I love you

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"Come on buddy!" "No" Diego was walking away faster from Sid,the sloth kept urging him to tell Shira about his feelings.It had only been a couple of months and almost a year but Diego didn't was too scared to admit it...or admit how scared he was."Sid either you stopping following me or I'm gonna stop controlling my temper" the saber turn to the sloth growling until he bumped into Manny"Hey!" The mammoth turn around with a glare until realizing who it was " Sorry Manny""Manny buddy convince Diego here to tell Shira" Sid whispered but not good enough.
"Diego's POV"

"Alright!That's it!" I pounced on Sid baring my fangs at him"Manny!""Ok ok knock it off" Manny grabbed me by his truck putting me a little far away from Sid,"I'm gonna say this has to do with Shira" I knew arguing with him would be pointless so I sighed in defeat " Ok fine I love Shira but I can't figure how to tell her" My ears were down and I didn't want to make any eye contact " Hey relax buddy.Look there's nothing to be ashamed about falling in love ok.I mean I felt nervous to tell Ellie how I felt but it actually turn out great so come on.You two have lots in common,you were the only one to convince her to join us so maybe you have a great chance to tell her and she might feel the same way" Manny told and with a deep breath I made my choice " I'm gonna tell her...tonight" I said it with a confident smile and my two friends cheered for me wishing me luck.
Nighttime arrives
"Shira's POV"

I was on my to the cave,see the whole herd sleep in this huge cave with a lot of space in it.While I was on my way there, I spotted Softie coming towards my way " Going to sleep?""Yep" I yawned a bit and said goodnight to him walking past him but suddenly he blocked my path " actually Shira I wanna talk to you about something""Can it wait until morning?"'Shira please it's just really important and I want it to be between you and me" I stared at him and he seem desperate I looked back the cave half of me begging to sleep but other half telling me to go with him and find out what Warrior Princess is up to "ok"
"Third Person's POV"

The silver fur saber followed the brown one as he took her to an open clearing it was a little far from the cave but it had some flowers and the most beautiful thing about it was that it had an amazing view of the stars and the moon.Diego lied down on the grass motioning Shira to sit next to him " This is a nice spot you pick""Eh I just come here when I need to clear my head or getaway from Sid and the possums" Shira laughed at the last part before staring at the stars " It's beautiful""Yeah" Diego wasn't referring the view but referring to Shira,she was the most beautiful thing he ever saw her turqouise eyes sparkled so much that Diego can literary see the stars right there.
"Shira's POV"

"So Mister Tough Guy,why did you bring me here?" I asked him focusing on him " Uh well you see I just um I..." I cocked an eyebrow at him but he suddenly just huffed and look down"Diego?""I'm sorry it's just it's really hard to tell you how much I love you" My ears perked and cheeks blushing...Diego loves me?"Diego you actually love me?"
"Diego's POV"

I lifted my head realizing I just told her,she looked at me wanting an answer so taking a deep breath I told her exactly how I feel.
"Shira's POV"

"Listen Shira,when I first saw you on that iceberg I fell in love with you.I mean I did enjoy teasing you when we rescue you but when I chased you, I was impressed by fast you were and clever enough to try and slow me down like with that tree branch or that log.You even have skills I don't like climbing on that steep hill now that impressed me.But when you risked yourself to save me and my friends I was upset cause I thought I would never see you again" My cheeks were blushing like crazy but I stared at Diego with sympathy when he said the last part I felt the same thing when I made that risk " But when I saw you again I was glad you were still alive but I was a little worried when I saw you struggle to get up.It really touched my heart when you fought on my side and I was glad when you asked me if you can still join our herd."
"Third Person's POV"

"Your not like any saber I met Shira.Your strong,clever,beautiful and brave.And I feel like I found someone who understands me a little better and can catch up with me,I mean it's nice to have another saber around but you...having you in the herd was the best thing that ever happen to me." Shira was speechless but her heart was touched she had no clue Diego felt that way about her,she started to smile and had her eyes focus on Diego.
"Diego's POV"

Ok.I finally mange to get that all out now for the scary part...what Shira's gonna say."Hey Diego""Yeah?Whoa!" I didn't expect her to pounce on me all of a sudden,she smiled at me really gently before leaning towards my ear whispering"Diego I feel the same thing.When you chased me at Switchback Cove,I was surprised and impressed by how you were able to get pass all the obstacles I threw at you and keep going even when I thought I manage to get away.And when you gave me water even though I was your prisoner,it really touched my heart and when you told me that Gutt wasn't looking for me it really made me start to think.At first I wasn't sure but when you said I would be safe with you and the herd I felt touched in my heart and after defeating Gutt I was..."I stared back at Shira as she moved her head away from my ear to face me " I was really glad you still considered having me in your herd".
"Third Person's POV"

Diego couldn't belive his own ears,Shira loved him back " So you love me back huh Kitty?" He smirked at her as she smirked back at him smugly"Would I be lying?""Only if you were still a pirate" the two sabers laughed at that but Shira didn't see it coming when suddenly Diego flipped her on her back having the brown saber on top.He licked Shira under her chin which was actually very ticklish and it made her giggle,music to Diego's ears"Diego!Stop!It tickles!" He just kept going until Shira then manage to press her lips on his surprising the male saber,her eyes were close and Diego closed his the two enjoying their first kiss before breaking for air " Love you Softie" Shira whispered lovingly as she stared at her new boyfriend her eyes sparkling,"Love you too Kitty" He nuzzled her with so much affection before the two wound up falling asleep with eachother under the stars.

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