Snow Angel🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Minho (age 4-5)

Caregiver: Stray Kids

No one's POV.:
The Christmas holidays were officially over and the stores opened again. Running out of food, Stray Kids decided to let a game of rock paper scissors determine which member had to go grocery shopping today. None of them were very fond of having to go out at the moment. There might not have been any snow but the temperature was still below zero degrees. The choice fell on Minho and the second oldest cursed his luck. He complied anyways, bundling up in a thick coat to keep himself warm. The store wasn't too far away, so he walked there. A short walk couldn't hurt after days of just eating. The wind picked up, ruffling the young idols hair and forcing him to huddle deeper into the warmth of his coat. By the time he made it to the store, the first few snowflakes were floating down.

The dancer took his time at the store, not really wanting to exit the shelter and warmth of the building while it was still snowing. He kept texting his members to tell him when it would stop snowing, while he strolled the aisles. As soon as Chan texted him that the coast was clear, Minho headed towards the checkout. He zipped up his coat and slung the bags of groceries over his shoulders. Exiting the store, the dancer was met with an entirely different sight than before. The snow didn't melt, it instead covered everything in a thick white layer. He couldn't help his lips forming a small 'o', as he admired the changed scenery. With a smile and a little bounce in his step, Minho started his walk towards the dorm, enjoying the way the snow crunched under his feet. He giggled as he jumped into a larger pile of snow. Only then did he realize he was slowly slipping into headspace. Yes, Minho was a little. He had told his members about it and they had accepted him, doing their own research on it, despite Minho telling them he didn't plan on regressing around them.

Feeling himself slowly slipping while being out in public alone, the dancer started to panic. He was fighting to stay big, at least till he made it home but it was getting harder with every step. When he was absolutely sure he wouldn't be able to make it, he pulled out his phone, calling the only hyung he had. It didn't take long for Chan to pick up. "H-Hyung?" – "What's up, mate?" – "I-I feel weally, I mean really small Channie-hyung" – "Wait! You mean you're slipping into headspace? Like... right now?" – "Sowwy hyungie, MinMin twied to stay big but thewe's so much snow" – "Minho, stay right where you are, ok? Hyungie's coming to get you. Just stay where you are." And with that the leader ended the call. He had heard the lisp getting progressively stronger as he talked to Minho and when he heard the other giggle at the end, he was certain he had lost the fight and slipped fully into headspace. "Guys, Minho slipped into headspace. I'll go run down the route to the store and pick him up, he has to be there somewhere between here and the store", Chan yelled, putting on his coat and boots and dashing out of the dorm.

The other members were pretty stunned, heading out as well. They had no experience with taking care of a little and were really caught off guard because Minho told them he didn't want to slip around someone. They took off running and soon caught up to a breathless Chan. They're fast, fearing for the safety of their regressed and making it to the store in no time. Nowhere along the way had they seen any sign of the dancer. Still panting and out of breath, the leader ordered them to split up and search the area around the store and around the dorm, as well as walk the stretch in between again, slower and more attentive this time. While seven Stay Kids were worried out of their minds, the mentally youngest Stay Kid was having the time of his life. Minho had found a lawn next to their dorm building which was covered with a thick layer of snow. He put down his grocery bags at the edge of the sidewalk and made his way to the center of the lawn, throwing himself into the snow sprawled out like a starfish. After a while of just lying there giggling to himself, the little started moving his arms through the snow creating a snow angel. He got up to look at his art work and disappointedly had to admit that the long coat he was wearing had ruined the shape.

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