Diega and Shiro's cub genderbend(request)

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A request from SmashBrosFan102. We got Ellie and Tackle(my oc)in this one so the genderbend name I pick is Eli

"How you feeling Diega?" Mannie asked Diega with Shiro and Eli. Diega was pregant and Mannie had been by her side the whole time. "I'm fine. Just a lot of contractions" she told the mammoth.

"If you think the contractions are bad, her mood swings are much worser" Shiro added smirking with Eli by his side.

Diega then looked at Mannie smirking "He's right. Everytime my mood swings kick in, he gets terrified" Diega commented and she and Mannie giggled and wiggled and they bumped their rumps together.

Shiro and Eli just looked at them annoyed "women" Eli said. "Women" Shiro said the same thing.

But then Diega stopoed giggling. She sensed a sudden pain kick in her stomach and it was growing. "Ah!" She said in pain with her eyes shut.

"Diega?" Shiro said worried and concern, his annoyed face changed to worry. Mannie and Eli looked at their friend worried all of a sudden as Diega hissed in pain.

"Shiro!" Diega tried to tell him something but then another sting kicked in her stomach. "What's wrong?" Shiro asked worried for his mate.

"I think the cub's coming! NOW!" Diega told them alarmed. "WHAT!" All three of them said panic. "Mannie! We need to get Diega back to the den now!" Shiro said serious and alarmed.

"I'm on it! Hang on!" Mannie said serious and grabbed Diega with her trunk and rushed fast to the den with Eli and Shiro behind her. Shiro was so worried for Diega. All he could think about was if she and their unborn cub would be ok through the delivery. He was hopinh for it. Diega and their cub were everything to him.

They made it to the den where Mannie entered it. Diega kept groaning in pain and Shiro stood outside worried and afraid. He started panicing and pacing "What do I do? What do I do?" Shiro asked him worried and freaking out. "Shiro calm down" Eli tried to calm him down.

"How?!" Shiro asked him panicing, his ears flat. "All you could do is be by her side" Eli advised her and his advice actually calmed Shiro down. 'He's right. Diega needs me by her side' he thought in his head and entere the den.

He went around Mannie and got to Diega who was lying down. It hurted him to see Diega in pain. Her eyes were shut tight and he saw the sweat on her fur and she hissed in pain. "Deep breaths Diega. Deep breaths" Mannie advised her.

"Diega" Shiro's voice came up and Diega opened her eyes and looked at her mate. Shiro sat down to her level and he smiled at her assuringly and he slowly placed his forehead on hers, nuzzling her. It brought comfort to Diega and she nuzzled back. She started to calm down.

"Deep breathes ok?" Shiro told her "I'm scared Shiro" Diega told him and he saw the fear in her green eyes. "Me too. But we've been through worse" he added and Diega smiled at him. It made her feel better. "Thanks I needed that" she told him

"Ok get ready" Mannie told them "I'm right here ok. It's gonna be fine" Shiro told her as he put his chin on top of her head and placed his paw on hers to give her comfort.

"Ok 1...2...PUSH!" Mannie said and Diega growled in pain, her teeth clenched and her eyes shut tight. She nuzzled under Shiro for comfort. Shiro shut nuzzled her to comfort her but then "ack!" Shiro said in pain as something stung him. Diega had retracted her claws right in his paw. For now, Shiro wasn't bother. He just wanted his mate to be ok.

After a couple minutes, their cub was born.

"It's a girl!" Shiro heard Mannie say. Diega finally let go of his paw and Shiro quickly stepped back to lick his paw. Then, his ears twitched at these small little cub squeaks and he looked back at his mate.

Diega was cradling their cub in her paws, smiling big. Shiro walked over to his mate slowly so he wouldn't bother her or their cub. Diega looked at him and giggled. "Shiro it's ok. Don't you wanna see our cub? You are the dad" she told him teasingly.

Shiro looked at the cub in her paws. It was small little cub with gray and white fur like him but she had brown stripes like her mom. Shiro smiled at her warmly as he nuzzled her lovingly "She's beautiful" he commented and then the little cub let out a small sneeze.

"So what should name her?" He asked as Diega watched the small cub pawed at his nose. "Hey hey look. She's trying to tackle my nose" Shiro said as he rubbed his nose in his cub's stomach. But what he just said at the tackle part made Diega smiled.

"Let's name her Tackle" she said and Shiro looked at her surprised. "Tackle?" He said confused as he looked at her. But then he looked back at their cub who was touching his big paw. He smiled warmly at her.

"Tackle. I like it" he told her as he lied down behind her and letted her rest on him.

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