Little Cold🍼🌡️❄️

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Sickie/Little: Changbin

Caregivers: Chan & Minho (+ Jisung)

Idea by: xXAiko16xX

No one's POV.:

It had been a while since Stray Kids had last gotten a day off from their schedule. Especially with the holidays coming closer, they were as busy as ever, not really giving the littles in their group a chance to regress. Changbin had been a little since soon after their debut, as he realized the music industry was a much rougher environment than he could have ever anticipated. With the stakes always high and expectations rising, the rapper needed an escape from his work life, fearing he'd go insane if he didn't get a break from time to time. When watching movies as a distraction didn't work anymore, he started doing some research about healthy coping strategies and came up with age regression. It felt a little odd in the beginning but he soon grew more comfortable with it. Considering Changbin loved cute stuff anyway, it seemed to really suit him and his members didn't even notice anything off at first because he had always been fond of his plushies. It had taken a while for the rapper to tell his friends about his headspace because it meant showing a quite high level of vulnerability but he had jumped over his shadow at some point and had first spoken to Chan and Minho. They were his only hyungs and he wanted to tell them first because he didn't want to let his dongsaengs down, which he felt he would if he told them about being a little.

Chan and Minho had remained open minded and after doing some research on the topic, fully approved of their dongsaeng's way to handle the stress. Though they themselves were pretty busy, they offered to be Changbin's caregivers right away, as they understood it could get kinda difficult to feel small and still have to watch out for oneself like a big person would. At first the rapper declined. Though the offer sounded tempting and he appreciated their support, he felt guilty for putting even more pressure on his two hyungs. Soon he had to learn though, that his little self hated to be alone. When he regressed, he easily felt lonely which made him fidgety and anxious. Chan hadn't been home at the time, so Changbin nervously clutched his stuffed bunny and made his way to Minho's room. His roommates, Hyunjin and Seungmin, were watching a drama in the living room, so the two had some privacy to talk. The rapper admitted that he'd gladly take the older up on his offer to be his caregiver, if Minho hadn't changed his mind yet. The dancer hadn't and calmly walked Changbin back to his bed, telling him to sit tight, while he made him some warm milk with honey. Felix was already asleep, so he didn't notice how Minho transferred the milk into Changbin's bottle and sat with him till he finished his drink and felt sleepy enough to let the older tuck him in.

Not long after Minho had become Changbin's caregiver, Chan joined him with the task and they soon convinced the little to tell the rest of the group too, as it would be easier to slip if they didn't have to hide it. The members were over the moon, as little Changbin simply was too adorable to handle and Felix even found the courage to out himself too. The Aussie never mentioned how much he envied Chngbin for having two caregivers but he soon didn't have to anymore, after Hyunjin and Jisung became his caregivers. After that, the group mostly had their dynamics figured out and it worked rather well, as long as they regularly got breaks, during which the littles could slip. Now that they were running without a break for so long, things started to get tough. Changbin hadn't slipped in what felt like forever, which had left him with a persistent headache that just wouldn't let up, no matter how much water he drank or how thoroughly he stretched his neck and shoulder muscles. The last thing on their schedule had been a shooting outside in the snow and although they were all exhausted, it had been pretty fun, especially knowing that they'd be on a break the following day.

When Changbin woke up the next morning, he felt like he had been hit by a train. The headache he had experienced the past few days had only gotten worse while his skin was slick with sweat. Everything ached when he tried to sit up and his throat felt like sandpaper. That was probably the only reason he even managed to force himself out of bed. He really needed some water. While he leaned against the kitchen counter, the rapper remembered how they had plans to go to the studio today and a note on the dining table informed him that Chan as already there. The leader wanted to let his dongsaengs sleep in and simply asked them to join them as soon as they were up and had eaten something. Not having an appetite for breakfast, Changbin heaved a sigh and went to get ready. There was no way, he'd let Chan and Jisung down. Had he taken a moment to really assess how he felt, he might have noticed the high fever he was sporting or that the sore throat wasn't just from breathing through his mouth in his sleep. Changbin had managed to get himself sick, though that shouldn't have been too much of a surprise after their photoshoot outside. He had always been sensitive to cold weather and should've expected their excursion to have a rather strong effect on him.

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