Already saw that coming🌡️❄️

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Sickies: Hyunjin & Felix

Caregiver: Minho

Sequel to 'Snow leopard'

No one's POV.:

By the time Hyunjin woke up the next morning, his nose was so stuffed up, that breathing through it had become impossible. Minho was still asleep on top of him, so the younger carefully shifted him off of him and got out of bed. The rest of the group except for the dance-racha had already left for their schedule and he'd have to wake Minho soon too. Scrubbing at his face, Hyunjin made his way to the bathroom and cringed at his reflection. His nose had taken a pinkish tint and his eyes looked puffy. He got ready and applied some concealer in hopes of looking less dead because they couldn't afford having a second sick member. Before leaving the bathroom to wake up Minho, he tried to blow his nose but only managed to trigger a short sneezing fit, ending up even stuffier than he had been before. On the way back to his room, he ran into Felix, who had heard him sneeze. "Are you sick now too, hyung?", the Aussie asked, voice even lower from sleep and congestion. Hyunjin shook his head and forced a smile, humming: "I feel fine, no idea what came over me." His voice came out nasally, making him cringe at the sound. "Uh-huh, sure", Felix said, rolling his eyes, "You know, I already saw that coming." – "Well, thanks for getting me sick, Felix", the older sassed, passing his dongsaeng, who clutched his chest, feeling offended. "Did not!", Felix gasped, staring after his hyung as he went to wake up Minho.

"Hyung, wake up! We need to leave soon", Hyunjin whispered, gently shaking Minho's shoulder. Groaning, the older rolled over before sitting up. Luckily, Minho woke up big, otherwise they'd be in serious trouble today. He was still too sleepy though to notice anything off about his dongsaeng's voice. While Minho shuffled to the bathroom to get ready, Hyunjin joined Felix in the living room. He knew, he'd have to eat something if he wanted to get through an entire day of dance practice but he barely had an appetite and his throat felt scratchy, so he didn't really want to eat at all. "What are you going to do now, hyung?", Felix asked quietly, when the older plopped down on the couch, "you know you can't keep practicing, you'll only get worse if you do." – "What else would I do, Lix? I can't leave Minho-hyung to do everything by himself", Hyunjin sighed, closing his eyes. His head had started to hurt not long after waking up and he just wanted to go back to sleep. Sighing, Felix got up and made his way to the kitchen. Not long after, Hyunjin heard the kettle boiling.

Felix knew he couldn't leave his hyung to fend for himself, so he prepared a large thermos bottle filled with tea and placed it into his backpack. He also packed two bags of cough drops and multiple travel packs of tissues before changing his clothes and joining Minho at the dining table. "Hyung, can I watch you practice today? I want to at least memorize the steps from watching you", the Aussie pleaded. Placing down his coffee cup, the older frowned: "Are you sure, you're well enough for that? I wouldn't want you getting worse because you refuse to rest." – "I mean, I'm only going to watch, as long as I don't dance, I should be fine", Felix replied, "I'll also make sure to dress warmly and all that stuff." – "I guess you could come with us, as long as you really only watch and tell us if you feel worse, so we can take you home", Minho agreed, finishing the last bit of his coffee. Thanking him, Felix got up and put on an additional layer, before shoving another thick sweat-jacket into his backpack. He didn't really feel like leaving the dorm and instead wanted to stay in bed all day, especially because he was sure that he still had a low-grade fever, but he needed to keep an eye on his sick hyung, who always tended to take it too far, when it came to practicing while sick.

"Everybody ready to leave?", Minho asked his dongsaengs, zipping up his coat. Both nodded, Hyunjin desperately trying to avoid speaking for the fear of blowing his cover. As of now, he had managed to fool at least Minho and he wanted to keep it that way. They made it to the company building in silence, the only sound being the snow crunching under their shoes and the occasional sniffle from either Hyunjin or Felix. Minho was starting to regret walking though. He had completely disregarded Felix' health, as the younger would have benefitted from them calling a driver instead of walking through the cold. To make things worse, the snow covering everything made Minho feel little and he struggled to control his headspace. They had almost made it to the company, when Hyunjin started coughing. It sounded harsh and painful, making the boy feel dizzy as he held onto Felix' shoulder for balance. Linking their arms, Minho studied the younger worriedly, who slowly caught is breath, wincing at the ache in his throat. "Are you okay?", Minho asked, still keeping their arms linked. Hyunjin only nodded, glancing at the snow to his feet. He could tell, his hyung didn't fully believe him and Felix already knew better anyway, yet he couldn't admit to being sick, especially since it was his own fault. He was the one who decided to play in the snow at night despite knowing better.

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