One Day🩹

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Sickie: Jisung

Caregivers: Hyung-line

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No one's POV.:
The September twins, that was what Jisung and Felix always were referred to. Born only one day apart, they were almost the same age, although Jisung always made sure to mention that he was older. Just like siblings would. In the beginning, people were always treating them the same but after a while of living together, the dynamics within Stray Kids changed. With his position in 3racha, Jisung was in a quite responsible position, helping the members during recordings and working hard alongside his hyungs. The members started to come to him for help when they were stuck with their lyrics or needed advice on how to best present their lines. To be honest, the rapper was happy and also a bit proud of that, his hyungs thinking so highly of him. On the flipside of the coin, that also meant the expectations towards him rose. He was always expected to be responsible. Sure, he was part of the maknae-line, but the oldest out of the four. Being one of the loudest and most energetic members, the hyung-line was often disappointed in Jisung, when he wasn't responsible like they wanted him to be but was instead causing trouble. For Felix it was different, when he accidentally caused trouble, they helped him to fix it, assuring it was no big deal. What was different between the two of them? One day.

Jisung always used to brush it off, he himself loved to baby his younger twin, but at some point it did start to bother him a little. The hyungs were always paying attention to Felix, praising him for everything he did. They had gotten so used to Jisung doing well with most of the things he did, that it didn't seem worth any praise anymore. What they didn't realize was that Jisung himself didn't see how good he was doing. He was always critical and too hard on himself, needing their reassurances at least as much as Felix did. The only times, Jisung really got their attention, was when he messed something up or caused trouble. Sadly, these were also the times he needed their reassurance the most but what he got was only an expression of disappointment. For Felix it would be 'Don't worry, sweetie. Hyungs will take care of it. We can fix it just be more careful next time.' For Jisung it would be 'Are you serious? Come on, Jisung, I thought better of you.'

Currently, they were in a similar situation. The September twins had attempted to cook dinner for their group because Chan was stuck in the studio late and they wanted to take some of the stress of his shoulders. It didn't go too well though and the kitchen ended up being a mess. Minho was the first to walk into the kitchen to see when the food would be ready. His heart dropped when he saw the situation the two had gotten themselves into. After fending off the looming catastrophe and making sure there wouldn't be a fire or anyone getting hurt, the second oldest demanded an explanation. His pissed off tone attracted Changbin and Hyunjin's attention, who decided to check on them, while Seungmin and Jeongin continued to play karaoke. There eyes went wide when they glanced around the room, noticing the two boys in the middle of the chaos with their heads down. "Okay, what happened here?", Changbin frowned. Minho added: "I already asked and I'm still waiting for an explanation." The older three stood with their arms crossed. Chan was already stressed and now he should come back to the dorm looking like this. Jisung was frozen in his spot, so it was Felix who spoke up first.

The Aussie had explained how at some point everything needed to be stirred at the same time and that they hadn't been fooling around but instead had ran from pot to pot to not let anything burn. Not paying attention to where they were going, they had tripped each other and ended up the way Minho found them. Minho sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He could tell the younger was sincere but their actions had been irresponsible and dangerous, so the dancer frowned: "You know, all of us would have been here. You could have just called and we would've helped you out. I'm glad neither of you got hurt but you two better clean this up before Chan gets home." Looking at Jisung, he added: "I know neither of you meant for this to happen but I really thought you were more responsible." The rapper bit his lip, not raising his head and still staring at the tiled floor. "Jisung, you're older one. Why are you the one, causing the most troubles to your hyungs?", Changbin asked disappointed. Hyunjin didn't dare to speak up, he knew it would be worse if he had tried to cook something but at least he was responsible enough to not enter the kitchen.

Fluffy SKZ oneshots🧸Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora