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Little: Jisung

Caregiver: Minho

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No one's POV.:
After a tough few weeks of promotions, Stray Kids were granted a weekend off to recover from the stress. Chan had planned a fun little trip for his dongsaengs, knowing they wanted to spend some time like ordinary people instead of celebrities. He had found a fun little arcade on one of his walks which didn't seem too crowded since only little people knew it was there. This seemed like the perfect spot for his group to hang out at. Today was Saturday and he had just finished making breakfast for everyone. They sat around the table as the leader announced: "I know the past few weeks have been stressful, so to reward everyone for your hard work, I wanted to take you somewhere today. No, I won't tell you where because I want it to be a surprise. Don't look at me like this, Lix, I won't crack this time. It's a surprise." – "Hyung, I appreciate it but I'm not sure Jisung is in that great shape to go outside today", Minho frowned, looking over at his friend who listlessly pushed his food around. The oldest worriedly studied said rapper, frowning: "Are you not feeling alright, Sung?" The younger didn't even look up, though it didn't seem like he was deliberately ignoring the leader but rather spacing out. Figuring Jisung wasn't going to answer Chan, Minho explained: "I think the stress is getting to him, so he'll probably slip soon, at least if I'm reading the signs correctly." Chan nodded with a thoughtful hum. The dancer was probably reading the signs correctly because he was Jisung's caregiver when the rapper was in his headspace and therefore knew him like no one else. "What I had planned was supposed to take everyone's mind off the stress but you two need to decide whether you want to take the risk and tag along. Sure, it'd be awesome if the entire group got to spend some time together other than for work but I'd understand if you'd prefer staying here", Chan sighed softly. Minho gave his hyung a grateful smile, nodding: "I'll talk to him after breakfast and we'll see what we'll do", poking the younger's shoulder he added, "Sung, you have to eat that and not only mush it up."

They finished eating, or in Jisung's case, playing with their food and went to their rooms. Everyone got ready, excited over where their leader might take them. Jisung wasn't getting ready, he had just dropped onto his bed, closing his eyes again, not even aware the others were planning to go out. "Hey, about what Chan-hyung said, I could stay back with you if you don't want to go", Minho hummed as he snuck into the younger's room startling him. The rapper sat up and cleared his throat, asking: "Go where?" – "You really were spaced out, hm? Hyung said he wants to take us somewhere to reward us for working so hard. It's a surprise though. We wanted to spend some time together aside from working but if you don't feel up to it, we don't have to go", the older explained calmly. Now, Jisung really didn't want to leave the comfort of his room but he didn't want to hold his friends back or keep Minho from having fun with the rest. The rapper got up from his bed sighing: "I'll be fine. Chan-hyung probably put quite a bit of thought into it like he usually does, so I don't want to disappoint him. I don't want you to miss out on anything because of me either, so.... And I mean, it's supposed to be a group hangout, it wouldn't be if not the entire group was present." – "You sure?" – "Mhm, it'll probably be fun, I just have to get up and going", Jisung lied, already doubting the fuzzy feeling in his head would go away just because he forced himself to do stuff.

Minho continued to watch him with worry as the younger got ready for the day. While Jisung took a quick shower, he packed an emergency bag in case the other would slip while they were out. Since he didn't know where they'd go, he didn't really know what to prepare, so he just stuffed the essentials like some juice boxes, candy pacifiers and a little keychain-plushie into his backpack. Meeting the others in the living room, he announced: "Hey, Jisung said he wanted to tag along. He should be here any minute, so we can all go together." There were happy cheers and Felix threw himself onto the rapper as soon as he joined them. "Where are we going?", Jisung asked nervously, trying to escape from Felix' hug as he knew he would slip if somebody treated him so affectionately. Chan chuckled, shaking his head: "Sorry, that's a surprise but I don't think we'll run into too many people. Don't worry." The rapper nodded, giving a forced smile as they put on their shoes. He felt really tense. Although he usually trusted his hyung, he was nervous about where they were going and would have liked to mentally prepare himself. Felix took his hand, interlocking their fingers and swinging their linked hands till Jisung roughly pulled his hand away. The Aussie gave his friend a sad pout that went unnoticed as the other tried his hardest to avoid eye contact. He was already regretting joining his group to go out.

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