He can help🌡️

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Sickie: Seungmin

Caregiver: Chan

Requested by: Kira_Lee1104 

No one's POV.:
It had been a long day for all of Stray Kids. They had had three interviews and finished the day with a grueling dance practice. All of them were happy when they finally returned to the dorm for the evening. While the members took turns showering, Chan and Minho cooked dinner for the group. The first who finished freshening up, were Jeongin and Felix, the two laid the table, so they'd all be able to eat as soon as everyone had their shower. Not really having had the time to eat a proper lunch, the members felt like they've been starving. Especially Seungmin had complained the entire way back that his stomach was slowly digesting itself if he didn't feed it anytime soon. Although now, that the food was on the food was on the table, his demeanor had changed completely. He didn't dig in immediately like one would expect him to. Instead, he seemed hesitant, being the last one to pick up his chopsticks.

Seungmin himself was confused. He remembered being unbearably hungry towards the end of their dance practice but now that the room was filled with the savory scent of their dinner and there was a plate in front of him, the food suddenly didn't seem as appetizing. His hunger seemed to have completely vanished and he couldn't figure out why. Maybe he was just past the point of being hungry and the uncomfortable churning in his guts were hunger pains, so Seungmin picked up his chopsticks and started to eat. Chewing on some grilled meat, he felt like eating was the wrong thing to be doing right now but he couldn't tell why. Minho certainly hadn't gone easy on them today and the second youngest still felt shaky, like he had completely out done himself over the last few hours. He forced himself to eat at least half of his meal before pushing the plate away and resting his aching head on his folded arms. "Seungmin, you've been complaining about starving the entire time and now you're now eating. Are you kidding me?", Minho frowned. Seungmin lifted his head and gave the dancer an angry glare, frowning: "Yah, hyung. You've wrecked us with practice today and now you blame me for being exhausted?" – "Aww, is our little puppy tired?", the second oldest mocked and Seungmin had to refrain from throwing his chopsticks at him. Chan only chuckled at the pair's bickering but was silently wondering why the younger didn't eat more of his dinner.

The truth was, the few bites Seungmin had pushed down, didn't seem to sit right with him. Yeah, he had felt sore and exhausted earlier, which was to be expected after dancing so much. His head had been hurting a bit too, that could also be explained by the length of their schedule but now that his stomach was feeling a bit off too, the vocalist started to get confused. Maybe he was just stressed and running himself down, maybe he was coming down with something. Either way, a good sleep was the key to fixing many problems and he was tired anyways, so it wouldn't be difficult to head to bed early tonight. Helping his members clear the table, Seungmin stayed in the kitchen a bit longer to make himself a cup of peppermint tea, which he took back to his room. "Good night, guys", he said, waving at the others watching TV in the living room. Hyunjin got up with a frown, approaching the younger: "You're already going to bed? It's still early, don't you want to join us?" – "Hyung, you were almost as bad as Minho-hyung today. Not everybody has as much stamina as you", Seungmin stated, rolling his eyes, "any other day, I'd love to join but I'm really tired, so I'll be turning in early today." – "Alright, alright", Hyunjin chuckled, hugging his dongsaeng, "sleep well, Minho and I will be quiet when we go to bed later." Seungmin's smile turned into a yawn, earning a smile from his hyung. With another small wave, he turned around and made his way to his room.

Originally, Seungmin had planned to just read another chapter of his book till he had finished his tea but feeling his head to heavy and eyes to sore to do so, he just put on his headphones and listened to Day6 on low volume, while sipping his tea. His back resting against the head board and his legs drawn close to his chest, he became more aware of the discomfort in his stomach, so he left a few sips of his tea and put the cup on the nightstand before turning of the light and wiggling down into a flat position, curled up on his side. As expected, it didn't take long for sleep to pull him under. To his disappointment though, Seungmin woke up again, almost as quickly as he had fallen asleep. A short glance over at his roommates' beds proved that he had in fact been asleep for quite some time, seeing them knocked out. He didn't have to search for long to find the reason for waking up at this ungodly hour. The slight discomfort in his abdomen had turned into something much worse and now his stomach was churning angrily. Cold sweat coated Seungmin's forehead and he could keep from shaking, feeling painfully cold. The vocalist nearly broke into tears. It had been a while since he had last felt this bad and back then, he was at home with his parents. His mom had made him tea and gave him a hot water bottle, while Seungmin was curled up on the couch, watching movies with his older sister. Now though, now he wasn't at home anymore. Despite living with more people than ever before, Seungmin felt alone and he hated to be alone when he was this sick.

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