Stuck in a blizzard🩹🌡️❄️

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Sickie: Felix

Caregivers: Stray Kids

No one's POV.:

Preparing for a winter concert, the three main dancers of Stray Kids would each get a solo dance stage, which had them more than excited. It also meant that they'd be practicing on their own for a while, which was something they were fine with, knowing it was only a temporary thing. For Felix, practicing alone was the weirdest and also slightly dangerous because he always tended to lose track of time when there was no one else to remind him. During his preparation for his solo stage, he often ended up practicing till late into the night before glancing at the clock and startling at how late it had gotten. He didn't intend to lose as much sleep as he did but it couldn't be helped and the Aussie grew more sleep-deprived the more time passed. Being sleep-deprived also made Felix a tad bit clumsy but he brushed it off, sometimes even laughing at himself, but he didn't really get the hint that he should rest, so he wouldn't be so accident-prone.

It was another one of those nights with Felix dancing alone, when he started to struggle with the clumsiness. He had been at it for hours, so he shouldn't be so surprised that he kept tripping himself or randomly lost his balance during considerably easy moves. Especially that should have been his clue to go home and rest but the Aussie knew his two hyungs usually practiced much longer than him and he was afraid of the comparison. Taking a short water break, Felix checked his phone only to find a blizzard warning. Apparently, there'd be a lot of fresh snow over night but being too tired to comprehend what consequences that might have for him, the dancer just put his phone down and went to restart the music. He couldn't afford to take too many breaks if he wanted to get home at all tonight. Getting dizzy for a moment, Felix dropped down on one knee and took deep breaths before going back to dancing. However, it seemed like he had stood back up too early. Still being a bit unsteady on his feet, the Aussie probably shouldn't have started to dance right away but what could he do? He stumbled dizzily, putting his foot down weirdly as he tried to regain his balance. A sharp pain shot up his leg and he found himself crashing to the floor with a heavy thud.

Still surprised from the sudden fall, Felix sat up and winced. Eyes stinging with tears when he looked down at his foot. It still hurt badly and he whimpered, trying to rotate his ankle. There was no doubt in his mind that he wouldn't be dancing anymore tonight. Trying to get back up already was a struggle and Felix tentatively shifted some of his weight onto his injured foot, only to end up crying out in pain. Hopping over to his bag was a painfully slow task but he got there, sinking down with his back against the wall. The dancer drew his injured leg closer and pulled down his sock, finding his ankle already bruising. He could tell it was only a matter of time till it would start swelling up. Letting a few tears fall, Felix dropped his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. An injury like this would throw him back quite a bit and he'd miss so much practice if he was even able to perform at all till then. Not wanting to think about that right now, the Aussie decided to just go home for the night. Maybe it wasn't even that bad and he'd be fine to dance again in a few days. It probably just hurt so badly because he was tired and wouldn't be as bad if he wasn't as sleep-deprived. Taking a few minutes to calm himself down, Felix sipped the rest of his water before throwing the empty bottle into his bag, along with his other belongings. He bit down on his bottom lip hard as he pulled himself up against the wall, trying to keep from crying out as pain shot through his ankle. Just wanting to get home, the dancer limped to the building's exit and not being in his right state of mind, he hobbled out into the night on his way home.

Every step felt like torture as even the slightest pressure applied to his injured ankle made him wince and occasionally a tear trailed down his flushed cheek. Felix was too distracted by the pain of his injury to pay much mind to his surroundings as big flakes of snow twirled around him. Cold winds bit his skin where it was exposed, hands slowly starting to tingle from the frigid air. A harsh gush of air snuck under his coat and sent a shiver rippling down the Aussie's spine. Slowly he became more aware of the raging snowstorm around him and tiredly leaned against a building's front to get some weight off of his ankle. The pain had only gotten worse since he started walking on it and the first doubts grew in his mind that he might not be able to make it home like this. With exhaustion and pain clouding his mind, Felix remembered that you were supposed to ice a sprain, so he bent down and untied his shoe, carefully removing it before also taking off the sock. There was certainly enough ice out here to ice his injury. Scooping up a handful of snow with his numb fingers, he winced as he pressed it against the swollen and bruised skin. It didn't do much but make him feel even colder and Felix did the only thing he could think off, pulling out his phone and calling Chan.

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