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Sickie/Little: Felix (4-5)

Caregiver: Chan (+ Seungmin & Jeongin)

No one's POV.:
It had barely been a month since Chan had become Caregiver to the most adorable little he could imagine. By accident he had walked in on his fellow aussie-liner sitting on the bedroom floor seemingly in his on world. The younger boy had a pacifier between his lips and was happily working on a coloring book with crayons strewn everywhere. Chan had stopped dead in his tracks, confusion evident on his face. Felix had started to panic the second he noticed the leader standing in the doorway and between hyperventilating and sobbing had struggled to explain the situation. Luckily Chan was very openminded and had supplemented the small amount of information Felix had been able to give him that day with his own internet research about little space. A few days later he had a calm conversation with the younger aussie and learned that the boy usually regressed to around 4 or 5 years old. Felix loved coloring books and pacifiers, preferred chocolate milk over unflavored milk and couldn't sleep without his bunny plush. Knowing those facts warmed Chan's heart and when he remembered what he had read online he had immediately asked about the Felix' caregiver. That was a topic Felix really didn't like talking about, he had been craving someone who would watch out for little Lixxie and make him feel safe. Chan had noticed how quiet Felix had turned avoiding his leader's eyes, so he guessed the younger was on his own. Long story short, Chan had taken it upon himself to care for his friend and the little couldn't have been happier.

After much gentle persuasion Felix at outed himself as a little in front of the other members and though it took a lot of explaining all of then were very supportive. That gave Lixxie more chances to regress since he didn't have to wait for the rare times that he'd be alone at the dorm. The first time he regressed in front of them they were immediately whipped for little Lixxie and gave him lots of love and affection. As much as Felix enjoyed his members cuddling him and playing with him, at the end of the day there was only one person he wanted. Chan had been over the moon as the title daddy had slipped from the little's lips. From that point on it was a common occurrence that he'd wake up to a sleepy Felix cuddled up against him. The older for sure didn't mind.

Today Felix woke up regressed in his own bed and if there was something little Lixxie really hated, it was waking up alone. He should have had expected this after going to bed early last night due to a heavy exhaustion that had settled over his body. Just as well his blocked nose and sore throat shouldn't be as much of a surprise considering he had been feeling a bit off for the last few days. Feeling icky and alone was not how he wanted to start his day, especially not given today was a rare day off and Chan had promised to take him to a playground close by. He gave a frustrated whine, immediately tearing up as the action sent a sharp pain through his throat. Silently sobbing he reached for his bunny and clutched it tight to his chest. He was scared being unable to produce a sound no matter how hard he tried. Being involuntarily silenced, he had no chance of grabbing his caregiver's attention who was supposedly a few rooms away. With a sniffle the little wiped his tears and decided to go looking for his daddy. Taking his bunny with him he slowly made his way to the living room. Much to his disappointment the desired member wasn't there and he was only met with Seungmin and Jeongin. Hearing quiet sniffles the two looked up and spotted a teary Felix standing in the middle of the room looking a little lost. Seungmin was the first to react, getting up and slowly approaching his hyung. "Good morning, Felix. Are you ok?", he chose not to use any honorifics, being unsure how old his friend was feeling at the moment. The little buried his face in the other's chest starting to sob again. Panicking, Seungmin wrapped his arms around Felix rubbing his back and guiding him to the sofa. Jeongin disappeared to get Chan suspecting his Australian friend to be regressed. Seungmin tried calming the upset little down by holding him in his lap rocking gently from side to side and ensuring him everything would be ok. His attempts were rather unsuccessful as Felix only seemed to get more worked up. The singer was confused at how quiet Lixxie's cries sounded. Usually he would wail rather loud to emphasize he needed something. Something turned out to be his caregiver most of the times. Just as Seungmin was about to despair, a hurried Chan walked in followed by a worried Jeongin. The leader picked his little up bouncing him on his hip while Felix hid his face against his caregiver's neck. "I'm here sunshine, Daddy's here. It's ok", Chan tried to soothe but the little shook his head unable to calm down. "Can you tell daddy what's not ok?", again just a short shake of the head. The caregiver sighed taking his baby back to his bedroom pulling out a pacifier, Felix loved his pacifier. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he placed the paci between the little's lips and started humming softly. However, he didn't expect Felix to spit the paci out not shortly after, gasping for breath. He also didn't realize that the little wanted his paci but with a blocked nose it was just too difficult to breathe. Chan frowned running out of ideas to comfort his baby, so he just continued humming and stroking his back. After a while the younger had exhausted himself and was reduced to silent sniffles. "Are you ok now? It's only Minnie and Innie home with us right now, so it's alright if you're feeling a little shy today. The others went on a shopping trip and will probably gone till the evening. We can just stay here, we don't have to go to the playground if you'd rather have some privacy." Felix shook his head, lips starting to wobble again at the mention of the words trip and playground. How impatient had he been looking forward to going to the playground. Quickly changing the topic the older announced it was time to have breakfast receiving a small nod.

After a small trip to the bathroom to clean Lixxie's tearstained face, they were on their way to grab some food. Walking to the kitchen Chan wracked his brain to find an explanation for why his little was acting so strange. "So, what do you want to eat baby?", he asked but received no answer. The little just blinked at him sadly. The other two maknae-liners walked in as the leader placed Felix down on the countertop. Seungmin was carrying the stuffed bunny the little had dropped on the sofa earlier as he got picked up by his caregiver. "Is he alright now?", Jeongin asked worriedly. "I'm not sure. He's acting really strange and hasn't said a single word yet. Hm, Lixxie, you're worrying us, baby", Chan replied cupping the little's cheek and noticing his skin felt a bit warm. Holding the stuffy up, Seungmin stepped in front of his regressed member: "Cutie, can you tell Minnie how old you are?" Felix stopped making grabby hands for his bunny and held up four fingers. "Hmm, I thought he might be younger than usual, nonverbal...", Seungmin explained his question. Since Felix still hasn't voiced his desired breakfast, they had just settled for some toast. The four sat around the breakfast table, each of them deep in their own thoughts. Three of them trying to make sense of the young aussie's actions, said aussie trying to figure out how he could make the others see what he was struggling with. Chan cut the toast into small bitesize pieces and went to feed his baby. Lixxie opened his mouth wide suddenly realizing how hungry he was and forgetting about the ache in his throat. He was painfully reminded when he attempted to swallow, gagging on his food and only managing to get it down with a cringe. Tears streamed down his face again and made grabby hands for his caregiver. The older sat him on his lap and picked up another bite but Felix kept rejecting every kind of food they offered to him. Seungmin decided to give it one last try and filled one of the little's sippy cups with chocolate milk straight from the fridge. It seemed like a success when the little immediately started drinking. The cool milk wasn't hurting him as badly and the sweetness gave him a sense of comfort. Sadly, when he had finished the pain came back and he put the cup down flinching. This time though it didn't go unnoticed how his hand went up to rub at his throat. "Sweetie, is your throat hurting?", Chan concluded gently. Sniffling Felix gave a small nod and turned around to press his forehead against the caregiver's collarbone. "Aww, is my sunshine feeling icky?" Again, a nod followed by a weak cough. The leader got up with a sigh and carried his little over to the sofa. "Sorry it took me so long to figure it out, bub. Can you wait here for a minute? I'll just go grab you a blanket so we can get comfy and watch some cartoons to take your mind off. Alright?" After receiving a confirming nod he hurried off and soon returned to the ailing little waiting patiently on the sofa. The remaining two members finished their breakfast and cleared of the table.

While Chan gathered Lixxie up in a blanket and allowed the younger to get all cozy in his arms, the maknaes thought really hard to think of something helpful to do. Jeongin's face suddenly lit up and he started rummaging through the freezer with Seungmin watching over his shoulder curiously. After some digging the youngest held up a popsicle and smiled. "Hey, Lixxie, look what I found for you", The maknae beamed as he walked into the livingroom. Felix' smile mirrored Jeongin's and given he was still hungry he started to suck happily on the popsicle right away. Chan rewarded I.N. with a grateful and relieved smile patting the sofa next to him. As much as the two maknaes wanted to join the pair with their cartoons they already had a different plan. A quick check of the freezer proved they had now officially run out of popsicles which seemed to be the only thing their baby could eat at the moment. Whether it was a good idea to let the two use the kitchen on their own might be debatable but that's what they did. Gathering different fruit they found they started chopping away. By blending the fruit with some yoghurt and honey before freezing the mixture in plastic cups with a spoon in the middle they managed to make their own homemade popsicles. In the end they were really proud of the result and knowing their version of the treat would provide their beloved little with proper nutrients and the vitamins he'd need to get healthy again filled them with joy. It took some time to clean the mess in the kitchen but after finishing they finally got to join their friends and watch cartoons. With some persuasion Seungmin got Felix to climb into his lap instead of Chan's so the leader could have a well needed bathroom break and grab a bite for himself for which he didn't have the time earlier. Upon returning he found his little fast asleep in Seungmin's arms with Jeongin drawing shapes onto his back through the blanket. To say he was proud of his group and their dynamics didn't even get close to what he felt as he took in the sight and was finally able to relax himself.

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