Tackle and Tyto (request)

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Request from Glaceons700101

Diego and Tackle's grandpa Tyto had return from a hunt. Tackle and his cousins were eating rabbit while Diego and Tyto rested nearby.

Tackle was tearing up the meat like he was hunting prey. Their was a ball near his hind leg. Tackle was playing ball with his cousins earlier before lunch.

The cub pulled on the rabbit hard and his hind leg knocked the ball away and it rolled off. Tackles ears perked up and he looked at the ball, watching it roll away. "Runaway ball!" Tackle yelled and his cousins looked away from their meals and at the ball.

Tackle ran after the ball with his cousins following him from behind, the cubs chased after it as it rolled around a corner. Tackle got to that corner and he stopped, catching his breath and watching the ball roll.

The ball rolled to his grandpa who was still asleep. Tackle's cousins arrived and they gasped when they saw where the ball was. Tackle walked over but Carlos leapt in front of him, blocking the way.

"Carlos what's wrong?" Tackle asked concerned. "We should wait until grandpa wakes up and leaves that spot" Carlos advised him, his ears down nervous. Tackle tilted his head to the right, one ear down as he looked confused and raised an eyebrow.

"What? Why?" Tackle asked puzzled. "Grandpa's not the warm fuzzy kind of grandpa" Camilla commented nervously as Camo nodded. "Yeah. Plus he doesn't like being messed with" Camo added.

Tackle shrugged it "Guys I had to face rouge sabers, coyotes, dinosaurs and pirates. I think I can handle grandpa" Tackle told them calmly and just walked past Carlos, the three cubs watching him nervously.

Tackle walked over casually to the sleeping saber while his three cousins stood far, watching nervously. The cub was so close to the old saber that he could hear the soft and relaxed deep breathing.

Tackle looked at the ball. It was next to Tyto's paw. Tackle's cousins watched anxiously. If Tackle woke up Tyto, he could be in trouble.

Tackle brought his little paw on the ball and rolled it but the moment his paw touched it, the ball rolled and Tackle slipped his paw and he bumped onto Tyto's paw, the old saber started stirring.

Tackle's cousins quickly hid behind the rock. Tyto opened his eyes tiredly and spotted Tackle, the two stared at eachother.

Tackle's cousins slowly peeked out afraid. "Sorry I woke you up grandpa" Tackle apologized calmly. Tyto lifted his head and stared at him emotionless while Tackle looked at him.

"Yaawwwwn" Tyto let out a big yawn, his mouth wide amd and open showing his saber teeth. Tyto smiled at the cub gently and gave him a lick on the cheek. His cousins stared in amazement and dumbfounded. It was so rare to see Tyto so gentle.

Tyto noticed the ball and looked at his grandson, now understanding why the cub was here. Tyto smiled at him and rolled the ball to him with his nose and Tackle smiled at him and placed his paw on the ball.

"Hey wanna play with us?" Tackle offered chill and Tyto chuckled at him "Sure. I need to stretch out these old muscles" Tyto said as he stood up and stretch.

"Hey guys. Grandpa's gonna play with us" Tackle called out as he and Tyto walked over. The other cubs relaxed and ran off with Tackle and Tyto to play.

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