Mood Swings (request)

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Another request from cheetah100704

Diego was dragging his prey with his teeth back to the den. Once he was inside the den, he dropped the prey on the ground and the saber panted exhausted. It was an exhausting and not so easy hunt for the poor cat. "Well you took your sweet time"

Diego groaned annoyed when an annoyed voice came up. It was Shira. Because of her pregnancy, she couldn't hunt and rarely left the den so Diego had to be the one getting them food. He looked at his mate who was lying there with an annoyed face.

"It wasn't an easy hunt Shira" Diego told her irritated. "Yeah because you can't do a hunt without me" she told him rudely and ticked off. Lately the she saber had been going through mood swings which made her really...moody. And not in the best way.

"And how am I suppose to eat if the food's far away from me?" She asked and Diego facepalmed annoyed. "You could walk over to it" he told her trying to stay calm and not get ticked off. He knew the mood swings were from the pregnancy but it was really getting on his nerves.

"Hello! Did you forget or something? I'm pregnant furbrain! Dragged the meal over here!" She shouted all bossy, her voice echoing in the den. Diego huffed annoyed and he dragged the prey closer to his cranky mate.

Just as he was abour to lie down and eat, Shira had pulled the food with her teeth and away from him. "No way! This is mine. I get first bites!" She told him selfishly and started tearing the food up fiercely. Diego stared at her surprised by how she was acting.

He stood up angryily and growling. "You and I are suppose to share that like always! What am I suppose to eat?!" He asked her furious and then Shira stood up and snarled at him "Go hunt one for yourself idiot!" She shouted at him and went back to eating. Diego let out a fustrated roar and stormed out of the den.

"What happened in there?" Diego was spooked a little when Sid's voice came up. Sid and Ellie were walking by when they heard the two sabers.

Diego groaned even more annoyed "Were we that loud?" He asked and Ellie didn't wanna answer that but Sid...

"Oh yeah you guys were loud" Sid said oblvious that he was this close to being saber food. Diego growled and probably would've pounced on Sid if Ellie had intervene "Let me guess. Shira's mood swings bugging you?" Ellie asked and Diego sighed, nodding yes.

Ellie smiled at him calmly "Don't worry tough guy. Mood swings are normal. Sure they get on your nerves and Shira might be a bit over in her mood swings. But you gotta hang in there Diego cause in the end, that hard exhausting work is gonna pay off and you two are gonna have a beautiful little baby" Ellie told him and her words made Diego feel better.

"Thank you Shira" he told her and he was gonna go hunt when someone called him "Diego?" He turned around and saw Shira standing at the entrance of the den.

His eyes widen in worry, she hadn't stepped out of the den for a while. "I thought you went hunting. Anyway can you come back please?" Shira asked calmly and Diego, confused, followed her.

"Are you ok?" He asked a little worry, just because he was mad didn't mean he wouldn't worry about her. "I'm fine" she told him lying down, she felt with the baby bump she felt heavy and slow.

Diego spotted the left overs and his eyes widen. There was actually a lot of leftover prey left. "I left the rest for you" Shira told and Diego was more surprised that she saved him some food and it now made sense why she left the den. "And Diego. I'm really sorry how I was acting. I mean I'll admit I do feel tired but I wasn't thinking that you might be tired too. I'm so sorry" she apologized to him.

Diego was surprised and he wasn't sure if it was her mood swings or not but he smiled that she thought about him and left some food. His head lower and he kissed her cheek "It's ok. Besides me getting tired and you getting all cranky.." he said and Shira chuckled at that part.

"It will all be worth when our cub comes out. I know it" he told her confident and they both smiled at eachother. Shira looked sleepy and Diego nuzzled her before she fell asleep and he went to eat the leftovers.

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