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Whumpee: Hyunjin

Caregiver: Seungmin

No one's POV.:
This was the first time Seungjin would celebrate New Year's together and the two couldn't be more excited. While the couple waited for the clock to hit twelve, they cuddled on the couch, watching different music chart-shows. However, the more time passed, the more fidgety Hyunjin seemed to become. When there was only one hour left till midnight, he was basically rigid in Seungmin's embrace. Of course, the younger noticed. He had noticed his boyfriend's odd behavior hours ago, just wishing the other would speak up about what was bothering him. The vocalist had a dozen possible explanations for the older's behavior. Maybe he was worried about what the new year would bring. He decided to let it slide, if Hyunjin wanted to talk about it, he would bring it up himself without Seungmin prodding. The younger simply settled for playing with his boyfriend's hair in a comforting manner, as they watched TV. Though it was not midnight yet, some people already lit firecrackers outside and with every explosion, the dancer tensed up. Seungmin felt a shaking hand clasp his shirt and looked up to see his boyfriend's tearstained face. "Oh Jinnie, what's wrong?", he cooed wrapping his arms around the shaking boy next to him. "I-I'm sorry, Minnie. I just- I'm scared of – I-", the older's breathing sped up and he too a moment to collect himself, "it's soo loud – I'm scared."

That's when Seungmin finally connected the dots. Hyunjin was scared of the firework, or rather the noise that accompanied it. Suppressing a giggle, he grabbed Hyunjin's hand tightly, rubbing soothing circles onto its back with his thumb. "Let's find you some noise-cancelling headphones, shall we?", the younger smiled, pulling the dancer off of the couch and guiding him to their shared room. The older seemed lost standing in the middle of the room, while Seungmin had let go of his hand to search trough his own bedside table, looking for his headphones. The younger barely noticed the next 'boom' from outside, he only startled when he got almost knocked over by the boy clinging to his back. When he had his balance back, Seungmin turned around in the embrace, wrapping his arms around his trembling boyfriend and running his hands up and down his back. Hyunjin calmed down a bit and let the younger guide him to sit on the bed. Not long after, the vocalist triumphantly held up his over-ear headphones before putting them on the dancer's ears and connecting them to his phone. He turned on the song that played in the café on their first date and handed the phone to Hyunjin so he could adjust the volume himself.

From that point on, they were only able to communicate through gestures since the older didn't hear anything besides the music blasting in his ears. There wasn't much time left till the clock would strike midnight, so Seungmin pointed to their coats and upwards. Hyunjin nodded and they both put their coats on, making their way to the rooftop, holding each other's hand. They weren't the only ones up there to enjoy the view but they found a less crowded spot where they could watch the firework. Standing close together, Seungmin held out a hand to count the seconds down with his fingers, so Hyunjin could see the countdown. When he was down to zero, the dancer gently cupped his face, placing a soft kiss onto the younger's lips. Snaking his arms around his boyfriend, Seungmin returned the kiss. He couldn't tell the other how much he loved him, but he could show him. Holding the shorter boy close, all Hyunjin could think about was how lucky he was to find such a sweet and caring boyfriend, while the younger promised himself to spend all of the coming New Year's Eves with Hyunjin. They might never be able to talk to each other during the fireworks but Seungmin would never let the other go, it's not like they needed sappy words anyways as long as they just had each other.

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