Minnie wuvs Stay🍼

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Little: Seungmin, Felix

Caregiver: Minho (Daddy), Hyunjin (Eomma), Jeongin (NiNi), 3racha (caregivers to Felix)

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No one's POV.:
Seungmin had been a little for years now. He had never had a caregiver and was handling himself well. Afraid of what others might think of him, he had always kept that little secret to himself. Seungmin had never considered even wanting a caregiver because it would mean having to tell others about his headspace. It was only recently that the vocalist started to wish for a caregiver. The reason was his friend Felix. The Aussie had only started to develop his headspace but being more open about the way he felt, Felix immediately got not one but three caregivers. 3racha had decided to care for and cuddle their little without a second thought and damn, were they good at being caregivers. Seungmin often got jealous when he watched Felix interact with 3racha. They treated him so soft and never got mad at him. Seungmin wanted to be treated that soft too. He wanted a daddy to make him food and to wrap him in his blanket when he had had a hard day at the company. Feeling the other members would accuse him of trying to take the attention away from Felix if he outed himself as a little now, the vocalist decided to continue hiding his headspace.

It started to become more difficult though. Seungmin used to be good at controlling when and where he slipped, which helped him not to get caught all these years, but his headspace had gotten harder to suppress. Often, he would feel himself slipping when he heard 3racha talk softly to Felix. His jealousy would spike when Chan or Changbin would pick the Aussie up and carry him around the dorm on their hip. It took all of his discipline to not pout at his friends and ask them to pick him up too. Seungmin needed to regress more frequently to avoid slipping accidentally in front of his group. It was one of those days that he hid himself in his room that he shared with Minho and Hyunjin. He took out his stuffed puppy and popped a pastel purple pacifier between his lips, sucking on it while playing with his building blocks. Completely absorbed in his task of building a miniature city on the floor of his room, Seungmin had soon covered the entire room in stacked up blocks. He just kept adding to his work, not paying attention to his surroundings at all.

Felix had been happily playing with Chan and Jisung in the living room. The little had spent most of the day regressed and wanted as many of his members around him as possible. The entire group had accepted him and always showered little Lixxie with love. Well, except for one member that is. Seungmin had told Felix that he accepted him but still he kept avoiding Felix whenever the dancer was in his headspace. Felix didn't understand why but he felt confident today and decided he would persuade the vocalist to play with him today. With his toy car in hand, the Aussie waddled to his friend's room and forgetting to knock, he just barged in. Felix eyes fell on Seungmin, who sat surrounded by blocks with a purple paci in his mouth. The vocalist jumped when he noticed someone in the doorway. Pulling himself out of his headspace, he hurriedly swiped all the blocks under the beds in the room and hid his pacifier under his pillow.

"OH MY GOD!!! MINNIE ARE YOU A LITTLE TOO?", Felix squealed, clapping his hands excitedly. Seungmin only glared at the little, snapping: "I am not!" The Aussie pouted a bit because he was sure his friend was hiding something from him and Lixxie was always curious. "WHAT? DID YOU DADDY NOT TELL YOU TO KNOCK BEFORE ENTERING A ROOM?", the vocalist raised his voice at the shocked Felix, who started tearing up. Seungmin looked around the room and noticed how his work had been demolished within a split second, his little town destroyed. He couldn't help but break inside, realizing all his work had been for nothing and he hadn't even been able to take a picture before putting the blocks away like he usually did. Tears burned his eyes and the frustration made Seungmin slip, faster and deeper than ever before. Entering babyspace, the vocalist just sat there playing with his hands as tears ran down his face. He didn't remember why he was crying but he couldn't stop. Felix was crying too, wailing loudly: "LIXXIE S-SOWWY! P-PLWEASIE NUH – NUH HATE LIXXIE."

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