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Sickie/Little: Hyunjin (age 3-5)

Caregiver: Jisung (daddy), Jeongin (appa)

No one's POV.:
Hyunjin loved his two caregivers dearly, Jisung and Jeongin were always so gentle and patient with him and took care of the dancer with their whole hearts. However, the oldest of the trio was still used to considering his time in headspace as his 'me-time', so he really enjoyed the times he'd be at the dorm alone. Today was no exception, they had a day off and knowing how busy they had been recently, the caretakers offered to stay at the dorm with Hyunjin to let him regress, while the rest of Stray Kids would head out and enjoy the early spring weather. The dancer refused because he knew how much the younger two had been looking forward to their off day, to go shopping and to get pastries at a café close by. Yes, he planned to regress but he'd be fine to do that on his own, he had been taking care of his little self until a few months ago. He sat on the couch scrolling through social media and waiting for his members to leave. Hyunjin felt the couch dip beside him before Jisung's voice pulled him from his thoughts: "Hey, are you sure you want to stay here by yourself? You haven't regressed in a while and we could have some relaxing family time." – "Sung, I'm fine really. You should go soon or the others will leave without you", the dancer put on a smile although his dongsaeng's offer sounded tempting. "Are planning on being little? I know Innie is excited to go out but I'd really have no issue with staying here", the rapper questioned, chewing on his lip, "I have a bad feeling about leaving you by yourself when you're in headspace." Hyunjin chuckled at his friend's protectiveness, he could still remember the times when they didn't get along at all. "It's alright, I'm not planning on regressing", he lied, "I just want to catch up on some anime series and maybe take a nap." Noticing Jisung's conflicted expression, he added: "And yes, I'm sure. Go Sungie, everyone else is waiting for you."

Not even five minutes later, Hyunjin was alone. Unlike what he had told his friend, he immediately waddled to his room to change into an oversized hoodie and overalls. Jeongin had gifted him a cute baby pink paci after becoming his caregiver, which the dancer happily sucked on while digging through the box under his bed in search of crayons and his coloring book. It took him a while to pull the items from the bottom of the box because he could only use one had to get them out, his other hand was clutching the fuzzy cream-colored teddy, Jisung had brought home one evening to make up for spending all day at the studio leaving the little at home by himself. That had been during the times, that Jisung used to be his only caregiver. Ever since Jeongin joined the rapper in taking care of their little friend, Hyunjin had only regressed with at least one of his caregivers around. When he finally managed to get his coloring book and the box of crayons out, the little squealed happily, almost dropping his paci in the process. He caught it by quickly slapping a hand over his mouth, eyes wide before exhaling in relief that his beloved comfort item was still between his lips. Trying to fit all his things into his hands, the dancer waddled to the common area of the dorm and dropped everything on the dining table before pulling a chair out and sitting down cross-legged. The teddy found its place in Hyunjin's lap from where it could watch him color and the dancer got to work on a fresh page of his coloring book.

The little happily colored away, not a care in the world. He had just finished his third drawing when his stomach growled. Looking down in shock, Hyunjin placed a hand on his stomach. He just now realized how hungry he had gotten, having lost track of time, the dancer didn't know if it was time for lunch already but he also didn't really care. Coloring was hard work and he had definitely earned himself some food. The dancer had relaxed so much that he had slipped into his younger headspace and his plan of having some fruit with a sippy of apple juice suddenly turned out to be more difficult than expected. Usually his caregivers sliced the fruit for him, although in the older range of his headspace, Hyunjin would manage to do that himself. Now, being in the youngest range of his headspace, the little was terrified of knives and even more terrified of hurting himself while being alone. Deep in thought, the dancer chewed on his teddy's ear, paci abandoned next to the box of crayons. He always chewed his teddy's ear when he needed to think, only the right one though, which already looked a bit frayed. The image of his bottle suddenly popped into his head, eyes lighting up. "Milky!", the little exclaimed, scrambling up to get his bottle and dropping his teddy in the process. Hyunjin froze, looking extremely guilty as he crouched down to pick up the stuffed bear. Stroking the soft fabric, he mumbled: "Jinnie, weally sowwy. Nuh wan' dwop chu." With the bear clutched close to his chest, the dancer made his way back to his room and knelt down next to his box of little gear. A fond smile decorated his lips when he pulled out his bottle, but the smile soon turned into a clueless pout, looking at the container with formula. Not having prepared milk for himself in a long time, the little had forgotten how many scoops of formula his was supposed to use. Sure, he could call either of his caregivers and just ask but he wanted to take care of himself like a big boy, besides if they knew he was little, they would come home immediately and he really didn't want to ruin their fun. Little Jinnie always hated being a burden.

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