Parallel Genderbend Universe (request)

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Request from Tienpatinwon

"Oooooh my head" Diego groaned as his head throbbed. He lifted his head up, holding it in pain. His green eyes blinked a few times to clear his blurry vision as he tried to make out where he was. It looked like the same place he was in.

"What...happened?" He asked himself, trying to remember what happened. Last thing he recalled was Buck had brought a weird crystal from his world. He said that he heard a story the crystal can take one to another parallel universe. Before he could say to be careful, the possum brothers played a prank and there was light that flashed and it knocked Diego out.

"Buck? Possums? Shira?" He called out as he got up on his feet. The surroundings looked familiar though. He sniffed the air to find their scents. There was one that smelled similar to Shira's. He followed the direction and to his relief, her scent was getting stronger.

As he got closer, he saw somewhere among the green grass a silver back with stripes. He quickened his pace but when he arrived somethingade him froze in his tracks. Shira was there, lying on the ground. But she wasn't alone. There was another saber that strongly looked just like her. Same fur color and stripes. It was male though.

He was sniffing Shira, checking to see if she was alright. But to to Diego, he thought that saber had hurt Shira and he glared at the stranger. Seeing the long green grass, he quietly went inside and stalked closer to this trepasser. He manage to bring himself  closer to those two while still trying to stay hidden.

The stranger cocked his head confused but his noe caught of a scene familiar yet different and he scanned the green grass in front of him. He was getting suspicious. Diego thought to himself that he if had to pounce, it would be now.

He quickly leaped out of his hiding spot, roaring and went to make the pounce. However....


Someone body slammed into Diego from the side and he hit the ground. He scrambled back up to his feet to see who it was. It was female saber witht exact fur color as him and green eyes. She looked too much like him and that made him feel something off.

Shaking his head, he snarled at her and charged at her. They fought eachother fiercely as she swatted his face a couple times and he did the same.

"Diega!" The male silver saber called out alarmed and he snarled at Diego before pouncing on him. "Back off" he snarled at the brown cat below. Diego snarled at him angrily. "You back off from my mate!" Diego told him furiously and pushed him off. The girl saber went to attack Diego from behind so Diego was facing two sabers from both sides.

Meanwhile, Shira started stirring and regained her consciousness. She lifted her up and as her vision cleared to find her mate fighting two strangers. "Diego!" She called out alarmed, quickly getting up and charging at the other silver saber.

Shira wrestled the other one fiercely, snarling at him as he snarled at her back but when the two got a good look at eachother, they ceased their fighting. Shira realized that this guy looked strangely but exactly like her. Silver fur and stripes. Blue eyes. She glanced at his ear and so two blue earrings that looked so much like hers.

"You look like me" she said confused, scanning for something different but no, other than the genders. "Yeah" the other one said but the two heard the two brown sabers struggling as Diego pinned Diega.

"Hey hey hey! Don't touch my Diega!" He shouted at him and pushed him off, snarling a warning. Diego roared at him angrily and was about to pounce again but Shira got between him and stopped him. "Wait a minute Diego" she told him, starting to realize something was up.

The silver saber turned to Diega with worry. "Diega you ok?" He asked her worried. "Ya. I'm alright Shiro" she assured him, giving him a nuzzle to assure him. But when she saw Diego, her eyes widen, realizing he looked a lot like her. "Whoa. You look like me. And Shiro, this girl looks like you" Diega commented surprised as the four cats looked at eachother with the feeling of deja vu.

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