Time For Hallowen

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I was watching the Halloween episode from TOTS Disney junior and I love the song. So I got an idea from it. Tackle, Vibe and Ferry are my ocs

"Tackle? Tackle where are you bud?" Diego said looking for his cub in the den. It was halloween and the slothes were taking the kids out for trick or treating. Diego searched near the blue flower bushes in their den and...

"BOO!" Tackle leaped out of bushes and Diego screamed spooked. The cub bursted out laughing as Diego relaxed and smirked at his cub. "Ha ha nice spook. You got me pretty good" Diego complimented him and the saber noticed his cub's costume. He had mud shaped like stripes on his fur, face and around his eyes. The scruff of fur on his head was messy and spiky.

"Hey hey I like the costume. Very wild" Diego said as Tackle made pounce pose. "Awesome right? I'm a weresaber! Roar!" Tackle explained and made a cub growl. Diego chuckled at his cub.

"Ok. Make sure you use that roar on Sid" Diego told him and rubbed his furry head. Tackle smirked at him and grabbed his trick or treat bag which was an open pumpkin with a saber face carved on it and a vine for the handle.

"Bye dad! Happy halloween!" Tackle told his dad as he ran out the den excited. Vibe and Ferry were waiting outside for their friend. "Ready for the fright of your lives?" Tackle told them excited. "Yeah!" Vibe and Ferry said excited as the trio ran off to join up with the other kids for the trick or treating.

"I love halloween. The mud paint. The spooking..." Tackle explained excited. Ferry was dressed as a badger and Vibe a werewolf. "And the treats. Don't forget the treats" Vibe reminded them excited as she licked her mouth, excited for the juicy berries and fruits.

"Halloween is awesome. And this year the Junior Herd will give the best spook ever tonight!" Ferry said excited and the three baby animals ran off ready and excited into the forest.

"It's time for halloween. It's time for halloween. Happy halloween to you. Oooooh" Ferry sang as he noticed Vibe and Tackle missing and looked around confused. "Boo!" Vibe popped up behind a large piece of ice that made her bigger and Ferry ran spooked.

"I love the way....that jack o lanterns flickeer" Vibe sang as she got behind a pumpkin and her ears wagged.

"I love the spooky wooly feeling in the aiiiirr" Ferry sang as he climbed up a tree and made some fireflies fly off.

"Trick or treat. Down the streets. We get oh so many sweeets" Tackle sang as he carved three pumpkins with his claws. And Ferry popped up behind him

"And I know that when super silly costumes everywhere!" Ferry sang and the trio got behind each of the three pumpkins.

"Then it's time for halloween! It's time for halloween!" They sang and turned the pumpkins around, the carving designs were them.

The three kids ran to a log and slided down on it "Flying on a witch's broom. Ooooh" they sang as they got back down to the ground and danced along the way.

"I love halloween! It's time for halloween. Happy halloween to you!" They finished the song.

"Hey look. There's Sid and Brooke" Ferry told them and they could see from afar the sloth couple with the other baby animals. "Come on!" Tackle said excited and the three kids ran to them laughing.

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