Make hyung fine🍼🌡️

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Little: Hyunjin

Sickie: Jeongin

Caregivers: Stray Kids

Sequel to 'Hyung is fine'

No one's POV.:
Jeongin slept fitfully with Hyunjin cuddled up in his arms. He was grateful for the little's warmth, which did wonders to ease his chills and although he had been worried about taking care of the dancer while he was sick, it seemed to work out alright so far. To Jeongin's luck, the little was catching up on the sleep he had lost due to his insomnia and didn't even stir, he only lightly suckled on his thumb, letting out sleepy huffs every once in a while. Closing his eyes again, the maknae slipped from one feverish dream into the next. He often startled awake, heart racing and out of breath, relying on the slight pressure against his side and the steady rise and fall of Hyunjin's chest to calm him down and ground him. The afternoon passed in a blur, with Jeongin unable to tell apart when he was dreaming and when he was awake. As far as he knew, the little had been asleep the entire time, which came as a blessing for both of them. The dancer was finally able to get some sleep, while Jeongin didn't have to worry about neglecting his regressed friend. Hyunjin himself was perfectly content where he was, snuggled into his 'hyung's' side with the other's teddy bear in his arms. He had completely forgotten about the little scare Jeongin had given him earlier and basked in the warmth the vocalist's body radiated. Not having slept this well in a long time, the dancer napped till his other hyungs returned in the evening.

The members had decided not to hang around at the company longer than they really needed to, heading straight home after finishing their schedule for the day because they wanted to be with their maknae when he wasn't feeling his best. They knew they had nothing to worry about because Hyunjin was at home with him and Chan was especially glad he had managed to talk the dancer into staying home because his heart broke seeing his dongsaeng's pale and sleep-deprived face. When they made it back to their dorm, they entered as quietly as they could, hoping not to disturb either of their friends in hopes they were resting. "Aww! This is so cute!", Felix whisper-yelled, cupping his cheeks when he peaked into the living room. As soon as they had their shoes off, the others went to see what the Aussie was talking about and Minho snuck closer in hopes of taking a picture, instead frowning: "Guys, I think Jinnie slipped. He's sucking on his thumb." Biting his lip in worry, Chan walked up behind him peaking at the peacefully sleeping little and sighing when he noticed that Minho was right. He really should have expected it, considering how exhausted Hyunjin had been and how long he had pushed his headspace away. Heart clenching, he decided to let them sleep and only fixed the blanket that had slid down the side of the couch.

Feeling the light touch, the little sleepily lifted his head, hair disheveled and eyes barely open. "Hey there, prince. Did you have a good nap?", Chan whispered, opening his arms to pick the boy up. Hyunjin reached out his arms, allowing the older to lift him up before nuzzling his face into the leader's neck, almost going back to sleep. Carrying the little to his room, Chan instructed the others: "Let Innie sleep as long as possible." They nodded and Minho and Seungmin followed their hyung to the room they shared with Hyunjin. When the leader placed Hyunjin down on his bed, the little instantly crawled over to Seungmin who sat down and took him into his lap, chuckling: "Did you miss me, bubs?" The dancer nodded, pouting at him. "Want to tell me about your day?", The vocalist asked, smoothing the other's messy hair down. "Jinnie watched 'Findin' Nemo' with hyungie", he beamed happily before remembering what had happened next, "Oh, and hyungie fell so Jinnie colow fow him to help make him bettew. Then we nap." – "Your hyung fell?", Minho asked alarmed. When Hyunjin nodded, Chan pushed: "Jinnie, did he hurt himself when he fell?" The dancer furrowed his brows, trying to remember exactly what had happened earlier but he couldn't. He only knew that he had been really scared. "Hyung, Jinnie nuh know", the little whined sadly, looking at the older in worry. Defeatedly, Chan sighed: "Can you to take care of Jinnie, while I check on Jeongin?" He had really wanted to let the maknae sleep longer but he'd probably have to wake him. If he had a concussion, he wasn't supposed to sleep.

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