A hyung to help🌡️

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Sickie: Hyunjin

Caregiver: Changbin

No one's POV.:
Hyunjin had been tasked with creating the entire choreography for one of their main tracks on the upcoming album. He felt honored because that was usually a task for his hyung Minho, so to prove his capability, the dancer vowed to himself to put in at least twice the effort. Knowing his determined side, it came as a surprise to no one when the dancer holed himself up in the practice room, barely replying to anyone's texts and coming home late at night. Although Hyunjin got scolded by Chan multiple times, the leader couldn't do much about it because his own behavior wasn't any better. This was probably the only aspect in which he was a terrible role model. The entire group watched on with a frown, quietly observing how their friend run himself into the group.

The previous night, Hyunjin and Chan had coincidentally come back home at the exact same time, running into each other. "Jinnie, I thought I told you not to overdo it?" – "You did but you're here at the exact same time that I am. Anyways, I just wanted to finish this up quickly. I'm done now and I'll send you the video in the morning so you can judge", the dancer yawned, dropping his practice bag in the hallway. They said goodnight and went to bed, not even showering but Hyunjin at least forced himself into a fresh shirt before falling into bed. He was out like a light even before his head hit the pillow, sleeping like dead. Waking him the next morning was a whole new level of difficult and it took everything out of his roommates to get as much as a hum and shrug out of him. Minho, who hadn't had his morning coffee yet, felt his mood drop by the minute and at some point, just gave up, leaving Seungmin to drag the other's lazy ass out of bed. The vocalist was a bit more patient with his hyung and gently pealed the blanket back before shaking the dancer's shoulders again. "Come on, Jinnie-hyung. Everyone else is already up, we'll be late. Plus, Minho is already pissed", the second youngest of the group pleaded. His voice was at a normal volume, causing the other to whimper: "Stop, please. It – it hurts so bad." – "Hyung, what hurts?", Seungmin whispered worriedly, "Should I go get Chan?" – "Please, Minnie, please", the older begged, close to tears. Promising, he'd be back as soon as possible, the vocalist hurried to find their leader with a very bad feeling in his gut.

"Hey, Seungmin said you weren't feeling too great. What's wrong mate?", the leader asked sitting on the edge of his dongsaeng's bed. Seungmin and Changbin were watching anxiously from the doorway, as the oldest tucked Hyunjin's hair out of his face to get a better look. "I-I can't move, everything hurts so much. My head is pounding", the dancer confessed, biting his lip guiltily. Chan rested the backs of his fingers against the younger's fore head before pulling away and speaking up, making sure to keep his voice low: "You don't have a fever, so my best guess would be that you outdid yourself yesterday. That's why your muscles are so sore and achy. The headache might just be exhaustion or you might be dehydrated from sweating and not drinking enough." Hyunjin whimpered quietly, burying his face in the pillow and fighting back the tears threatening to spill. "I'll talk to our manager to let you rest today, okay? Make sure to drink lots and maybe stretch or use a foam roll a bit later, if you can manage. I just need you to send me the video of the choreography so that we can go over that and try to maybe already learn the beginning, then you can teach us the rest when you're better", Chan continued, rubbing the younger's shoulder comfortingly. The dancer nodded weakly, picking up his phone as Chan got up to make the phone call to the manager. As soon as he hit send, he turned the screen off again to avoid it hurting his head more.

Seungmin who had been watching the entire scene was now in a hurry to get himself ready for the day's schedule. Changbin, who had been at the door too, was already prepared to head out and quickly fetched a bottle of water and a sports drink from the fridge, taking them back to Hyunjin's room. "Hey, hyung said you need to drink. Do you think you can sit up?", the rapper whispered, not sure whether Hyunjin was still awake or not. The younger was still awake, in too much pain to fall asleep that easily. With great struggle he tried to push himself into a sitting position, grateful for the older's hand supporting his back. They sat there, side by side, as Changbin gently massaged his dongsaeng's sore neck with his knuckles. The rapper spent the remaining minutes he had left till they needed to leave trying to sooth the dancer's aches as much as he could before helping him lie back down and apologizing: "Sorry, none of us were allowed to stay behind with you." Hyunjin hummed in acknowledgement. He had already expected this but still couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed. "I'll make sure to keep my phone on me and check my messages often, ok? Just try to sleep some more, you won't even realize we're gone", Changbin chuckled, tapping the other's pouting lips till they formed a small smile, "Get better, Jinnie." – "Please be back soon, Binnie-hyung. I hate being lonely", the younger yawned, cuddling back into the warmth of his bed. The rapper promised before leaving to follow his schedule.

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