Motion Sickness🌡️

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Sickie: Jeongin

Caregivers: Stray Kids

No one's POV.:
Stray Kids had just finished a photoshoot, which had lasted most of their day. Not having eaten at all that day for the fear of looking bloated, they were understandably hungry. The drive back to their dorm would take another three hours, so none of them felt like having dinner at home and decided they'd stop for food somewhere close by before heading home. Checking google maps, Hyunjin found a cozy looking diner not too far away, which looked pretty promising. It certainly didn't disappoint, the atmosphere being calm and since there weren't many customers there, they could have some privacy. They went all out, ordering different dishes to treat themselves after going hungry for so long. Having fun with his friends, Jeongin didn't pay much attention to what he ate. He tried most of his hyungs' dishes too and soon found himself more than full. Maybe he had overdone it a little but he hadn't eaten all day, so it shouldn't be too big of a deal. At least they didn't have anymore schedule for the day and only had to get back to the dorm. Filing into the car, the maknae sat in the backrow, squeezed between Minho and Seungmin. Before they knew it, they were off on their way back to the dorm with the mood still light as the trio in the backrow teased each other as well as the rest of their friends. Chan only rolled his eyes, realizing that it had been a bad idea to let the three most savage members sit together for a drive this long.

It was only half an hour into the drive though, when Jeongin started to grow quiet. He was sweating a lot as the interior of the car felt overly stuffy. Thinking the air conditioning might have been turned off, he asked: "Am I the only one who feels really hot and uncomfortable?" Worried, Chan glanced into the rear mirror and frowned: "The aircon is running on the highest setting, it's pretty chilly, at least in the front." – "Back here too", Minho agreed, when Chan turned his eyes back on the road. "You okay, Innie?", the dancer asked quieter, only for his dongsaeng to hear. The maknae nodded and when Minho touched his forehead, he didn't have a fever, so the topic was dropped soon. While the group slowly forgot about their youngest's discomfort, Jeongin felt progressively worse. His stomach had started to churn and his shirt clung to his back from how much he was sweating. When Seungmin rested his head on the boy's shoulder, Jeongin moved away a bit and shook his head. He was too hot to be touched right now. By now, the maknae was certain that he was getting carsick. It hadn't happened to him in a long time, so he hadn't expected it to happen today but considering how much he had eaten before they got into the car, it did make sense. Closing his eyes and taking deep breaths through his nose, all Jeongin could think of was: 'I shouldn't have eaten before riding this long."

Seungmin was starting to catch on too, the younger's pale complexion was a dead give-away. His suspicions were confirmed when Jeongin spoke up ten minutes later: "Chan-hyung, could you roll the windows down? I feel a bit sick." The maknae hated speaking up about not feeling well, so Chan knew he had to feel more than a bit sick. The leader rolled the windows down and glanced back at his dongsaeng. "Do you need me to pull over?", he asked worriedly, afraid their youngest was downplaying his struggles as always. Jeongin shook his head and closed his eyes again, while Seungmin placed a comforting hand on his knee. Hoping he'd be able to go to sleep, the maknae rested his head on his youngest hyung's shoulder. He tried his hardest to relax, sneaking a hand under his shirt to palm his unsettled stomach. His attempts were futile though, napping becoming impossible as he felt queasier by the second. His mouth was already watering but he was determined not to get sick in front of all of his hyungs. Hearing the youngest groan as he moved his head from Seungmin's shoulder to Minho's in an attempt to get comfortable, Chan glanced back and asked worriedly: "How ya holding up, Innie?" – "I'm starting to feel pretty sick back here", Jeongin admitted shakily. He swallowed a few times to get his stomach to stay down but was also sweating more and more. At this point, he was getting more certain that he'd have to be sick sometime. "There won't be another rest stop for the next thirty kilometers but I'll pull-over as soon as possible to give you a break, yeah?", Chan promised. Nodding with his eyes closed, Jeongin prayed that he'd last that long.

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