Shared suffering🌡️

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Sickies: Jisung, Felix

Caregivers: Chan, Minho, Changbin

No one's POV.:
Stray Kids had just finished up at the company building and were ready to go home for the night. Since none of them were in the mood to cook after a long work day, they decided to stop at a restaurant and have dinner there. That way, nobody would have to do the dishes either. The stress of the day was slowly melting away as they waited for their food. Despite having worked for hours, Jisung and Felix were slowly finding their energy again after getting rid of the stress. While everyone else just quietly ate their food, trying not to fall asleep before making it home, Jisung kept stealing Felix' food. The Aussie kept loudly complaining about being hungry and not wanting to share his food but Jisung kept sneaking bits from the younger's plate. It also didn't stop the rapper when Felix started to kick him under the table every time he noticed Jisung's chopsticks getting too close to his plate. The other members just watched them, curious as to how they weren't tired yet. "Lix, can I try a bit of yours?", Chan asked. Felix pulled a face, whining: "Please no. Jisung has already stolen most of it and I'm still hungry myself, so if you people could just let me have my food, I'd really appreciated it. Thank you!" – "Alright, alright. Sung, you let him eat please. There is still a plate full of food in front of you", the leader laughed, turning back to his own.

To his surprise, Felix felt full when he finished the last bites of his dinner. He didn't really eat much because of his youngest hyung but it seemed to have been enough. They made their way back to the dorm and after a quick shower, everybody went to bed, exhausted from the day. Although he had went to bed, Felix had no intention of sleeping yet. His stomach had started to hurt a bit, so in attempt to distract himself, he played games on his phone. About an hour later, the Aussie started to regret playing games on his phone in the dark. The fast movements on the small screen had begun to make him feel nauseous, so he plugged his charger in and placed the phone on his nightstand. He pushed the blanket off because he was running a bit hot and tried to go to sleep, ignoring the pain and churning in his stomach. After a few minutes of tossing and turning in his bed, accompanied with groans of discomfort, Felix decided to use the bathroom. Maybe the pain would go away afterwards.

What he didn't expect when he shuffled down the hallway, was the bathroom light being on and soft cries coming from the bathroom. Carefully, Felix opened the door to find Jisung sitting with his back against the bathtub, knees pulled close to his chest. "You okay, Ji?", he whispered, sitting down next to the rapper and rubbing his arm. Jisung shook his head and sniffled into his sleeve before admitting: "My stomach hurts really bad and it feels like I'm going to throw up but nothing's happening." Felix cringed in sympathy, though he was a bit confused. The other had been fine all day, they wouldn't have been fighting over food earlier, if he hadn't been okay back then. Food. Food that they both had eaten. "Jiji, did you feel okay before dinner?", the Aussie questioned shakily. Jisung dried his tears, nodding: "I was perfectly fine earlier and then I just started to feel really, really bad." Felix bit his lip, almost certain that he knew what was bothering them both. 'Well, that's what you get for stealing my food', he thought sadly. Laying one arms over his own sore middle, Felix sighed: "I think it was the food we had earlier. The only reason I'm still awake is the stomachache keeping me up. I thought I only felt nauseous from playing games on my phone but now that I see you, I'm starting to doubt it." – "You're not feeling well, either?", Jisung frowned. Felix shook his head and allowed the rapper to rest his head on Felix shoulder.

"So, what are we going to do now?", Felix asked, rubbing his arms up and down. In contrast to earlier, he was now feeling rather cold. Jisung lifted his head and hummed: "Sleep over on the couch?" – "Mhm, you feeling okay to move?", Felix asked, still nervous the other would get sick any minute. He wasn't sure he'd be able to keep his own stomach in place if Jisung got sick. To his relief, the rapper nodded: "Still think it's gonna happen at some point, just not now. I'll get our blankets and two buckets, you get water and tea?" – "Sounds like a plan", Felix agreed, "See you in a few." They got up and parted ways. Felix went to the kitchen and prepared a pot of ginger and peppermint tea, hoping it would settle their stomachs. He knew where Jisung was coming from when he wanted to get buckets too, he just hoped the rapper would be wrong and they wouldn't need them. Jisung snuck into both of their rooms to collect the blankets from their beds, careful not to wake any of the members up. After dropping the blankets on the couch, he raided the closet in the hallway and brought two buckets that he set down on either side of the couch. Felix soon joined him with a tray, carrying two water bottles, two cups and a pot of tea. Jisung was already curled up on one side of the couch, so Felix handed him his tea before getting comfy with his own cup in hand.

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