio all night, he wasn't happy about it.

The rapper had never been a morning person and considering his late bedtime, he was exhausted. Still, he had to get up and get ready for dance practice. There was one thing his member would have to notice soon. A tired little was a bratty one and although Jisung wasn't little at the moment, he sure was moody. The rapper had given Chan an attitude all morning and not wanting the situation to escalate, the leader had simply started to ignore his dongsaeng. Minho and Hyunjin were leading their practice today and Jisung just wouldn't stop complaining. According to him the two dancers wouldn't give them enough breaks, would be too harsh and judgemental and overall arrogant just because they learned the moves quicker than the other members. None of this was true and Hyunjin knew that after witnessing the way Jisung had acted towards Chan and soon followed the leader's example, ignoring the angry squirrel. Minho however got insecure. Did he really make his dongsaeng feel this way? He wasn't arrogant, he just wanted to show the others where they could improve. His self-doubt as a dance teacher and a good hyung to his dongsaengs brought Minho closer to slipping and when Hyunjin noticed the older's hands shaking, he knew he couldn't let Jisung continue acting this way.

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