Christmas Bakery🍼

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Little: Minho (age 5-6) + Felix (5)

Caregiver: dance-line (mostly Hyunjin)

Minho's POV.:
I had told my group about me being a little a few months ago. Luckily, they were all very supportive and took care of me when I regressed. Which in the beginning I did quite often. Lately though I tried to avoid going into little space. As a surprise for Stay we were working on a Christmas album and had tough deadlines set which we were struggling to meet. Everyone was on edge, sacrificing sleep in favor of work and it was showing. We had always gotten along so well but now with the pressure and sleep deprivation fights were a common occurrence, both at the studio and at the dorm. To make matters worse, my neglected headspace was fighting for my attention the more time passed. I always tried to avoid it but it got increasingly hard, given how long I had already tried to suppress it.

During the dance-line meeting in the practice room, I slipped halfway twice but managed to pull myself back both times. That however resulted in me developing a bad headache and Hyunjin and Felix being annoyed with me. I don't think they grasped what was really going on, they just saw me messing up and holding them back the entire time and reacting sensitive to their critique. And hell, I was annoyed with myself too but there was nothing I could do except for trying not to slip or to cry in front of the two younger members. By the time we decided to quit practicing for the day, it was already 10pm and we headed back to the dorm in uncomfortable silence and I could tell the two others were pissed. Fighting back my tears, I went straight for my bed, not bothering to take a shower or to eat something like the other two did. I fell asleep crying quietly into my favorite plushie.

The next morning, I woke up in little space, whining when Chan tried to wake me up. "Come on, Minho, you're older than the other and yet fussing the most about getting up. We don't have time for this, we're already late. Now get up!", Chan scolded, trying not to be to harsh but also making clear that I was an annoyance. I could tell he was mad by the way he shut the door a little too loud to be normal. A small tear made its way down my cheek and I hid my face in my plushie. I was tired and all I wanted was for my hyungs to cuddle me and show some love. For fear of upsetting my leader more, I slipped out of bed changing into some comfortable clothes to dance in and dried my face before leaving the room. Apparently, everyone was already ready to leave, so there was no way I would get a chance to have breakfast. Feeling rather shy and afraid of Chan's anger, I stood close to Seungmin, trying to hide behind him. "Hyung, all we have been waiting for is you. I don't think you have the time to lag off, given you were the one who didn't get the moves down yesterday", Felix snapped and the honorific he used in combination with the harsh words broke my heart. It took every ounce of strength in me to not start crying all over again. They needed me to be a big boy, obviously they hated me not being a big boy. Staring at the ground I quickly grabbed my backpack and left with Hyunjin and Felix, determined not to show them how little I was and upset my hyungs more.

Hyunjin's POV.:
We've been practicing for 20 minutes only but the mood was tense already. Minho kept messing up as much as yesterday and it was honestly pissing me off. I was really tired and it was determined that we could have a rest day when we nailed the choreography. Felix and I had already nailed the dance yesterday, so the only reason we were here was to ensure Minho would do too. However, it didn't even seem like he was putting in an effort at all. We know he usually gets new dance moves down really fast so I have no idea what his deal is. I just wished he'd drop it already and take this as seriously as everyone else. "Hyung, come on, the part goes like this", I demonstrated the section again while Felix counted the beats. "It's really not that hard. Felix and I got it down already yesterday. We could have a free day if it wasn't for you fooling around", I frowned before walking off to restart the music. When we got back into position I could hear soft sniffles behind me and turned around to face a crying Minho. "Seriously, hyung get your shit together. Just do it right and we can go home", I snapped and turned back around. Yes, that wasn't very sensible but at this point I was really angry. With a soft thud he plopped to the ground hiding his face in his hands sobbing quietly. Rolling his eyes, Felix stopped the music again and I kneeled down in front of my hyung, taking a few deep breaths to calm down. I tried to hide my anger knowing it would only make matters worse. "MinMin, is s-sor-ry. No wan' make h-hyungies m-mad", Minho hiccupped in a small voice and only then it dawned on me that he had slipped into his headspace. Felix had heard it to and we shared a mortified look. I don't know how long he had been little but chances were high that I had just vented my anger at little him who has no idea how to handle it. I sighed gently pulling his hand away from his face. "Listen MinMin, hyung is sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. We just wanted you to be able to finish here like us. We're not mad, ok? We're not mad", I tried to calm him down while wiping his tears. Felix came over and sat down next to Minho, looping one arm around his shoulders. "Sorry MinMin. It's ok", Felix shushed in a low voice. "Back to the dorm?", he asked. "Back to the dorm", I agreed, pulling the little to his feet before picking him up and placing him on my hip. We quickly put Minho into Felix' sweatjacket, so the hood would hide his tearstained face, before I carried the still crying little back to the dorm. Felix brought our backpacks along and unlocked the door. The others were still at the studio, so we were the only ones home. After kicking off my shoes I sat down on the couch pulling Minho into my lap rocking him gently. "You're ok sweety. Hyungie loves you, baby. We're not mad just stressed and I'm so sorry you became target for that", I whispered into his hair before kissing his forehead. Whether he was calming down or had just exhausted himself, I couldn't tell.

Once he stopped crying, I convinced him to take a quick shower as he hadn't showered the night before and promised him we'd eat something afterwards, remembering he slept through breakfast this morning. I couldn't help but feel guilty and watching Felix chew on his bottom lip, I knew he felt the same. I walked Minho to the bathroom and picked out some fresh clothes for him to put on when he was done. Luckily, having been without caregivers most of the time, Minho could shower by himself and I went to talk to Felix in the kitchen while the little washed up.

The Aussie had already prepared two sandwiches and the crust cut off, placing them onto a plastic plate with a cute motive on it. "Hyung, I feel so bad. I didn't realize he was little and I was mean and now he thinks we hate him", Felix started to ramble, his breathing quickening until I pulled him into a tight hug. "I know, Lixxie, I know. We'll make it up to him, He'll see how much we love him", I patted Felix' back and I felt him nod as he took a deep breath to pull himself together. Taking a step away, I pulled out my phone and texted the group chat explaining what had happened, informing the others that we were at home. "Lix, I need your advice since you're a little too. Do you think making Christmas cookies is a suitable activity for littles?", I asked biting my nails. My dongsaeng's face lit up and he nodded excitedly. "You think we could bake with Minho?", he asked excitedly and I nodded. "If you get him ready and make him eat, I'll prepare some dough for sugar cookies. There must be some recipes online and I think we also have a few cookie-cutters", I smiled and Felix nodded walking to the bathroom to check if Minho was done.

While Felix helped the little to put his hoodie, which was inside-out when he exited the bathroom, on correctly and sat him down at the table to munch on his sandwiches, I kneaded together the basic ingredients, following the instructions I had found when searching the internet. I heard giggles and after patting Minho's head, Felix passed me to put the plate into the sink. Felix then stopped at the cookie- cutters I had laid out on the counter. I watched him admire them with glassy eyes before he shook his had and carried them over to the dining table. We didn't have many cookie-cutters, just a star, a heart, a candy cane and a small gingerbread man. I rolled the dough into a ball and placed it into a bowl before grabbing a rolling pin and following Felix to the dining table. Minho smiled at me excitedly and Felix ruffled his hair before rolling the littles' sleeves up. "Lixxie, you know, you can slip too. I know you want to", I suggested but he shook his head with a smile that didn't fully convince me. "Nah, Hyung, I'm good. I don't want to burden you with having to look after two littles", he mumbled, chewing on his lip. "That's alright, Lixxie. I'm more than okay with that, go ahead", I encouraged while rubbing his back but he just shook his head again. "Lixxie, look how cute those cookie-cutters look. I'm sure MinMin and you will make even cuter cookies with them", I said cheerfully, picking up the gingerbread man shaped cookie-cutter and handing it to Felix who broke into a bright smile. He quickly went to hug Minho, bouncing slightly. "Right, MinMin, we'll make weally cute cookies?", he giggled with a lisp, to which the other little nodded and I could tell my plan had worked. Only after Felix had slipped did I noticed how tense he had been before because his shoulders were now hanging in a more comfortable and relaxed position.

After rolling Felix' sleeves up too, I divided the dough into two and rolled out it out on the dining table. The littles were quick to grab a cookie-cutter each and start to work on cutting shapes out of the dough. To be honest, this way it was easy to take care of two littles at once, since all I had to do was roll out the dough over and over again and bake the cut-out cookies. Ok I admit, sometimes I had to transfer a cookie onto the baking sheet when it got stuck on the table and remind the littles not to eat the raw dough because it contained egg but that was it. At some point I had turned on some quiet Christmas music which was playing softly in the background, while we enjoyed a relaxed afternoon.

A few hours later the proud littles welcomed the rest of their hyungs home with cookies that were only slightly burned, which I fully take the blame for as I might have gotten distracted adoring their cuteness and therefore forgotten to take the cookies out on time. Sure the thought of having to teach the choreography to Minho again tomorrow was constantly in the back of my head but for now I chose to enjoy the innocent bliss as long as possible. As did the rest of the group who let themselves unwind in the evening, eating cookies and praising the littles for their hard work making treats for everyone. Our two littles fell asleep to the soothing background music, cuddled up on the couch from where Chan and I carried them to bed.

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