Take me home🌡️❄️

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Sickie: Felix

Caregiver: Jisung

Sequel to „No cookies for me"

No one's POV.:

It had been a few days since Jisung had fallen ill with a stomach bug. Now, he was finally feeling better, thanks to the loving care of his friends and hours of cuddles from Felix. Much to his dismay, the rapper had ended up missing a few days of his schedule and was now pretty stressed about having to catch up. That didn't stop him from celebrating his recovery though. Wanting to celebrate being able to stomach more than plain rice and bland soups, Jisung had agreed to meet up with Felix during their lunch break to visit a café together. He was really looking forward to his slice of cheesecake, which would give him the energy to continue with the rest of the day, catching up on the stuff he had missed. It was what he had been looking forward to all morning. Glancing out the window, the rapper noticed the thin sheet of frost on the street. Luckily, he had put on a warm hoodie, along with a sweat jacket this morning, afraid his immune system might not be back to normal. He couldn't risk catching something again anytime soon, since that would completely throw him off his schedule, even worse than he already was.

Felix was happy his friend was finally doing better and had eagerly agreed on going out for something tasty during lunch. Over the course of his dance practice however, he started to regret his decision. He had been tired all morning, struggling to shake the sleepy haze clouding his mind. It was showing in his dancing too, his moves sluggish and off-beat more often than he wanted to admit to himself. Although he wasn't dancing with his usual energy, the jumps and turns still managed to mess with his body, sending his head spinning and making his stomach twist. Figuring he had just gone to bed too late last night, Felix took a few sips from his water bottle, in hopes of settling his stomach before he went back to dancing. He really needed to get this right soon, considering how long he had already worked on this choreo. With his sweaty shirt sticking to his back, the Aussie continued, frequently losing his footing as his head felt swimmy, messing with his balance. By the time he glanced at the clock and realized it was time to meet up with Jisung, his head had started pounding from the strain. Not wanting to keep his friend waiting, Felix quickly changed into a clean shirt and stuffed the sweaty one into his bag before heading out.

Despite wearing a dry shirt under his coat, he couldn't help the slight chill that had settled deep in his bones and made his entire body ache. Jisung was already waiting in the entrance hall, ready to leave. The rapper had a subtle bounce in his step, barely able to conceal his excitement over getting cheesecake. Felix couldn't blame him, considering how long the other had spent living off of soup and rice, which had already been hard enough for him to keep down. No wonder he was longing for some proper food now. However, just thinking of cake made the Aussie's stomach turn and mouth water. For Jisung's sake, he put on a smile and linked their arms as they left down the street. It might have seemed like a cute gesture, especially with how touchy Felix usually was, but the main purpose was to keep himself from slipping on the icy street, with his legs still feeling shaky from dancing.

"Ah, nice and warm", Jisung sighed the moment they enter the café but to be honest, Felix barely felt a difference. His skin was still pricking with goosebumps and his head felt heavy with a thick fog, through which he barely registered Jisung walking him to a table at the back of the café. They settled in a cozy corner, away from the busy bustling of the other customers wanting to enjoy their lunch break as well. Noticing Felix shiver, Jisung offered him the seat closest to the heater and joked about his Aussie genes not having prepared him for the cold climate. The dancer laughed along, propping his chin on his hand as his head felt heavier by the minute. Patting Felix' head, Jisung mused: "I think I'll have a slice of cheesecake and a caramel latte or do you think I should have two slices? What are you going to get?" – "Hm, I don't know. If you feel like you can handle two slices, go for it. You deserve it. I think I'll just have, hm, maybe a cup of hot chocolate? Not really hungry right now but something warm would be nice", the dancer hummed, feeling his stomach twist with worry. He didn't feel like being around food at all at the moment, even less eat anything himself, but he knew he couldn't get out now.

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