Useless hyung🍼

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Little: Minho

Caregiver: Jeongin (+ Felix & Seungmin)

No one's POV.:

Minho had been a little for a bit over a year now and was relieved that he had found a safe outlet for his stress. His group didn't know about his headspace and the dancer planned to keep it that way. He was the second oldest and didn't want his dongsaengs to have to worry about him, while his only hyung already had more than enough on his plate. It had been great news to Minho when he learned that they'd move into a new dorm and get their own rooms. Sure, he missed his friends from time to time but it had gotten so much easier for him to slip without anyone noticing. Being able to slip close to every night after he returned from the company building, Minho hadn't had his headspace creep up on him unpredictably anymore, which made his life a lot easier. On the other hand, the dancer was now the oldest in their dorm, living with the three youngest members, and didn't allow himself to slip during the day on their days off because he felt like would let his dongsaengs down if he wasn't there for them when they needed him. Slowly, he got so used to slipping at night, that his little side came out every evening.

At first, that wasn't too bad as it helped Minho unwind before going to bed but it soon became a big disadvantage when he had to work late and started to feel little while still at the company. Needing to come up with a new choreography till the end of the week, the dancer had decided to stay in one of the practice rooms after their official schedule and continue working till he had at least of the choreo down. It went alright for the first two hours or so and was only annoyed by his muscles being a bit sore. The longer he kept dancing though, the harder it got. It was close to his usual little-time and like clockwork, his head started to ache, telling him he needed to slip now. Still being used to only slip occasionally, Minho was confident he could resist like he had always done, sometimes even for weeks. A single day without slipping shouldn't be that big of a deal. As he kept dancing though, it slowly did become a bit bigger of a deal, as his little-side shone through and didn't want to dance to that song anymore. Hoping he'd get some new inspiration, Minho gave in and switched to a different song although he planned to return to the one he had to work on right after.

After dancing to one other song, Minho went through quite a number of different songs, enjoying to dance to all of them, except the one he was supposed to be dancing to. Had he not already been gone so far, he'd probably gotten frustrated but now, he didn't care about anything other than having fun with whatever song would come up next. Minho didn't even glance at the clock once, otherwise he would've noticed that it was already midnight and that he should probably get home and take a shower before going to bed as he obviously wouldn't be getting any further with his work today. He didn't care though, all that mattered were him and the music, so he continued with no stopping in sight.

His dormmates were a bit confused when their hyung didn't return. Sure, the dancer had announced he'd be practicing a bit longer today but this wasn't 'a bit' anymore, this was later than he ever allowed them to practice. The maknae-line surely did worry when Minho didn't come home but brushed it off at first, accepting that their hyung was old enough to take care of himself. They did have a hard time going to bed though, knowing one of their friends wasn't home yet, so they stayed up on the couch together, wanting to wait up for the older. Felix had tried calling Minho a few times over the past hour but he hadn't picked up, nor had he read any of their messages. Eventually, the trio decided that someone should go and check on their hyung. Maybe he had injured himself while practicing or something else had come up. Seungmin was out of question immediately, as he had already removed his contacts and wasn't supposed to leave the dorm in his 'at home'-glasses. Felix didn't really want his dongsaeng to go out at night by himself either but Jeongin reasoned, he'd be more stubborn than the Aussie and would probably do a better job at dragging Minho home. Seungmin agreed with the maknae, empathizing that Felix had a too soft heart to argue with their hyung and the older had to agree. He didn't want to agrue with Minho and it was already predictable the second oldest would be snappy when one of them would tell him what to do.

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